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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Friday, October 29, 2004
No Subject!
I didn't do much today except make tons of wallpapers lol.
Yesterday I went to sleep at 3:00am and woke up at 1:40pm lol I love not having school.
I also went over to my friends house and we did some funny stuff, and I put up a poll in my intro and I am gonna change it every week so feel free to vote.
Sorry for the short post I didn't realy have an interesting day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (24) |
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Vacation Time!
Sorry for not keeping the Halloween theme until Monday but I hope everyone likes the new theme.
I woen't be going to school today or tommorow couse of Halloween.Almost all of out teachers decided not to give us any homework and we got homework in English class but I finished it in Study Hall and we took our Math tests today too and it was pritty hard.
I also posted more artwork and greetings and I might make more wallpapers later.
Have a good day everyone,
Ja Matte Ne!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I'll ask Marik what the subject is gonnna be?

(Bakura wants to wish everyone a Happy Halloween or maby hes just saying that to get all of your candy lol.)
I had a pritty ok day yesterday.In computer lab we got tons of Candy and got to do almost anything on the computer since we won the bet about the teachers loosing to the students in the volleyball game.
Unfortunaliy we did not have our Math test today and I don't know when we will have it we just spent that last few days reviewing for it and today I was just boored doing my Math homework and I excedently flipped to the very last pages of the book and there were all of the answers for all of the assignments in the Math book...XD!This could help me out a little bit with my homework but it only shows the answers and not the work so we hafe to show our work on how we got the answer or we will get the math problem wrong.
In Reading class me and my friend were messing around with this one boy and then he toold the teacher on us and then the teacher just started talking to us that we are wasting the classes time on noting paying attention..blah.. blah..., blah..I just wanted to tell him to shut up but I didn't lol.
If you haven't looked at my manga yet then go to the site and look at it.I only posted 1 drawing so far couse I haven't gotten the time to upload more of my pics but on my 4 day vacation I'll try uploading more, and I posted more artwork on TheO! and 1 Greeting so feel free to check 'em out for me please.
And I'll leave you all with another one of my polls and I want to thank everyone who votted for me on the art poll I posted yesterday.
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]I want to thank everyone who visits my YGO website it finnaly got over 500 visits!You all deserve this pic and I just foundout that theres going to be a new anime coming to adult swim called Full Metal Alchemist, yay I love that anime and I'm glad that they are finnaly gonna show it on TV.
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
My Own Manga!
(Please vote and I'm sorry if not everyones name is up on the poll.)
I had a pritty boring day at school today.I almost slept through all of them.In Music class we had a subtitude teacher and she was pritty cool couse we had to watch a pritty boring movie and when it was over everyone started to realy mess around and make alot of noise and the teacher just smiled and waited for the bell to ring lol.
After school this one cute boy came up to me and asked me if I walk home and I said yes and he said he toold me to look for him when I se a yellow bus come by me couse he always rides it and then when we stopped talking to each other I started walking home and this one girl came up to me and said if I were going out with him and I said no and then she said that I should and I just giggled but I think I might go out with him one day couse I do kinda like him.
I have a Math test tommorow and a science test next week, and I can't wait for computer lab tommorow so I can se what the students will say to the teacher since he lost th bet that the teachers will beat the students in a volleyball game and they didn't.
In this one class we got to write our own scary stories and I decided to share mine with all of you but before I do that I wanted to tell you all that I have decided to put up my own manga but its on a different website and the link to it is in my intro and it would mean alot to me if you all can go there and se what you think but I so far put up a few character profiles and I will try putting the drawings of the series tonight.
Now for the story, but be warned this story contains alot of groos stuff about blood and killing so if you don't like those kind of stories then don't read it.
Werewolf that eats peoples heads
Long time ago on a dark Halloween night.There were kids and adults outside Trick or Trating but then one of the kids heerd a noise in the bushes and when one of the adults went and looked at what it was a animal jumped out and ate the adults head.
The other people knew it was a monster.
The monster started to chase the people and managed to eat more heads but then a hunter showedup and killed the monster and the people were saved and all of them finnaly got to se who the monster realy was and it was a werewolf.
The hunter went out to get something from his car to put the werewolf inside but when he came back the werewolf was gone.
Sorry for the long post and I don't even know why I wanted to tell all of you this but oh well,
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (13) |
Monday, October 25, 2004
Halloween is the best!

(The headless horseman from "The Hollow" movie.)
I hope you all like the Halloween theme.I'll leave it up until next Monday when Halloween is over.
I'm glad some of you liked the anime news I posted yesterday.
A few hours ago I was watching a new horror movie called the Hollow and I hafe to say it kicks butt!
There will be more brand new horror movies this week but I'm sure they woen't even top "The Hollow".
I'm actualy looking forward to school this week couse I have no school on Thursday and Friday lol.This is another one of the reasons I like Halloween.
Oh and before I forget I posted more Fan Art,Greetings, and Wallpapers so if any of you ever get the chance check them out.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (23) |
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I got some anime news!

