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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Thanks for 400 guest book signatures!
I wan't to thank everyone for giving me 400 guest book signatures.
FullMetal Alchemist was realy cool and funny when I watched it on Saturday.
Ghost in the Shell was ok.It wasn't as boring as the 2nd movie I guess.
Unfortunaly they are not showing anymore new InuYasha episodes, and I wasn't surprised that much.
I forgot to mention on Friday that our computer lab teacher let us se what grade we got in it before he put it on the report card and stuff, and wanna know what I got?An A!This is probably the only class I'm passing right now except for maby Art class aswell.
Oh and tommorow in school our classes will be changed.
We are gonna hafe to go to the GYM and llisten to a guy talk to us about something thats probably gonna be boring, and in the afternoon we are gonna have our regular classes like Math, Science, English etc.
Its gonna be like this for the whole week couse the older students are gonna be taking some test, and pritty soon we will hafe to take it too.
I posted more YGO art, and wallpapers.Hope you all will like them.
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]I just put up a wish list in my intro.Check it out if you want to.
Comments (12) |
Sunday, November 7, 2004
The best anime day!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer all of the questions on the survey.All of them were realy nice and sweet.
I had a pritty normal day.They finnaly showed Shaman King on Cartoon Network but I have already watched the episodes they showed on the XBox.
I also got to watch Gundam Seed,Duel Masters,Rave Master, Teen Titans, Digimon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragonball GT, Rurouni Kenshin, and I'm still waiting for Adult Swim to come on so I can watch Ghost in the Shell, Full Metal Alchemist, InuYasha, and Cowboy Bebop.
I posted alot of YGO greetings, and some artwork, and wallpapers.
Hope everyone had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Still tired...
I hope you all like the new theme.Priest Seto is one of my fav. YGO characters, and Blue is my fav. color, so thats why almost everything on this site is blue lol.
I'm still pritty tired but I'll probably be able to get some sleep this weekend.
In Reading class we took the test and it was a little hard I guess.
I'm dieing for Adult swim to come on later tonight so I can watch 2 new animes.
I only posted 1 new wallpaper today so check it out sometime.
Well since I don't have anything else to talk about heres a little survey I saw on Dark Phoenix's and Panda's sites.
Hope you all will answer the questions for me.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (17) |
Friday, November 5, 2004
Realy tired...but TGIF!!!!
I'm still kinda pissed that Bush won the election.I just can't get over it for some reason.
I was realy tired today at school.We got homework in Science,English,ESL, and Math, but the Math homework is realy simple, and I did finish all of that homeowork in StudyHall, and speaking of study hall ].We got to se our other Science teacher that had a baby around September.She will start teaching us again maby after Christmas or so but I don't realy want her to.I like the new subtitude teacher more.
I finnaly posted more artwork and guess what no new wallpapers for a change.Lol^^
Hope everyone had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
I found this pic onDark Phoenix's site and I agree on what it says on it.
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
I can't believe Kerry lost the election to Bush.I think that Bush should give someone else a chance to be president lol.Oh well guess we all hafe to deal with it.
I failed my stupid Science test just like my Math test, and our science teacher is gonna show it to our parents on parent teacher conferences.
But there is some good news.My dad installed a new windows on my PC.Its windows 2002 I think.Thats why I'm updating late.
I posted more wallpapers and later I'll post more art.
I hafe to go now, hope everyone had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (25) |
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
The Election?
I'm sorry if I didn't get to visit everyones sites today.I was watching the President election since I came home from school.
Everyone in my Science class was talking about it and I wounder who will win it? Bush seems to be in the lead but Kerry is catching up.
I'm hoping that Kerry wins.^^
Well enough about that.
I did take my Science test today and it was kinda hard but hopefuly I got atleast a C.
In Math I finished that one test that had alot of problems.I thought that there were 90 of the problems but there were only 56.
I posted some more wallpapers and I finnaly got over 1000 download stats in all just like on my greetings when I got over 1000 times sent.
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (23) |
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Damn, these tests!
I had an ok day at school today.In Science we played this one game called Jeopardy but that was only couse the teacher wanted to prepare us for the Science test we have today.
I got my Math test back yesterday and I flunked it.Our Math teacher made us write down on a paper of why we got a bad/good grade on the test and shes gonna show it to our parents with our tests on thoes stupid parent teacher confrences that are later this month and my parents are gonna kill me for sure.In Math class we are also taking another test that is pritty big and its gonna take us a pritty long time to finish.
We are also gonna have a Reading test on Friday so yeah I hafe to take alot of tests this week.
But next week the older students are gonna be taking this one test and the younger students will get to go on a field trip to watch a musical and they are also not gonna have that many assignments and tests so it might be a pritty good week for everybody.
I submitted more wallpapers and greetings and I'll try sending some new fan art later, and before I forget my name is on the both Most prolific Gnomes and Most prolific artists sections on the wallpapers and greetings and the total for my greetings being sent is now over a 1000 times.^_^
Hope everybody had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (17) |
Monday, November 1, 2004
A great Halloween day!
I want to thank everyone who sent me a Halloween greeting/picture.I loved them all.
I had a pritty good day.I spent most of the day watching some of my favorite horror movies and TV shows and I still am, but Halloween is not my favorite holiday its actualy my second.My favorite holiday is actualy Christmas.
I put up a new poll for the week so go ahead and vote on it, and I posted a few more wallpapers,greetings, and fan art.
Hope everybody had a good Halloween day and I hope you all didn't get sick from eating to much candy.^^
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (15) |
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Ok first I want to wish everyone Happy Halloween!!and I hope you all like the new theme!
I can't believe this is the last day of my 4 day Halloween vacation from school., but oh well I guess I will hafe to wait till Thanksgiving and Christmas to have more vacations.
One of my friends that I haven't seen for motnhs now came over to my house and we played the InuYasha video game,Tekken 3, and Gundam Battle Assualt 2 for PS1 and then I asked her if she would want to watch the 2nd InuYasha movie since she has never seen it before and wanted to and she said yes so we watched it for a while.
I realy liked the new episode they showed of Gundam Seed on Friday.I'm so glad Fley finnaly dumped Kira couse I was getting sick and tired of her pretending to like him just so she can get her revange for her father's death.
I can't wait for next Saturday when they finnaly show some new animes.
I posted a few more wallpapers and greetings so check'em out, and if any of you have any wallpaper requests then feel free to ask me and I'll try making them for you.
I hope you all have a good Halloween day!
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (29) |
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Some good news and no bad news lol.

(I just love this pic of Sasuke and Itachi.)
Yesterday I went to sleep at 3:00am yet again and woke up around 12:30pm, and no I'm not tired.
I checked the cartoon network schedule and it said that they are gonna be showing Gundam Seed on Friday's for now on and tonight they will show Animatrix on Adult Swim again and I don't like that anime its kinda boring and I think next week they are gonna show Ghost in the Shell.I don't remember so don't start yelling at me if I'm wrong lol.
I put up a fan listing in my intro so go up there to se if you wanna join and it would be cool if you all did.
My mom bought me a realy cool 2005 Wolf calendar at Wal-Mart today and it has great pics in it.Maby I will scan some of them later.
I posted alot of wallpapers today, and some greetings and fan art so go ahead and check them out, oh and my name is under the Most Prolific Artists on the Wallpapers section, YAY!
I don't have anything else to say so,
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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