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Sunday, February 12, 2006

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Post Time: 12:25 pm
Just testing out my new theme, before anyone goes ballistic or religious on me, I warned you at the top of my page what this site's theme was and what it meant. I also said if you don't like it go away for a while, and if you want to report me, well I have news for you... I got this wallpaper from theOtaku, and there isn't a thing wrong with the pics I use. If you want to talk about the theme I have no prob with it, I just got into yaoi a couple weeks ago. However if all your going to do is bitch about how it's not right blah, blah, blah then don't waste your time typing, I won't read it, and if you post a comment I don't like it won't be there after I see it. For many this is a touchy subject, but for me it's simple, people like it, people are going to do it, you don't like it, don't look. Ok I think i'm done for now, I might visit a couple sites if time and children permit, again I ask please be kind with your comments and/or pm's, i've never gotten any rude pm's and only one rude comment... i'd like to keep it this way. Take care *hugs*
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Thursday, February 9, 2006

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Post Time: 11:30 am
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm doing okies, I am very sorry I wasn't able to visit more sites last night :( I had a lot of running around to do, and when I got home I was tired and didn't do anything but make supper. But all I have to do today is clean the house, so i'll have more time to stop by sites today :) MONDAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR ENTRIES IN THE ICS ENTER/WELCOME SIGN CONTEST. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEND THOSE ENTRIES TO ME :) Question for you guys, what anime do you think adult swim should put on? I would love to see Fruits Basket or Chobits on adult swim :) Take care *hugs*
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Subject? I don't think so :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm doing pretty good so far :) Yesterday was my littlest girl's Bday :) I took her to wal-mart to pick out her presents, and I also got what I needed for my first day of work :) I go in today and get my schedule, i'm very nervous about starting this job. I'm not sure when i'll have the time to visit sites today, but i'll be sure to visit as many as I can :) I'm starting to get things ready for my next theme, and since I don't know how much time i'll have to work on graphics i've decided to make as many themes as possible. I hope that after a couple paychecks i'll have enough to actually buy a graphics program :) Again please be sure to send in your entries for the ICS enter/welcome sign contest :) Question for you all : what's your fav kind of anime? Me, myself, and I prefere things like Inuyasha and Samurai Champloo that are set back in time. Take care *hugs*
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Jack-Ass Award and ICS enter/welcome sign info.

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Post Time: 10:35 am
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm doing pretty good so far :) I hate waking up, but other then that i'm okies :) As promised I have a Jack-Ass Award for you today :) And I should have one for you guys every Tuesday :) This one you guys might have actually seen online, if you did please let me know okies : A cocaine dealer put up a website, not unusual right? What you don't know; It actually says on his website that he's selling cocaine, but it gets worse... He actually put his real name and phone number done to contact WTF?! Of course police called and set up a bust, and of course like all idiots he fell for it. He is currently in jail awaiting trial ( can you believe he's actually going to trial ). Here's a little hint for you morons out there; If your going to do something illegal... make it difficult for people to know it's you doing it!!! I will be on later today to visit sites, if I don't get to yours i'm sorry but I still have things I need to fill out for work, and I have to take them in. THERE IS ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT IN THE ICS ENTER/WELCOME SIGN CONTEST. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEND YOUR ENTRY TO ME BY PM ( the Url ) OR BY EMAILING IT TO ME, THERE'S AN EMAIL LINK IN MY MENU AND AGAIN ON THE CONTACT ME PAGE ON THE ICS. Take care everyone, oh and for anyone who was worried that I might leave theO because of the job, fear not i'll just be working the weekends fri, sat, sun, and any day someone calls needing me to work for them ( provided I can get a babysitter ). You guys are stuck with me for awhile :) *hugs*
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Friday, February 3, 2006
I got it I got it oh yeah yeah yeah :)
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Post Time: 10:20 am
Hello everyone, I just had to come on to let you guys know that I GOT THE JOB :) YAY I finally got the job :) Though now I have tons of paper work to fill out lol. Take care everyone, see you Monday :) *hugs*
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Subject... you have been damned :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm tired :( I thought i'd come on and let you know that I probably won't be online till Monday :( I know I won't be able to post until then anways, I have a couple freinds coming over Saturday and my house is a mess :( I also might be getting a job soon *crosses fingers*. I have two new video games, 5 old games I need to finish, 7 new books, and 2 old books I need to read as well. So i've decided to take a little time off and do these things :) I'll try to stop by a couple sites if I can, and i'll still answer my posts :) I have a pretty funny Jack-Ass Award for you guys when I post again :) I'm sure some of you have missed my strange sense of humor for the Jack-Ass Awards :) But i'm happy to say that they should make a come back starting monday :) I hope your all doing good, and i've decided to give you guys 2 more weeks on the enter/welcome sign contest :) I hope to get some more entries soon :) If you have any questions about the contest please pm me. And be sure to tell anyone that might be interested in entering about it okies? Okies well heres a question for you guys : If you could be doing anything at this moment, what would it be? Me, myself, and I would want to be swimming with the sharks of the coast of some warm tropical island :) Take care all see you monday *hugs*
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Will the subject never leave? Is it destined to always annoy me? Oh it is, damn :(

