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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Tiring day...
Well yesterday was a realy tiring day.
I had homework in Science, English, Math, and Reading, but thank god I finished it all in study hall.
We have a Math test today and another English test this Thursday.
It's a pritty bussy week for me.
Yesterday on almost every TV channel I watched there was a christmas movie on.O_o
My neighbors have already started to put up they're christmas decorations.
It's like ever since it became November everyone has magicly switched from Halloween to Christmas lol.^_^
I've decided to download the Hero movie instead of go and buy it and waste my money, and once I download it I can just save it to a disk and then watch it on my dvd player.^_^
Oh and congrats to Yami Loni for being picked as the queen of yaoi by BlackMagicianGrl. I wounder what I would be picked for as the queen?Lol^^
Well I posted more wallpapers, and later some more art I guess.
I'll end the post here.
Ja Matte Ne!
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Good news!
Another cute couple from Gundam Seed.
I hope you all like the new theme.I decided to change it a little early this time couse I didn't realy like that Kiba theme that much.
I had a pritty normal day yesterday.Just stayed at home watched TV, drew some pics, and made some wallpapers.
Now for the news,
Hero will be coming out on DVD this Tuesday.
I already watched it in the theaters, but I think I might still buy it.
I could always just download it on the site where I got photoshop 7 but it could take until Tuesday since it's over 1000MB and it would take hours for it to finish downloading.
Se you all when I get home from school later.
Ja Matte Ne!
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Kinda tired....
My favorite couple from Gundam Seed.Aren't they so cute together?
That Gundam Seed episode that was shown on Friday totaly rocked.I can't believe 2 girls wanted to kill Dearka just because the Zaft force killed someone they both cared about.^__^
Well yesterday after my friend and her family left.I was watching Gundam Seed, and .Hack, and my dad was listening to some realy loud music and he wouldn't turn it off until like 2:00am when I was trying to sleep.-_-
Today is the last day of my 4 day vacation, but I'm glad that it's gonna be December on Wednesday, and hopefuly it'll start snowing here soon, atleast before it's Christmas.
I did watch some animes today, but I moslty just spent the day working on my YGO website and there's alot of new stuff up on there.
My mom bought me new watercolors and a new sketch book so you might se some cooler pics soon, but I'll just stick to coloring my pics on photoshop 7 for now.^_^
There are some new wallpapers and some new art.Please tell me what you guys think of them.
I'll leave you all with a YGO GX piccy.
It's Yuki and Sho dressed in Pharaoh Atem's and Priest Seto's clothes.^_^
Ja Matte Ne!
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
My psychic friend is over at my house now lol.If you don't know of wich psychic friend I'm talking about then read my previous post.
I just mostly spent the day playing on my PC, watching some of my YGO dvd's and some of my favorite TV shows.
My mom said she will let me order 2 DVD's for christmas, and I'm thinking of buying another YGO pharaoh's memory DVD, and a YGO GX dvd.Once I get that YGO pharaohs memory dvd I will have all of the YGO dvd's.
I put up some screenshots of the first YGO GX episode on my YGO website.
Also I wan't to thank everyone who downloaded my wallpapers.I just reached 3000 download stats.^__^and yes I did post more wallpapers today and some new art.
For thoes of you who don't know what happened to our friend here on myo, Yami Yugi.Well I got an email from her a few days ago and she wanted me to post it on my website.Here it is:
As you guys may have noticed my site has been deleted. =( it wasn't my choice tho. my sister repored to my mom that i was swearing and that i put my pic on the internet so my mom made me delete the account. i'll miss you ppl very much and i'm afraid there will be no more myO for me. -_- well bye! i'll miss ya'll!
-yami yugi
This is all for today.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (15) |
Friday, November 26, 2004
Sorry for updating late....
Yesterday I was over at my friends house and when I came home it was late and I wasn't able to get on the PC, so that's why I'm updating right now.
But I did have a good Thanksgiving and the Turkey was good.
When I was over at my friends house.We played some card games, and she sowed me a cool trick.It was a game where you can se how much your crush likes you, and mine liked me 80% lol.^^Then she asked me to ask her some questions about him, and when I did she answered them all correct and she doesn't even know the guy.After that I asked her some questions about my friends and she answered all of thoes correctly too.It started to freack me out lol.^^
I think I have a psychic friend now.
