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• 1978-08-30
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Member Since
• 2005-10-01
• community school
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• Triel 
• I have two beautiful girls :)
Anime Fan Since
• 1999
Favorite Anime
• All of them :) 
• Go back to school and become a Marine Biologist studying sharks
• reading,writting,watching anime,, beign with my kids :)
• I have a talent for trouble :) and being evil :)
| SesshomaruMistres
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Too sick to talk :(

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love
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Hello everyone, how are you? Me myself and I are pretty bad right now :( My throat hurts soooo bad that I can't even talk today :( I want to update my L'oloth site and change layouts, but I doubt I will today :( I will make a deadline for the ICS poem contest next Monday, so be sure to check my site :) I just got done watching all of DNAngel, though i'm sad that it's over with I can't help but love the anime :) So I think the Yuri theme will have to wait a couple weeks, cause I really want to do a DNAngel theme :) Fear not though I will do a Yuri theme after my DNAngel okies? Here's a question for you... what anime do you think I should watch now? Please don't answer with an anime that you know is on cartoon network :) I've seen all of Fruits Basket ( must watch ), and all of DNAngel ( must watch )... and of course the anime that have been on cartoon network :) Take care, I hope your day is better than mine :) *hugs*
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Friday, March 10, 2006
ICS Poem Contest Update

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love
Hello everyone, as the title says this post is an update on the poem contest. A couple people are asking if they've missed the deadline for the poem contest, the answer is no... the ICS Poem Contest is still open for entry :) I haven't even thought about a deadline for the entries yet, though it's possible that Monday I might make one. So please keep working on your poem and send it in to me when you can okies? I have three poems that I know of right now, and i'd like to at least have 5 before I even make a deadline... do make sure to check here or the ICS contest page on Monday to see if i've made a deadline :) And one other thing to address, a couple people have wondered when i'll do my Yuri theme... the only thing I can say on that is that right now i'm looking for yuri pics ( if you have any please feel free to send those to me, since I have limited time to search the web for them ) and wallpaper. So once i've gathered enough pics and picked out my wallpaper i'll change my theme to Yuri :) I won't be able to visit sites today :( I just stopped by to answer a couple questions :) I hope that they will still permit me to work today even though i'm sick :( If not and they send me home I might stop by a couple sites, do take care and thanx for asking questions about the contest, I like to know that people are interested in the ICS :) *hugs*
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
YAY for over 800 hits :)

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love

Uchiha Itachi is Killer Love
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Hello everyone, how are you so far? I'm not feeling too good right now :( I think i'm getting what hubby had, I just hope the kids don't get it :( I want to thank everyone for coming by my site, I never thought i'd get over 800 hits when I started here. But that just shows what I know *L*. To all of you who came and left no trace... fine be that way but your visit still counts so meh hehe :) I should be able to visit more sites today ( hubby stayed home sick yesterday, it was annoying at times but he had video games so it turned out okies ). It seems I have to make a new blog for the poems or i'll have to find a decent BG for them :( But the poems that I have for the contest are already put up on the ICS contest page if your interested :) For the most part my theme has been decided, it's Yuri YAY :) I'm sure the guys will love it hehe :) But here's a question for you... who's your fav. yuri pairing? I"ve heard a lot about Ino and Sakura, but I don't like Sakura at all :( So i'm going to go with a cross over of Inuyasha's Kikyou and Naruto's Hinata :) I think they'd be good because Kikyou is firm and knows what she wants ( and goes after what she wants too ), she doesn't talk much... and Hinata is timid and usually too afraid to talk hehe, gotta love the domination and willing submissive thing :) Take care *hugs*
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
subject...must I?

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love
Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm doing okies so far :) My friend did join theOtaku, his nick is Wakaru Shin ( though he hasn't put up anything yet, i'll just threaten him with ketchup and see if that gets him doing something ). Anyways, i'll be putting up the couple poem entries that i've recieved later today ( i'm going to have to work with some blog coding to get it right, so please be patient with me ). I'm going to have supper with my mom tonight :) She's making one of my favorite meals ( home made beef and noodles *drools* ). I need some help, for anyone who's interested I need someone to help me with my L'oloth site. If you'd like to please write a little about your favorite anime, vid. game, and or manga and please send it to me. You'll get full credit for your report of course :) Thanx to anyone who wants to help me :) I'm doing pretty good, I like my job so far... the people are nice and most of them are anime fans YAY :) I look forward to seeing more poem entries, and some reports so to speak on your anime/games/manga :) I'll visit as many sites as I possibly can today, and thanx to everyone who likes and supports my yaoi theme :) Here's a question for you guys... what should my next theme be ? I was thinking Yuri ( female/female relations ) since i've done the guy/guy theme. Take care *hugs*
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
More Information on the ICS Poem Contest