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Post Time: 10:20 am
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm alive :) Not much to say right now. I found a kick ass comic about Itachi from Naruto :) It's below my post, if you made this please let me know, i'll give you full credit :) I don't like hubby's shift change :( But I can't do anything about it :( I won't be able to visit sites until late today, but i'll visit all I can :) Hope you enjoy the comic :) Question for you : Who's your fav. Naruto character and why? Mine is Itachi, I haven't seen him in the show yet :( But come on, look at him, he's got pure evil written on his sexy face :) Take care *hugs*
I did not make this, but I love it :)
My poor Itachi, no need to be single, kill my hubby and we're in the clear :) LOL *hugs*
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Damn the subject is still here :(

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Post Time: 10:35 am
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm still not feeling well :( But i'm starting to finally get all the crap out of me :) Sorry I haven't updated or visited lately, I was working on my first ever layout :) It's nothing special, but it's done YAY :) It's a special made Naraku layout for the ICS :) I'll put a link below if you want to check it out :) There is still a little over a week left for the welcome/enter sign contest ( it seems i'll have to push the date back and try to get to some more entries, if you know anyone who would like to enter please inform them of the contest ). I know my next theme was supose to be Yaoi, but I couldn't resist after I found the kick ass Naruto wallpaper, and my name naruto style :) Please enjoy the new theme, and i'll be back on later tonight to visit sites ( 2 weeks of being sick has left quite a mess of my house ), so Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to clean I go *L*. Take care *hugs*
my first layout
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Monday, January 23, 2006
The ICS Enter/Welcome Sign Contest Rules:

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Post Time: 10:35 am
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm still not feeling well :( My throat is killing me, I can't stop coughing, and my body feels so weak from the coughing :(
Starting right now, the ICS is holding an Enter/Welcome Sign Contest :) There is no limit to the size of the graphics ( but let's not go insane with it please ). You can not enter any graphics you did NOT make. Send me the Url by pm me, or through my email link in the menu. The time limit all depends on the number of entries, but for now you have exactly 2 weeks from today to get them to me. I will put up a notice both here and at the ICS if there is a delay on the entry date.
I have decided on my new theme, though most guys won't like it, and may not come here while it's up. I have to thank RyuichiFan, because without her I wouldn't have watched Gravitation and liked it. But my next theme is going to be yaoi.
Another thank you goes out HardLuckWoman for this cute blog she helped me with :) Take care, and i'll get to as many sites as possible :) *hugs*
Please feed my pet :) He's a growning spider after all :)
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Fruits Basket is my theme, for anyone who was wondering :)
Hello everyone, how are you today? Me, myself, and I are very scared :( Someone tried to break into our house last night :( Thankfully they did not, but it was still scary none the less. Monday I think I will start the Inuyasha Coer Soir enter/welcome sign contest, this time I will not put a limit to the size of the entry. Below I have a poll, and I would like to ask you to please vote for the next layout of the ICS :) Just click the names of the 4 choices to look at them :) Hubby will be going to another shift next week ( perhaps, the company doesn't know for sure, but it's very likely that he will ). So this will effect my schedule as well :( But i've taken enough of your time, so take care *hugs*
**Please cast your vote for the next layout of the ICS :)
Kikyou layout orange
Kikyou dark
Kikyou Inuyasha red
Sango red
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