Birthday • 1978-08-30 Gender •
Female Location • no where important :) Member Since • 2005-10-01 Occupation • community school Real Name • Triel
Achievements • I have two beautiful girls :) Anime Fan Since • 1999 Favorite Anime • All of them :) Goals • Go back to school and become a Marine Biologist studying sharks Hobbies • reading,writting,watching anime,, beign with my kids :) Talents • I have a talent for trouble :) and being evil :) SesshomaruMistres
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hello everyone, sorry it took me so long to get back here :( First I was in the hospital, yes i'm fine now :) And then both my girls and hubby got a really bad stomach flu that was going around :( They were down for a whole week, and then it was spring break and I felt I should spend it with my kids. I've added a couple wallpapers to my profile if your interested in looking at them. I have decided that most of you have a profile and would like me to look at and comment on it... so that's exactly what i'm going to do. Instead of going around and making comments all the time, i'm going to alternate. Starting today i'm going to make comments on those of you who have profiles, no comments except for those of you that have an empty profile. Next time I post i'll make regular comments, then comments on profiles, and so on. I feel bad for not getting to look at your stuff for lack of time, so I hope this will make up for it. Okies, so I have been terribly neglecting my duties as a webmistress. I promise (so long as i'm not in the hospital and my girls and hubby are okies) I will work my butt off on getting my new site up. I am done with the anime section and only have the Fantasy and Video game section left. Not too much longer I hope. My next post will contain a new theme... so my question is... what do you think it is? Think cute angel Tee hee hee :) Take care
A little long, but please read it... I could use some kind words
Hello everyone, I am finally back and I must say my pc is running better than when I first bought it YAY :) I am sad to say that I had my first experience with a thief here at theO :( A member named Windstar23 tried to pass off not one, but two of my wallpapers as her own :( They didn't even try to make it look like they had made it... I shouldn't be shocked that people do this, but it's a sad thing when they can't create anything themselves. I reported both wallpapers to theO, and they were taken off her site. So i'm keeping a closer watch on the new wallpapers that are being accepted. I will begin working on my new site later this week, but I have to catch up on housework first. It seems my hubby has lied to me yet again :( For years he has been lying to me about small things... like the fact that he was smoking again. This has happened for 5 times now I think, I can't get it through his thick skull that I don't care if he smokes... it's the fact that he tries to hide and lie to me about it that pisses me off. I didn't tell him at first that I knew, and instead created a situation where I may or may not have known to see what course he would take... and he lied right to my face about it :( I gave him a couple days to tell me the truth before I confronted him about it :( We talked, and I will be helping him through this matter... but I have no idea what I will do if he lies to me again :( I love him and I don't want to leave him... but honesty is the main basis of any relationship :( Anyways I should be able to get to a couple sites today... but for the most part it will be tommorow considering I have a lot of places I have to go to today as well as cleaning. Take care
I am only back to test out my new Theme... it's L from Death Note :) The only Good Guy i've ever liked. How cruel fate is, I finally like a good guy and they... well... you know... you don't know??? well then...Take care
It seems i'm having some probs with my pc :( So I thought i'd come on here to let you guys know that i'll be gone for the rest of this week and maybe part of next as hubby is looking into the problem. I will return when I am able, sorry but I won't be able to visit sites this week. Hope your all doing okies, feel free to pm and email me (i'll get to them as soon as I can). Take care
Okies, I seem to have confused some of you with my other post... I blame myself for not being clear on the subject. So i'm here now to clear things up a bit. The links TO lil qu'ellar d'oloth WORK, but the links ON lil qu'ellar d'oloth do NOT WORK. I hope this clears it up a bit :) I am sory I couldn't get to sites yesterday, my furnace isn't working and the guy has been out here 4 times yesterday, and still has to come by again today :( I'm getting worn out just making plans for someone to be here so he can work on it :( I will do my best to get to sites today. The links are below if your interested in seeing what I need/want to become a memeber of Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth.
Alrighty, this is a real update as well as a test of my 2nd blog. First off my real life update:
I am so happy I finally got a Zune (it's like an Ipod, only better... in my opinion). My hubby and I also got a bed YAY we can finally sleep together instead of him on the couch, and me with the kids :) I also got a dryer YAY again, now I can do my laundry at home YAY :) I took my girls to see Bridge to Teribitha (sp), they were asking where the girl went to when she died. I told them she became a part of Teribitha. Okies now for an update about Lil Qu'ellar D'Oloth:
Below are two links (NONE of the links work, so don't bother tying them, the), the first link will take you to the How To Become A Member Page. There you will find what you need to become a member, I have made four different BackGrounds for member bio's... please pick one. The 2nd link will take you to the Member Bio's Page so you can see what they will look like. If you know for a fact you want to be a member, feel free to send me the Url's of the lnks you want IN AN EMAIL PLEASE so I can look at them and let you know if I find them safe... and you can send the rest of the information if you like. If your interested in being an admin you will have to know HTML, how to make graphics, or both. Yes you can be an admin with only knowing how to make graphics, or only knowing HTML. Just let me know if your interested and i'll send you more info. If i'm lucky I can start making comments today, but that might be pushing it... so i'll start tommorow :) Take care
This is a test of Triel's Blogs, I repeat this is only a test.
Had this been real, there would be an actual update here.Okies, this is only a tes, I will be making another post later today or tommorow with an actual update, please wait till then and comment. This concludes your test of Triel's Blog. Take care
ATTENTION: Lil Qu'ellar D'oloth Needs Your HELP!!!
Okies, there are more than a few of you who are looking forward to my new site (I did hype it up a bit), but as it stands now it will take me two months to get just the anime side done, and another two months for the Fantasy side. If you would like to see it up sooner than that, then I require your help. Of course you will get all the credit for anything you submit (ask Purifying Goddess).
1. Avatars, made you prefered
2. Wallpaper
3. Anime/Manga/Video Game/Fantasy Summaries Example: Click Here (links DON"T work)
4. PNGs
5. Enter/Welcome/Hiatus Signs Please copy and email me anything you wish to submit, and please let me know what name you want for your credit
If you would be so kind as to help me make these, it would make it easier for me... and would get the site up for you sooner. I know I have Damion who is willing to help me as an admin. But if you have the time and would like to help me maintain the site, then please feel free to pm your interest. I have a lot to do today with the site and house, so I won't be able to get to sites until tommorow :(
Take care
~May The Darkness Embrace You~
Haha I made this by accident, but I don't want to get rid of it... so
Okies, i'm back YAY... woulda been back sooner but my pipes froze, my friends pipes froze, and my mom's pipes froze :( I'm not supose to mention this, but a friend of mine (yes a real world friend) has joined theO (DeathsEmbrace). So what have I been up to? CURSING THE SNOW!!! I hate snow and the cold, but it won't stop doing either outside :( Today is also my youngest daughters birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUNCHKIN :) I will be sure to get to as many people as I can today, and I will now start the massive job of putting together my D'oloth site. A few of you have offered to help me out, and for that I thank you very much :) I've also found some more kick ass anime on YouTube, though YouTube has ticked me off by deleting one of my AMV's "DAMN YOU YOUTUBE". But that's in the past... anyways, question for you:
Did you miss me? And if so what did you miss?
Me, myself, and I didn't miss myself, but I missed theOtaku :) Take care