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myOtaku.com: SesshomaruMistres

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

   Dead line for the ICS

Hello everyone, how are you? I'm doing okies so far, still having some probs with my sinus' though :( As the subject says the dead line for the ICS Poem Contest is Monday the 27, if you contact me before this day however I will allow 3 extra days to finish your poem :) I'm not sure how long it will take me to pick a winner, but I thought of something interesting and I want your oppinion :) Though this will have NO effect on the actual winner of the poem contest, do you think I should put up a poll to see if the visitors agree with me on who should be the winner ? As long as the majority of contest entries say yes, then i'll put up the poll on Tuesday, but if the majority says no then I won't put up a poll. I just got The Elder Scrolls Oblivion yesterday for the Xbox 360 ( how I got it the day it was supose to ship I don't know ), it kicks ass :) Much better than Morrowind in my opnnion :) I guess I hurt my back at work the other day :( No suprise though, I had a majorly bad day at work Sunday :( I was even short a dollar in my drawer :( I didn't even bother looking for it though, I just want to forget that day ever happened :( I will be sure to visit as many sites as I can today, though I won't be visiting until later tonight ( probably after I make supper cause I still have things to do and I have to take my girl to school as well ). Take care everyone *hugs* *hugs*

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