Well I posted some more art and wallpapers, and I think maby some greetings.
Oh and I hope everyone likes the new theme.
Ja Matte Ne!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
I got an A on my English test yesterday, and a pritty bad grade on my Math assignment, but thank god our Math teacher didn't yell at us, and that was only couse of Thanksgiving wich is today lol.
During study hall.There was a boy and a girl who were poking each other with they're pencils, and the girl poked the boy in the butt with her pencil and everyone laughed.It was hilarious.^__^
I have no school today or tommorow just like on Halloween, another 4 day vacation for me.^^
My mom bought the turkey yesterday for thanksgiving, and it's pritty big.I wish I could eat it by myself, but no I can't hehe..^^
I posted some more art and I have 2 other pics I still need to post after I'm done here.There are more greetings and wallpapers up also.
Hope everyone has a good thanksgiving.
This is one of my Thanksgiving E-Cards(greetings) enjoy.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (20) |
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
4000 Hits!!!
I wan't to thank everyone for giving me over 4000 hits!!
I didn't expectto get this many visits so soon, because I only got over 3000 in October, but I hope I get over 5000 visits by the end of December.
I had a pritty boring and tiring day.
In school we took an English test wich was easy, but realy long.
I will be having a 4 day vacation this week couse of Thanksgiving like most people on here.^__^
I posted some info about the YGO movie and some screenshots on my YGO website.You can go directly to my website to se them or you can just click here to go to the YGO movie page.
I think I'm gonna draw a pic of Yami later, so look out for it, and I'll leave you all with a thank you pic.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
InuYasha and Yu-Gi-Oh! News!!!
My favorite piccy of Captain Sagara.
Well my parent teacher confrence wen't pritty well.Actualy it was great lol.
The teachers just talked about my grades and how I'm doing in school, and all of the comments they gave were good.
My dad decided to buy me an early christmas present lol, and it was a DVD player.Now I can finnaly watch all of my favorite anime DVD's in my room, and not in the living room where my brother can always annoy me, and I can also listen to music on the DVD player.^^
I will finnaly have a Blue Eyes Shining Dragon card.Thanks to Marik2112's mom.Shes a great person.She bought both me and Marik2112 a BESD on Ebay for a realy cheap price.
And I hope everyone likes the new theme.I just love captain sagara.I also found some great pics of him that I will put up in my other posts.
Now let's move on to the YGO and IY news.
 For thoes of you who saw the YGO movie.You better prepare for an Ani-Manga Graphic Novel released from Shonen Jump.I think it came out in stores today, but I'm not sure yet.
You can already pre-order it on I think for only $13.99.
 Theres a brand new YGO GX VCD volume 1. available to buy, and you can probably get it in a Media store.It has Thailand subtitles, and for thoes of you who don't know what Thailand even is it's a country somewhere in Asia I think, and I have alot of friends who are Thai in school.^_^
InuYasha NEWS!
 I foundout from some one on theOtaku boards that there will be new InuYasha episodes airing in the US on January 5th,2005 at 12:30 eastern.
Hope you guys liked the info, and I posted a realy cool drawing of Captain Sagara and one of SS Goku(from DBZ).There are 2 new wallpapers, and 2 new greetings up also.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (24) |
Monday, November 22, 2004
Kinda boring day..

I had a pritty normal day yesterday.I just stayed in my room and watched TV, and made some stuff on the pc.
Today my dad will go to my parent teacher confrence, and our teacher says we hafe to go with our parents to the confrence too.
I posted some more artwork and wallpapers.
This post will be short since I don't have anything else to say.
Ja matte ne!
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
YGO movie!!!
I finnaly bought myself the YGO movie and it was great.
I got the Pyramid of light card, but I wanted the blue eys shining dragon.
If anybody would like my Pyramid of light card for a BESD then PM me.Couse I realy need one.
I'm gad you all like my new Sesshy avi.
I'm finnaly able to make transparent avi's and other graphics, and yes I am taking rquests in making these things for you guys.Just email me the pic you would like me to use for your graphic and tell me what you wan't it to say on it.
I posted more wallpapers and greetings.Check them out sometime.
Oh and thanks for 600 hits on my YGO website.^__^
That's all I gotta say.I'll leave you all with a transparent Sesshy pic.
Ja Matte Ne!
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