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Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Guess what I finnaly got?
Glad you all like the chatterbox but everybody who has that chatterbox now seems to not be showing up but thats probably an error that might be fixed in a while.
I changed my theme couse I just love Dartz(but i love marik more!).I also changed the layout on my YGO forum so if you all can join it would mean alot to me and it would be cool if some of you could try posting some stuff on there.Click here if you want to join.
My finger didn't bleed today at school but it does still hurt a little.
In Computer Lab,Homeroom, and Reading we got new seating charts and I like em.In homeroom I hafe to sit by this one boy but hes ok I guess.I spent most of my study hall time goofing around with him and some friends.
I posted 1 more wallpaper and greeting so go ahead and check them out and I might draw a Dartz pic later for all of you, and before I forget I finnaly got the YGO dvd's I ordered for my birthday I'll get to watch them later when I come home from school.
Thats it for now,
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (16) |
Monday, October 18, 2004
Woah!When did I become a internet genius??

(I want to thank everyone who likes visiting my site couse I finnaly got over 3000 hits!)
I almost didn't update today couse I have the high speed accelarator like my older brother now and he has to turn it off when he goes to bed and when that happens then no one can go on the internet and I don't know how to turn it on, but I tried the dial in thing and it let me log in to the net.My dad messed that up and he couldn't fix it for like 2 weeks but I was finnaly able to fix it all by my self lol and I thought my dad was the computer geniusO_o
Well lets move on to what happened today.I went over to my friends house and we went to the park and had some fun, but yesterday I cut my middle finger and then it bleeded for over an hour and then it stopped and today when I was in the park it started bleeding again.I hope it doesn't start bleeding in school also.
I posted more artwork,greetings, and wallpapers so if you all want go ahead and check them out for me.
Thats it for today,
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]I put up a cooler shout box, so whenever you want to give me a comment bout something then just leave it there and I hope you all will have fun chatting in it!
Comments (22) |
Sunday, October 17, 2004
I have become a wallpaper freak!

I posted alot of wallpapers today so go ahead and check them out.Lol today I mostly spent all of my time making wallpapers and watching animes, and if you would like me to make you a wallpaper then just ask and make sure to tell me of who you want me to make you the wallpaper of and what you want it to say on it.
There will be a pritty cool wolf drawing up soon so look out for it.The Yugioh,InuYasha,and Wolf's Rain episodes were awesome.I loved Wolf's Rain even if Darcia killed Hige,Blue,and Tsume because hes dead also but the ending was kinda cool we got to se Hige and Toboe again.
And the reason I put up rules for Pming me in my into was couse alot of people PMed me to say they liked my site and that they will add me as a friend.I like it more if they say that in my guest book and the other reason is couse some people say they wan't me to come and visit their sites couse I haven't for a few days.I can't visit everyones sites every time I am on the Otaku.So please don't send me those kind of PM's.
Thats all I got to say for now so,
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
I need a nap...

(You should realy move out of the way when he shots his arrow.)
I decited to change my theme again, hope you all will like it.
I submitted a few more wallpapers so if you want go look at them feel free to do so.I made a Alucard and Yami wallpaper just so you all know.
I didn't get my Reading test back yet so I don't know what I got.We are gonna have tons of tests next week.I got tons of homework in Math and Reading.In Gym class we had to run for 3 minutes without stoping and then we played a cool game that also involved running around so thats one of the things that made me so tired today.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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Friday, October 15, 2004

(A very cute piccy of the Ranma gang!)
I am realy glad its Friday today couse I can't stand another day of school and homework.
The Reading test was kinda hard aspecialy the essay questions.I know that I defenetly failed it couse I mostly guessed on almost all of them.
My friend came over today again and we did almost thesame things as we did yesterday except we didn't play soccer and football with the guys again couse they weren't there.
For those of you who are wondering what happened to our Dark Phoenix, Milkycat toold me that she is just taking a break for a while and I am not sure when she will be back but lets just hope it will be soon.
I finnaly found out what the dumb fan art problem was so I was finnaly able to submit more art and I posted more greetings and wallpapers so please go check all of those things out.
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (15) |
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Thanks for the great birthday!