( A picture of Kenshin Himura in the honor of his return.)
Like I said in my previous post my dad messed up the PC yet again and like always I fixed it.This is like the 100th time I have done this.
I will change my theme again tonight to a Halloween one couse its Halloween next weekend and that means no school Thursday-Sunday.
Lets move on to the Anime news now.
Read wich ever one you would like.
Cartoon Network's and Adult Swims's Sceduels for this weekend.
As some of you know Cartoon Network and Adult Swim have changed the times for our usual animes with some new ones.
I think Gundam Seed woen't be shown anymore until they start showing new episodes but I don't care couse they replaced it with my all time favorite anime Rurouni Kenshin.I realy do want to watch all of the episodes again.
They finnaly started showing new episodes of Dragonball GT and I can't wait to se the rest of the 4 evil Shenron's.
I am about to watch Adult Swim's new anime called Read or Die wich is gonna start at 11:00 and end on 1:00 and InuYasha,CowBoy Bebop,and Trigun will be cancled for this and I think that next Saturday InuYasha will be back from the beginning too.I am not sure I'll need to check the schedule for that.
InuYasha News!
The 1st movie was released on September 7th in English and will be shown on TV around the Spring of 2005.
The 2nd movie will be released on December 28th in English and it will be shown on TV around the summer of 2005.
The 3rd movie is currently available to buy on DVD in Japanese with English and Chinese subtitles.
The 4th movie will be released in the Japanese theaters on December, 2004.
InuYasha has already ended in Japan but thats not for sure yet couse the InuYasha gang hasn't destroyed Naraku yet and there have been rumors that they will continue the journey to destroy Naraku in the manga.
All of the InuYasha episodes are available on DVD in Japanese with English/Chinese subs.
Yu-Gi-Oh! News!
The YGO movie that was released in the American theaters will be available on DVD in English on November 11,2004.
It ended in Japan back in September and they have been showing a few episodes of the new YGO GX series.
All of the YGO episodes are available on DVD in Japanese with English/Chinese subs.
Sorry for the long post I just wanted to share all of that with you guys.Hope it was good,
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (20) |
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Some good news and bad news!
Lets start with the bad news.Yesterday in art class we had a subsitute and it was my homreroom teacher from last year and she was realy mean and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her my face almost turned red, and my dad messed up my PC again so I don't know when I'll update again.
Now for the good news.
Like I said in my other post there was gonna be a volleyball game not a football game lol sorry bout that at school and the techers had to play against the students and the students kicked the teachers butts^__^and we also won the bet with out computer lab teacher hahah!!
Oh and I finnaly finished watching my YGO DVD!!!
Thats it for now,
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (6) |
Friday, October 22, 2004
Thanks god its Friday!!!!
Is it just me or did this week go by realy fast?and now I know why my summer vacation went by realy fast like this week lol.
On my other English test I got an A.^_^Next week we are gonna have a Math test.I hope I get an A or an B on it like on my Math quiz.
There was a school dance today after school at night but I didn't go couse I didn't feel like it.
Later on today at school I think there is gonna be a football game between the teachers and the students but our grade is not gonna be in it but we are wishing luck for the other students to beat the teachers couse we made a bet with out computer lab teacher.I don't remember what it was but it was funny.
Before I leave I would just like to say that I am glad you all like the new theme.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (14) |
Thursday, October 21, 2004
I'm bored....
Sorry for not visiting everyones sites for a few days.I just need a break from all of the tests and homework I get in school, but today I was able to finish all of my homeowork during study hall.
I got a C on my English testO_OI don't know what I got on my other test yet couse we had a sub today and she didn't hand back our tests yet.
I posted a few more artwork and wallpapers and sorry if I haven't gotten to do all of your requests yet and if I haven't replied to your PM's for help on HTML so if you all could send me another PM on what you need help on would be great couse I had to clean out my inbox today.
Hope you all had a good day and I hope the new theme is ok with you all.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (17) |
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Realy tired again....
I am watching my YGO DVD right now and so far its pritty cool I will probably hafe to finish watching it on the weekend couse there are over 10 episodes on the dvd with 3 discs^^
I still need to finish my Math homeowork wich is kinda conffusing.We had 2 different English tests today and they were easy.
I posted 1 more wallpaper of Yami Yugi and I might try making wallpapers of all of the main characters of Yugioh like Joey,Seto,Marik,Bakura etc. and you can request me to make you a wallpaper of a different YGO character.
G2G finish watching my YGO dvd now so,
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
This is a pic of Leon whos in the Doom series and also he was in the YGO dvd I am watching right now.He admires Yugi alot but he is loyal to his family aspecialy to his older brother and hes kinda like Mokuba who respects his older brother.
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