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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Ok I guess science tests are the best...

(Sesshomaru tranforming into a dog from the japanese InuYasha version.)
Yes you all guessed it I passed my dumb science test, I got a C+ and we are gonna have a subtitude teacher for science class for maby until January because our other science teacher had a baby this Saturday^^
In Reading class I got to draw couse I brought my English book instead of my Reading book to class lol it wasn't my fault those 2 books look thesame!-_-
I posted more art,greetings,and wallpapers so please go and check them out, and speaking of art click here to se all of the great art entries I got.Lol me and Beyblader didn't think that theres gonna be so many great art entries heh its gonna be tough picking the winner.
And on wednesday we are only gonna have a half a day of school yay!and that means no MATH!!!!!!!just 3 classes or maby 2 I don't know but I am realy glad!!and my brother has a whole day of school hahahaa!!!
I found this one awesome InuYasha site that has over 200 pics of the 3rd InuY. movie I saw a few months ago I might put some of them up like that Sesshy pic above its actualy a pic from that one episode where he fought InuYasha for the first time but the IY group was just thinking back when InuYasha cut off Sesshy's hand so thats why it was shown in the 3rd movie and the japanese version IY characers look ten times better than the dubbed english ones-_-Here are some pics of the jap. and english Sesshy so all of you can se what I mean.

(Se the face,hair,and clothes look different lol.)
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
{No subject!}

(A Halloween pic I made!)
I changed my background pic and my avi couse I didn't realy like the other ones.
I want to thank the people who joined my new club^__^
The art contest submissions are closed please don't send anymore and the site should be done by now and me and BeyBlader will start judging the pics now.
I will post more art later if I don't forget about them so lookout for them, and today I saw my neighbors put out some of their halloween decorations that they put up last year wich are pritty cool by the way!
Oh and before I forget I am still taking art requests so feel free to ask me but the only animes I am taking art requests from are Naruto,Yugioh, and InuYasha, because I don't feel like drawing any others besides those.
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo Uchiha/Ishtar ~
[EDIT]I put up a new shout box so go ahead and start chatting in it^^
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Finnaly another anime day for me!
I changed my theme again.Its a Haku one,hope you all will like it.
And I started a new club.Look in my intro to se if you want to join.
I posted one more pic so go ahead and take a look at it, and remember that the fan art contest submissions must be received by 11:00pm tonight and all of the drawings I got from people were pritty good I think that all of them should get an award but to bad only one person will get one.
I am realy glad they showed all of my favorite animes today unlike last saturday lol.I watched Yugioh, Duel Masters, Rave Master, Teen Titans, Digimon seasons 1 and 4, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball GT, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, CowBoy Bebop, and Trigun.I realy liked the Gundam Seed epi. Kagali and Athren make sutcha cute couple^_^
I forgot to do my homework today lol but I'll try and remember to do it later.
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Its finnaly the weekend!!!

(Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha!)
I had a rough day in school today...-_-we had to take 1 more test and I failed it...I got one of my tests back today and I got a D thats alot better than th last grade I got and I didn't get my Science test back yesterday so I don't know how well I did.
I had tons of homework today.Heres a list of all of it..
1.Science worksheet
2.Do an assignment from the english book.
3.Reading worksheet
4.Math worksheet.
and there were some others I just can't remember all of them couse the Math teacher realy confused me with all of those dumb math fractions!!!!
I posted a few more pics so please go and look at them and please vote and comment on them.
And remember if you haven't emailed me your drawing for the art contest then do so realy soon couse all of the entries must be received by sunday night around 11:00pm and the site should be up by tommorow.
My dad put up new windows in my brothers room last weekend and today he started putting in new ones in the kitchen.
Thats all I can remember for today,hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
[EDIT]Thank you Petie for helping me put up my buttons bar to the left side and I put up new music check it out its from Naruto.
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Friday, October 1, 2004

(A very yummy pic of Itachi-Sama!)
First of all I want to thank Onewingedangelfor fixing my intro problem and for making me that Button bar.Now all I need to know is how to put it up on the left side like some other people,if you know how to do this then please PM me or something.
I am glad you all like my new theme of Itachi-Sama.I just love that!and Sasuke is my 2nd favorite character now couse I like his big bro,Itachi-Sama more now!
I don't know if I did well on my tests,but I will get to findout today I hope!Lol Math was so easy today.I finished it in 2 minutes during study hall...XD!
We should have more easy assignments like this.
Lol I bet all of you are wondering why I said its october in my subject bar.Well thats couse October is my favorite month and there are 2 reason why?
One reason is its my birthday on October 13th and the 2nd one is because they show tons of great horror movies on TV every day!^___^
Thats all I have to say,hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
~ Matsuo ~
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Homework sucks! and so do tests!

