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myOtaku.com: sesshomarusbabe

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 11/10/04:
memememememememememememememe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's absoutlly mememememeeeeeeeee oh ya and its perfect and he's hot and so am i!!!!!!!!! perfect match

Result Posted on 05/26/04:
i do live for death... i wander if that's bad... oh well if you want me i'll be over in the corner being depressed.

this is my way to live
What about yours? made by rav-chan

Result Posted on 05/24/04:
me i guess

Result Posted on 04/30/04:
i guess it could be me

Result Posted on 04/26/04:
yes me but i dont know why... hmmmmmmm...

Result Posted on 04/26/04:
what does reclusive mean again???? hmmmmmmmmm.............

Result Posted on 04/25/04:

Haiiro seems to be forming somewhat of a crush on
you. Your attitude and sexiness are definitely
what sets him off.. he must like dominant
women.. ;D

would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 2 (pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/25/04:

You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what
that can always mean, because it can be defined
in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were
the spirits of passed away people who are
neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the
earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing
when you expect it least. So hence, if you have
a Lost Soul, then you are probably very
insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box,
you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont
know your place. You seemingly dont have a
place in society or an interest. You are a very
capricious person, and are confused and
frustrated about where you belong. You crave
for the sense and feeling of home-but have not
obtained it yet.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/25/04:

You've definitely caught the bad-angel's eye. He's
very interested in you and he loves your fiery
attitude.. hmm.. maybe something special is in
store for you..

would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you? (now w/ pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/17/04:
i supose it could be me hmmmmmmm...

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