(He looks so cool in this piccy!)
I am glad you all like the new theme and I don't know if any of you can tell but Ryoga is my favorite Ranma 1/2 character.
I had a great birthday yesterday.Thanks to the people who sent me wonderful pictures, and greetings/E-cards!You all are so sweet!I ate 1 peice of cake, but that doesn't mean that it woen't be gone by tonight lol.
The Math teacher forgot about the crazy big birthday hat so I didn't hafe to wear one YEAH!and I got a B+ on my Math Quiz!Thanks for all of your support.Today we got a realy tough assignment and everybody had a tough time understanding it and we gave the Math teacher a headache.My friend gave me all of the answers for the assignment since I couldn't get it at all.
I will be having a Reading test today and we hafe to do a biography about some sort of fameous person that lived lont time ago and I hafe to do a boring science genius dude!
After my friend gave me the answers for the assignment we went outside and we saw a boy from our school and his older brother and we played Soccer and Football with them and it was a ton of fun and it was tirring and my legs still hurt from all of the running.
Thanks again for the B-Day cards and heres a friendship greeting I made a few days ago and I thought you all deserved it!
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (20) |
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Guess what day it is?lol

(Aww...Ryoga looks cuter as a chibi.)
I hope you all like the new theme.Like I said yesterday I had to take a Math quiz and it was pritty easy I hope that I will get a good grade.
Its also my birthday today and I want to thank everyone who sent me birthday cards and greetings I loved them all.
I also forgot to mention that yesterday I ordered my YGO DVD I can't wait to get it and I will hafe to order the InuYasha DVD later,but I just hope that we don't have Math class today couse our Math teacher she always wants us to wear a realy big birthday hat lol and I don't want to..XD!
Before I end this post I want to thank everyone who visits my InuYasha website it just got over 200 hits^__^
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
[EDIT]I just put up new music go up and click on the button to listen to it, its AWESOME!
Comments (28) |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Fan Art Contest Winner!
Lets congratulate XxLinkinParkxX for winning my fan art contest.I emailed you your awards, and lets give a special thanks to BeyBlader for making the awesome website for the entries.
I posted tons of new greetings so go and check them out and I went over to Sara's site and I saw a link for the best greeting and it was one of my Sesshomaru ones,thank you Sara for doing that lol.
And there seems to be a problem with the fan art section or something whenever I try submitting a peice it says the page cannot be displayed whats up with that?
I didn't have any homework today couse I finished it all in study hall and we have a math quiz tommorow and a Reading test on Thursday.
Thats it for today....
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
Comments (14) |
Monday, October 11, 2004
Why do dads mess up everything?

(A piccy of Toboe-Chan!)
Hey everyone sorry for not updating for a long time.My dad was trying to fix something on my computer and then he broke the internet somehowO_o
But I am glad to be back I missed all of you alot!!
I did watch animes yesterday.Wolf's Rain was realy sad though I can't believe Toboe is dead!I realy did like Darcia but now I hate him.The InuYasha episode was pritty good also I guess InuYasha and Sesshomaru don't hafe to join forces just in the 3rd movie but also in the series.
I can't wait until its wednesday^__^Its my birthday on that day and thanks to the people who already sent me happy birthday cards and greeting lol^^My mom said she is gonna let me order anything from the internet thats below $30 and I am gonna order the last YGO episode on DVD in japanese with english subs because I already saw it on the internet in japanese and I am gonna buy a InuYasha dvd that has the epiosodes where a woman falls in love with Sesshomaru,and maby something else in the stores.
Thats all I know what to talk about for now so I am gonna go submit some art now and make some changes on my site.
Ja Matte Ne!
~Matsuo ~
[EDIT]InuYasha movie 3 info is up on my InuYasha website if any of you are interested in reading it and there will be screenshots up on there pritty soon so check back any time you want.Heres the link to my site and sign the guest book on your way out please.
InuYasha website
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004

(Another pic I made.)
I hope you all like the new theme its a Yami/Ryo Bakura one.
I was realy tired yesterday and I got tons of homework!I finnaly got another A in Math yesterday lol I have never gotten an A in Math only once in the 4th and 5th grade...XD!
Like I said yesterday today I will only have a half a day of school and I hope we don't have Math class couse I am gonna get a big F on my assignment just like on Monday when I got a 9% lol.
Goshhh...I don't have anything else to say so I'll just leave you with a few pics from the 3rd InuYasha movie,enjoy.

(Sesshomaru talking to his father, Inutaisho.)

(Inutaisho is bleeding from a woond and thats how he died,Ryuukotsusei was not the one who killed him.)

(No its not Dog demon sesshy its his father and you can also se the bloody woond he died from after he killed Takemaru(bad guy).

(Inutaisho's ghost shows up to talk to his sons after they kill the revived Takemaru.)
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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