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love
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Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm doing okies so far :) A friend is supose to come over today and treat us to ice cream YAY :) Not sure when i'll get back but i'll let you guys know how it went :) I will be visiting some sites today YAY for you hehe :) But it will be late when I do BOO :( But anyways Yensid brought up a very good question about the poem contest, so i'm here to let you all know the question and the answer ( if your still confused or have something else to ask pm or email me the question and i'll be sure to answer it ). Her question is if she could put her poem on a graphics of her making ( or a pic that you like ), the answer is yes.... I will display your poem however you want me to, but know that it will not help nor will it hinder you in anyway. And to make sure of this I will be the only judge of this contest, no offence to any of my friends or visitors who come here to vote. Fear not entries, I have had several of my poems published in the past, so I know what to look for :) To anyone who wants to know what i'll judge on it's simple, one has to be able to feel the words in a poem, reading them is easy, but feeling the words the writter has written is harder. So long as you write from your heart you'll do great in the contest :) Good luck to all entries *hugs*
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Real quick question
Heya, real quick like does anyone play Ragnarok ( not sure on spelling sorry )? I'm thinking about trying it out and wanted to know if anyone I know is on it. I will be gone all day today and tommorow :( But i'll try to comment on a couple sites *hugs*
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Monday, February 27, 2006
New Contest for the ICS :)

Sasuke x Naruto is Love

Gaara is Love
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Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm doing okies so far :) It seems a friend of mine might be joining us on theO :) I'll let you all know if he decides to join us. Well as the subject says I have a contest for the ICS, so far i've loved the contests that we've held ( but I think somethings missing ). I know a lot of people have written some kick ass poems and fan fics, so this time around we're not going to have a graphcis contest. The new contest that begins today, right now, at this very moment is.......... The First Ever ICS POEM Contest :) You can write about whatever you want, keep in mind it's a poem and not a fan fic so don't make it too long okies. I'm really not sure how much time to give you guys on this considering the possibility of writters block ( BOO ), so this time we're going to do the entries a bit differently. Email me or pm me letting me know how long you need to write the poem you want, i'll go with the longest time, and if need be i'll permit 3-5 extra days. Sound fair enough? Good glad to hear it :) So what are you still doing here? Get to writting :) Take care everyone *hugs*
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
ICS Enter/Welcome Sign Winners

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Hello everyone, how are you? I feel like i'm going to get sick :( Work is not going as good as I had hoped :( But I hope to change that this weekend. Because of work, the kids, the house, and wanting some free time for myself, i'm afraid i'm going to have to cut the time i'm on here short :( I will be able to comment on your sites only two days a week :( I will post probably those same days, unless something interesting or important is happening with a contest or something from the ICS or L'oloth. I know for a fact that Thursday will be one of those days that I comment ( unless something happens with work and they want me to come in ), but I also know for a fact that I will not be on during the weekend. Sorry that I have to shorten my time here, but I have no choice in the matter :( But enough of my rambling, i'm sure you all want to know the winners of the ICS enter/welcome sign contest :) So I shall leave you with this question: Would you rather see a writting contest, or another graphics contest from the ICS, and what kind? The winners are posted below with their graphics :) Congrats to all entries, and I hope you decide to take part in the next ICS contest :) *hugs*
1ST PLACE - HardLuckWoman -
2ND PLACE - Shishou -
3RD PLACE - HalfDemonNegi -
DemonKiller - Kougasgurl01 - MiasmaMoon

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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Hello everyone, how are you? I'm sorry about yesterday, I had a migraine last night, hubby didn't go to work, and we were out most of the night running around, so I only got to like one or two sites :( Time seems to be against me lately, but i'll get to as many as I can today :) No Jack-Ass Award today, instead I made a little comic ( sort of ) with Naruto avi's WARNING IF YOU LIKE SAKURA/SASKE DON'T READ, it'll be below this post. ICS NEWS: I should have a poll up with the names and signs tommorow or Thursday. Oh yes, most of you celebrate this so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY :) Question for you : If you could be in any anime, what one would you like to be in? Wow, I asked a really tough question :( Me, myself, and I would have to say... Inuyasha :) Come on, I have to meet my dear Lord Sesshomaru, wouldn't mind meeting Naraku ( provided I would live to tell the tale ). Take care *hugs*

"Naruto, what are you doing? Leave Sasuke alone"

"Sakura stop it, leave Naruto alone. It was just a lovers spat"

"WHAT?! That can't be true"


"Come here Naruto"

"NO, no no no no, my Sasuke NO"
That's right Sakura, you just lost your Sasuke :) You know what that means hehe... YOUR OUTTA HERE!!!


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Monday, February 13, 2006

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Post Time: 12:25 pm
Hello everyone, how are you? So far so good for me :) I got to as many sites as I could last night, but i'll be sure to get to more today :) TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR ANY ENTRIES IN THE ICS ENTER/WELCOME SIGN CONTEST. I have to rush off and take my girl to school, take care everyone *hugs*
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