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I have two beautiful girls :)
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Go back to school and become a Marine Biologist studying sharks
reading,writting,watching anime,, beign with my kids :)
I have a talent for trouble :) and being evil :)
| SesshomaruMistres
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Bad News

Hello everyone, this is important news, my internet company has (no suprise here) screwed up my billing and I will be without internet for a while. I don't know how long, but I will be changing my service provider as soon as possible. I hope you all are well, take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Good News For A Change :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I hurt :( My job is hard on my knees, I just stand there for hours. Anyways, I should be able to get to some sites today... but not on Wednesday.
Real Life Update:
The middle brother-in-law is an asshole, my father-in-law and the two brothers-in-law make at least 20.00 an hour, they can afford to blow their money on shit. My husband used to make 13.?? an hour, but now that's been cut in half... so we can't afford shit. Those three get together and buy their mom an expensive ass swing and they don't tell us about it until after they give it to her on mother's day. That alone pissed us off, we said we would pay what we could, when we could... it hasn't even been but a week and already the middle brother-in-law is bitching that we haven't paid!? People like that need to be penny less and live on the fucking street so they can understand how hard it really is for people. I have officially disowned the jack-ass.
Online Update:
I have a lot of PNG's that I will be adding to Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth later this week and next. I'm still not happy with the way my GB looks, but please go ahead and sign it when you visit (To visit just click the little button above my post).
Question for you:
Itachi Uchiha is probably the most powerfull character in Naruto (so far, and not including Naruto in his demon form), however he is going blind because of his power. Knowing this would be your fate, would you want to become the most powerfull person on this world like Itachi is in Naruto's ? Me. myself, and I say hell yeah, freedom, power, and magic are the only things that would matter me. Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Testing, Testing, 1,2,3

Hello everyone, i'm actually disappointed :( I thought I did good job on my last theme, but only two people commented :( I will make another Final Fantasy theme later... perhaps i'm not that good with FF themes? Anyways, this is only a test to check on my blog, make sure it fits, readable, ext. No need to comment unless you think you must. If all goes well I will update next week, though my family seems to be getting sick... so who knows. Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Finally, i'm done with it :)

Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm tired and I hurt :( My knees are really bad, they are probably bone on bone... but I refuse to get a shot. So I deal with the pain as much as I can. Anyways, as you can see i've changed my theme, i've never truly done a FF theme before... not on this site anyways. It was difficult to find what I wanted and failed in the end :( But welcome back Em & GM, i'm glad to have you both back :)
Real Life Update - DeathsEmbrace has decided that he may not be coming back to theO :( Because of recent events i'm not about to try and force him, but I will keep his site up at least (you never know). I have a lot of things I have to do to my house (as i'm sure you've heard me bitch about before), so I will not be getting to sites today (unless I find time later on tonight). But I will get to them tommorow :)
Online Update - Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth is now OPEN, we are also taking members/admins/affies if your interested. I'm not happy with the GB, but I don't have time to work on it now. Just click the little button above this post to visit :)
Question for you - how many of you have actually played FF7? How many have watched FFAC? Of these, who is your fav. character & why? Yes, I needed to ask three questions (have to keep you on your toes ya know) hehe :) Yes i've played FF7 (haven't finished it yet though), yes I watched it, my fav. is Sephiroth, uh duh, he's evil and wants to make a better world by pretty much destroying the old and making a new :) That's nice of him I say :) Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Testing, Testing, 1,2,3

Hello everyone, this is only a test to see if my blog fits and if it's readable. No need to comment :) Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth now open for viewing, taking members now :)
Sorry, I forgot to put this up, thankies Freako :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm ashamed of myself actually :( I have been making everyone wait for Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth, that's selfish of me :( So I will open Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth, however only one link works... everything will be explained on the home page. I hope you all enjoy my site, it has taken me a long time to reach this far, but with your help we can go farther :) Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Finally, I have returned :)
Sorry, I forgot to put this up, thankies Freako :)

