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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
i cant wait!
i cant wait til full metal alchemist, ghost in the shell and the new episode of inuyasha( i havent been keeping in touch because my t.v's been down) i wonder what is goin ta happen with ed n al? maybe that guy scar got back to them. or maybe colonal mustang cought him? well i'll jus have ta find out! or......
tell me what you think.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

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Stuck in the rain with a secret love
Chap 1. : In the rain with a secret love.
It was an average day in Tokyo, Japan. Kenshin and Kaoru were out doing the daily walk to the market to get a few things for the Kamiya Kashin Dojo. While Kenshin was normally taking the lead and Kaoru still behind him, he wondered what to get. Kaoru on the other hand was thinking something totally different as she looked at Kenshin. “Why am I feeling this way about him? I just met the guy--- and still—.” Kenshin stopped for a brief minute and asked Kaoru “is this enough for the dojo?” Kaoru paused for a moment, took a deep breath and said “yes Kenshin! I think that will do well!” But Kenshin saw that Kaoru had something on her mind. “Miss Kaoru?” Kaoru looked up and Kenshin was right in front of her. “Something’s bothering you, that it is. I think I know what, but why haven’t you told me?” Kaoru looked up and thought that Kenshin had figured it out, but there was only one way to tell for sure. “You’re upset because--“Kaoru looking right in his mouth. “We may not have enough money to repair or buy equipment for the Dojo.” “Hmm? What is he talking about?” No, no, no! You bird brain! I have something else on my mind; it has nothing to do with that! She says while knocking him in his head a thousand times with her stick. ”ORO??”
“Uhh, let’s keep going, we have to go home and try this new equipment for the dojo. Just then on their way home, it started to rain. “Hold on Miss Kaoru, if I may, I think that we should get an umbrella for our long journey home, that I do. “Well hurry up.” After Kenshin bought the umbrella, they set for home. Kaoru, still thinking about Kenshin. Just then Kenshin spotted a rainbow and told Kaoru to look. Then they kept walking. Finally they reached home. Kaoru went to Kenshin’s room to apologize for earlier. Before she could knock on his door, Kenshin opened the door. “Uhh, about earlier--““it’s alright, you were clearly thinking about something more important than that, that you were. Besides I saw the gentle side of Miss Kaoru, the meanie.” WHAT?! I’ll have you know Kenshin that I am the nicest person there is on earth! How could you say that! I can’t believe you! But on the back of her mind she was happy. “I guess I’m not the only one who feels this way. Am I?” just then Yahiko pops out of no where and scares the life out of Kaoru. “what’cha talkin ‘bout? “Uhh! Yahiko get out of here!” “nag nag, that’s all I ever hear you cant catch me you ugly raccoon!” Yahiko Myojin! Wait till I get my hands on you!” “You have to catch me first, which I seriously doubt!!”And so ends the day. Don’t worry I’ll be sure to write another real soon! So keep in touch!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
hey all! i am kinda new to this site but ill try and make it as kool as possible! also please sign my gb and tell me what all i can do to make my site even better, heck you can even give me some tips! i would really appreciate it, but dont give me any negataive feedback! it'll only hurt mah feelings! but for you people who like to do it, go right ahead, it'll go right through me.
just thought i'd let you know! ^_^
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aww,isnt this sweet?
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