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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tesing one, two, ahhh who the hell cares anymore

Hello, I just thought i'd try out my new theme... it's a request :) A bit impossible to get all the Inuyasha characters in one try, but I did okies I think. This Wallie was also a request, I do not want to upload it to theO so please don't take it.
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Holidays... or so I hope

Hello, I just thought i'd make one last post before the holidays ended *jumps for joy in anticipation of the holidays ending*. I probably won't get around to visiting sites until after the Holidays, but I am thinking of you all. I hope your Holidays go well, and you get at least one thing you want for Christmas... or whatever you celebrate :)
Question(s) For You
1. What is the one thing you MUST have for the Holidays?
My Answer(s)
1. A kick ass Sedative :)
No really I mean it
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Damn the cold weather

Hello, how is everyone? My youngest girl and hubby are sick :( I'm not feeling too good either, but i'm not as bad as they are. I should be able to get to sites this week, I am sorry I haven't been able to until now.
Real Life Update:
You guys keep your fingers crossed for me, if all goes well we should be getting some money in soon. It seems as if hubby will be able to go to school, but when he'll start I have no idea.
Online Update:
Nothing really to say, I have little to no time for anything online. I still read manga and watch anime when I have the time, but that's about it.
Question(s) For You:
1. Why did you start a myOtaku account?
2. How long have you been a member here?
3. Do you think you'll ever leave for good?
4. What manga would you tell someone they had to read? Or anime if you don't read manga.
My Answer(s)
1. I was looking for wallpaper, and everyone I liked came from here.
2. I've been here for over two years now
3. I will never leave for good, but I will take breaks.
4. I think everyone should read Basalisk, it's got romance, ninjas, and a lot of bloodshed... aka. it's got it all :) As for anime, everyone should watch Naruto at least once... not the english version, but the Japanese with English subs.
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Testing, one, two, what the hell is that doing here? CUT!!!

Hello, this is just to test out my new theme. There is no need to comment unless you want to. I will do my best to post next week, and I do have some good news for my post YAY :)
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Just another day in my pathetic attempt at life

Hello, it seems every time I come on here I have nothing but bad news :(
Real Life Update:
I had another seizure at work Friday, it wasn't as bad as last time because I got knocked out. I landed right on the left side of my face, and the blow knocked me out. I don't have insurance because the company screwed hubby so I couldn't go to the hospital. I have to clean the house and put up the Christmas decor, so I don't know when i'll be able to get to sites... but I will try my best.
Online Update:
Things are just day by day right now.
Question(s) For You:
1. What do you like about Christmas?
2. What do you hate about Christmas?
3. Are you done with your shopping?
My Answer(s):
1. Watching my kids open their presents
2. Everything else
3. YES!!!
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Wow, an actual post... you've been graced with my presence once again

Hello, I finally get on here and i'm sick :( Even though I feel like shit I will do my best to get to some sites today.
Real Life Update~
No new info on me getting a 2nd job, or anything about hubby's factory closing down :( I wish there was something to tell. A couple friends from work know about the possible loss of internet coming my way, and have been kind enough to go through some of their pc games... they'll give them to me next week. If any of you like the stories of the Old Roman Empire, Nero is a good movie to watch, it's a little old, but only by a year or two.
Online Update~
As of this moment, LQD is now on an open Hiatus. Until I figure out what is going to happen with my life I will leave it up... but more than likely will not update it.
Question(s) For You~
1. What is your favorite song from an anime?
2. What's your favorite kind of music?
3. (For girls or gays) Do you want to wear a kimono?
My Answer(s)
1. Black Escaflowne from Escaflowne
2. Metal, Jpop, Classical
3. Yes, I would love too
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Testing, 1, 2, 3

Hello, i'm just here to test my new theme. Only comment if you WANT to, no pressure here, promise. I decided to get rid of my SesshomaruMistres banner at least for this theme. Hope everyone is doing good, I should be able to post and get to sites Monday (provided I still have internet) *crosses fingers*.
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, October 22, 2007
I'm Back... but for how long

Hello, how is everyone? I'm alive and literally that's it. As you can tell I changed my theme to show my Halloween spirit, hope you like it :) This is an actual post I will get to some sites today, so let's get this started.
Real Life Update ~
Things are not going good for my family right now :( Hubby's factory is going to shut down, he'll be jobless withing a month. He may or may not be able to go to school, if they can close the factory under direst (sp) the factory doesn't have to pay for schooling, or anything else. If they just close the factory down then he can get unemployment for two years while he goes to school and the factory pays for it. So keep your fingers crossed for good news. However, unemployment may not be enough for the bills... so the first thing to go would be the internet :( So my time here is now limited.
Online Update ~
I have not made up my mind about LQD, I would truly hate to see it go, but at the same time I don't know if and when i'd be able to update. So I am considering putting it on an open Hiatus.
Question(s) For You ~
1. What are you going to be for Halloween?
2. What's your favorite Holiday?
3. How will you celebrate Halloween?
My Answer(s) ~
1. I will be a Vampire, at the request of my oldest daughter
2. Halloween is my fav.
3. I will take my girls Trick or Treating :) Usually at the mall, they can be a bit more trusted then just walking around places.
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Testing, 1, 2, 3... is this thing on?

Hello, i'm here to check my Deidara theme and make sure it looks right... i'll be checking out a lot of new themes over the next few weeks. I hope to make an actual post and visit sites closer to Halloween. I haven't left completely and I never will, just be patient and i'll return :)
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So long for now

Hello, how is everyone? I'm alive, and that's about it. I'm a little disapointed that only P-chansacutie entered the LQD contest, but one is better than none. P-chansacutie please pm me about your graphics and I will begin working on your request. As for LQD, it's being put on hiatus... I don't want to get rid of it, but no one seems to care about it so I have to think on that one. As for me, i'm also going on hiatus for a while. I just can't seem to get into theOtaku as I once did, i'm not leaving leaving, I could never do that. But I can't stay as I am now either, so i'll be gone for at least a month... if you really want to keep in touch email me, pm me, or go to Quizzila, I am GrimmjowLover there. I hope everyone is doing good, and I will see you later
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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