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm very tired right now, didn't get enough sleep :( But YAY I am back, and I can comment this week :) I just got done watching Tokyo Mew Mew, I loved it... it reminded me of watching Sailor Moon :) Kisshu of course is my fav. character, and my fav. pairing is Kisshu/Ichigo :) I maybe a girl but i'm just as much a perv as any man, I ordered a kick ass bishojo game called YUME MIRU KUSURI :: A Drug That Makes You Dream. Go to Jlist for more info :) They have things for those of you under the legal perverted age *L* :) Anyways real life update: I have finally taken out the bushes in front (by myself), cleaned up the mess that the crack heads left up front (finally), and will beging work on the back yard today (God help me). I went and watched Blades of Glory last week, I don't think there was a time I wasn't laughing my ass off... if you haven't seen it GO, right now, watch it, it's funny shit :) Online Update: DeathsEmbrace's sister was in a car accident down in Indy (she was in the middle of moving there), she is now back home with her family, and DE will be making a post later this week. Online Update: I will begin to work on my Fantasy site later this week, my Anime Realm is completely done, but you'll have to wait a little longer. I've decided that I will open my site after i'm done with the fantasy realm and will simply have Video Game Realm coming soon. EM is making the layout for my Vid Game Section, i'm looking forward to seeing the result (he makes kick ass layouts). Question for you: If you've watched Tokyo Mew Mew or read the manga, who is your favorite pairing? If not then who is your favorite anime pairing? Or answer both *L* I don't care :) Oh one more thing before I answer my questions, Magnus Lenshirre was on theO, but she's gone... what happened to her? Is she okies? Is there anyway to talk to her? Any info would be nice :) Ichigo/Kisshu (Tokyo Mew Mew) Inuyasha/Kikyou for any anime :) Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Testing, Testing, 1,2,3
This is only a test to check on my new blog, to make sure it's the right size and the text is readable. I will be on next week with an actual update, and I will be able to comment YAY :) Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Curse the idiot that doesn't pick up after themselves
Hello everyone, how are you today? I"ve got a full load today and the rest of the week. So I will not be able to make it to anyone's site this week, and I may not be able to answer any pm's either :( The stupid crackheads that used to live here made a giant mess of the back yard and I have to pick it up, and they also NAILED THE DAMN WINDOWS SHUT!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo ticked off about that, I can't open any of the windows :( Well, better get to cleaning, hope you guys are doing well :) See you next week, along with a new theme :) Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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Monday, April 16, 2007
I love Pita-ten it's sooo Kawaii... that is soo not like me
Hello everyone, how are you today? I'm alive and that's about it. I have been sooo busy lately, and it doesn't look like i'll have any pauses in the days to come. So I am sorry now if I can't make it to your site. I will do the best I can to get to as many as possible.
Real-Life Update ~ My mom now has a full time job, so my schedule has to change yet again :( Hubby is now back on first shift YAY :) I like him on that shift, we can actually see him.
Not-So-Real-Life Update ~ I have finally finished the links (I hope) to Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth Anime Realm. I have changed my mind on a couple things however... I will have 3 links, one to my anime realm, one to my fantasy realm, and I have decided to add a whole new section for my Video Game Realm. So I will have to change a few things on Lil, but it will be worth it I promise :) As soon as I get done watching all of Tokyo Mew Mew, I will be making at least two AMV's for it. My fav. character is Kisshu (a bad guy... kinda), and I just love the Kisshu/Ichigo pairing so expect one of those two... and another one I want to be a sad one... not sure who'll be in that one though. Once I figure out how to change a couple files I will be making a Sesshoumaru AMV, and an Inuyasha AMV as well. Eventually I want to make a Bleach AMV as well, and of course a Naruto one :) But this is of course much much later.
Question For You ~ I haven't asked you guys a question in a Loooooong time... ashikarazu. If you could be in any anime/manga what would it be? And who would you want to be your 1. Friend 2. Boyfriend/Girlfriend 3. Why them? Wow I dont ask you guys a question in a while and BOOM I spring this on you *L* Well I would want to be in Fushigi Yuugi (cause damn are those guys HOT). 1. Tasuki 2. Hotohori 3. Tasuki looks like he and I would just get along great :) I love to have fun with life, drinking, fighting, whatever may come :) And Hotohori... do I really need to say anything? He's the EMPEROR for crying out loud, hot as hell, loyal to a fault, and he can kick ass :) If you need more there's something wrong with you *L*. Well, that's it sorry it's long. Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
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