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myOtaku.com: sesshomarusbabe

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Hi!!! If this bores you very sry!!! N-wayz, I'm in love with Sesshomaru and he is my fave character on one of my fave amimes. So plz sign my g/b and (if you want)plz plz plz become my friend!!!!! i know I want to dominate the world and kill everyone i don't like but when I conqure I'll let you live promise, unless you beg to die then it'll be short and sweet... Ok well LATERZ!!

Monday, May 24, 2004

   i got my wish!!
i got my wish and now poeple think i'm gotic but i didn't want it to go around so fast in school and all. n-e-wayz, ok i love the color black and blood red and before i died my hair black the still thought i was gothic. o well i've suvived so far and i can a while longer. schools almost out and i'm so happy even if i might have to do summer school. well goth chick is in the front of one of my note books. hey if you can leave me comments and i still don't understand how to get a picture on my site and if this is your first time to vistit take the quizzes i have and read my other posts!

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Friday, April 30, 2004

   bull shit
my last period teacher gives us to mush damn work and it pisses me and everyone else off!!! who new keyboarding would suck..i mean it is an easy "A" but still... we don't ever finish our work so i don't matter well g2g
Bi-bi ~_'

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

   i need help
i need someone to tell my how to get a picter and other lil' things on my site plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
email me or if your just vistiting sign my g/b and tell me.. plz and thanx
Bi-bi -_-' thanx so much

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Friday, April 16, 2004

i forgot to due my homework for two weeks in two of my classes and now im failing!!!!
-_-' i got grounded agian and im gong to the mall saturday and i have to watch my five yr old sister and my thirteen yr old brother.
o.o my life is even more ruined that it is now!!!!!!!!! 0_0 im in shock... well bidme good luck
Bi-bi -_-'

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Tuesday, April 13, 2004


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hey i am cut throat so of course its me Bi-bi ~_'
what does reclusive mean? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........-_- i don't know!
yes me but i dont know why... hmmmmmmm...