(Another one of my favorite Itachi-Sama pics.)
Well as many of youknow yesterday I didn't go to school because I was sick and today when I went back I had tons of homework.From Science I hafe to do this dumb packet,for Math I hafe to do over 80 problems from each math method wich is like addition,subtracting,multyplying,and dividing, and all of you wounder why I hate Math so much well theres your answer!
In P.E. we are starting to play flag football...I guess its ok but I will fail for sure.
And I have 2 more tests tommorow one of them is a Science one and the other is this one class where people that speak 2 different languages hafe to take and no my 2nd language isn't japanese or chinese its a language from Europe and its not French or Italian lol.I am not gonna tell you guys couse its kinda private.
I drew a few more pics and uploaded them up on theO, so feel free to go and look at thoes.
And all of you still have time to email me your drawings and Beyblader will start working on the site soon so I'll give you all to submit your art before either sunday or monday and then me and beyblader will start juding and all of you will get to se the entries.
And for now one I will be posting most of my graphics(avatars,banners,blogs etc.)on my YGO forum and I will be taking requests there only for now on and you will hafe to join in order to post anything!
Thats it for now and here are 2 more of my buttons that I will be putting in my intro once its fixed,enjoy!
~ Matsuo ~
[EDIT]Theres another person whos leaving theO and her name is RicanGrl2011 so go and say bye to her.
[EDIT]I absolutly love the new look here on theOtaku!I made a little award for Adam click here to se it and I woen't allow anyone to take it and email it to him couse I am gonna do that!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Not feeling well again....
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Test results!

(Yayks!!whats up with Kai lately?O_o)
Total Visits 2518
Popularity Ranking:75
Guest Book Entries 332
Well I got my dumb test results today,wanna know what they are?On my Math test I got an F and I knew it!on my Reading test I got a C wich is ok I guess and on my other test wich was Spelling or somehing I got 13 correct out of 15.Yeah so I guess I didn't fail all of them.
I have changed the layout of my YGO site again but this new layout is by far the best but I don't know how long I will be able to keep it couse I might hafe to shut down the site but please go and look at it and please sign the guest book if you haven't before.
If you haven't sent me your drawing for the art contest yet then you still have time to do so and me and beyblader will pick wich drawing should win the prizes and you will still go to a site to se all of the drawings you just woen't vote.And the drawing must be a pic of any anime character(s), no originals and you can only send one pic.And more of my art is posted on theOtaku so go ahead and look at it.
Ja Matte Ne!
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Fan Art contest!

(Wow,no wunder hes called a theif!)
Total visits 2500
Popularity Ranking:74
Guest Book entries 332
I finnaly got to se the 1st BeyBlade Grevolution episode and I hafe to say the Bladebreaker's look hotter then ever.
Theres more art posted so go ahead and look at it.
I wanted to start a fan art contest.Heres how the rules go.You will hafe to email me your drawing.
Once I get it maby Beyblader will put them all up on a website where you all can go and vote for them and the way you will vote is by sending me a PM.
You can only send me a picture you drew and no stoolen pics!
The picture that gets themost votes will win.
And please remember to add your signature on the pic so I remember who drew the pic.
The winner will receive a picture,avatar,and a banner I made.
And if you se a realy good drawing on a website that you didn't draw then ask the real artist to enter in this contest if you want.
I hope to get alot of entries and you will hafe to send your pics before September 30,2004 and the voting will start on October 1st wich is this Friday.Goodluck to all of the artists^__^
Ja Matte Ne,
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
I don't know what the subject should be?
Total Visits 2474
Guest book entries 330
My friend is over right now,but I am watching InuYasha and shes in the living room,and next saturday I might be going over to her house to sleep over.
Does anybody know how I can fix that intro problem I am havin?Its driving me crazy-_-if you know please tell me and read the post below to se what kind of problem it is.
Sorry that I didn't visit everyones sites today,and today I woke up to watch all of the morning animes,but I fell asleep couse i was realy tired and I didn't care if I missed all of them because I already watched that new YGO episode in japanese on the internet.
I am glad that the Adult Swim animes werent cancled also^__^
Thats it for today,
Ja Matte Ne,
[EDIT]Theres more art posted so go ahead and look at those pics and I am currently working on a Pharaoh Atem and a Tombrobber Bakura drawing,so look out for them!
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