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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
I hate tests!
I had to take 3 tests today-_-and I failed them all for sure>.
There seems to be something strange going on in my edit profile page because when I wanted to change something on there my Dup background showed up and some of the stuff that was in my intro also showed up it was realy weird and when I tried clicking on the botton where it says modify profile or whatever it wouldn't let so I don't know if I will be able to change my intro.
I posted some more artwork,so go ahead and check some of them out and please vote and comment.
I don't think that today will be an anime day for me couse in the afternoon they aren't gonna show any animes couse they canlced them all to show the dumbest cartoons ever called Samurai Jack and Star wars:clone wars!Goshh...I hate those cartoons!
The only animes I will watch are gonna be One peice(maby),yugioh,pokemon,and maby some others.
Hope you all had a good day,
Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (25) |
Friday, September 24, 2004
Interesting thing!

(The many faces of Duo!)
I hope you all will like the new theme,its a Duo Maxwell one from Gundam Wing.
Lol I can't believe that everyone liked my Yami Yugi drawing so much,and theres a Seto and an original character drawing up so go and checkout those pics.
I wan't everyone to go over to LadyMalik's site because she is deciting to leave and maby cause suicide@_@please go and help her!
I am so glad that its finnaly Friday and today in Gym class we did the running thing,an i got a pritty bad time and when we got done my legs hurt realy bad and I got a headache,but thats fine with me couse I like running.
I also made some changes on my YGO forum,so go and check out the changes and if you want to view a board on there then you will need to be a member like I posted when the YGO movie will come out on DVD/VHS and you will need to be a member in order for you to view it,so if you want to join then click here.
And thats it for today,
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]I removed my chatter box and put up a tag board so you all can start chatting on there now!
Comments (17) |
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Fun day!

(I scanned this Yami picture that I have from my YGO folder.)
Today I went shopping with my parents and I bought a box of 72 colored pencils,a YGO folder that has Yami on the front cover and Seto on the back cover.
I posted 1 new Yami drawing so go ahead and check that out.
On my forum I posted something that says when the YGO movie will be released on DVD/VHS,but you can only view it if your either a member,administrator,or modinator.
Thanks for the comments bout the website,but I still need money in order to keep on posting on it couse the HTML on there doesn't work for me so if you haven't donnated any money yet please try and do so.
In school we had this one assembly where we can sell some of the stuff we got in this one book,and if you earn atleast $12.00 you will have a party,if you earn more you'll either go on a road trip to this one place in the state i live in to play some lazer tag and some other video games,and if you get more than &40.00 you will get a Limousine ride,and you will get to go anywhere you want for the whole afternoon and there are some other things that are pritty cool.
Thats it for today,hope you all had a good day!
Ja Matte Ne,
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Need some help!

(Yaoi has taken over my soul!)
Thanks to everyone who joined my new club,and you can still join my forum and the new club.
Theres more art up so,go and check it out,and there will be more later.
My parents are done with painting the walls in my room now all I need to do is put back up all of my posters and other stuff.
In Science class we are doing a project where we hafe to draw something with out partners,and me and my friend drew a pritty good picture,and the science teacher gave me a comment that I am a good drawer an if I draw at home,and I said yes^_^
And the next time we have Gym we will hafe to run,like around the block 3 times without stopping-_-thats going to be tough,but wish me luck!
Ok now lets talk about my YGO website.Pritty soon I'll run out of disk space,so I probably woen't be able to work on my YGO site anymore unless I buy something that will let me have more disk space if I pay 4.95 dollars a month,but I don't have that much money,so I would appreciate it ALOOOOOT if some of you donated money to help out with my site.Just PM/email me saying you want to donate,and I'll tell you how you will send it to one of my friends,well I hope someone will be able to help me couse I realy don't want to shut down my website-_-
Arigato, and Ja Matte Ne!
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
School sucks!

(Another picture I made!)
In math class I got a 33% on my homework assignment,and the teacher yelled at me>_
My parents are still panting my walls,and today I wasn't listeing to them so they also yelled at me!!
If you haven't joined my forum yet please do so,it will mean alot to me,and please post some stuff in the categories.
I submited alot of yaoi pictures today so take a look at them and comment please!
I will start changing my site around after this post,so check back to se how it looks and pritty soon I'll start helping out with one of the best YGO websites ever made wich is called Janime^_^
I also saw that today someone on here stoole some of Janime's wallpapers and also one of mine wich is the yugi/atem one wich i posted on the wallpapers section and the other person also sent it,but I reported her and she removed all of the wallpapers,and her name is msyugioh123 , so feel free to go over there and teach her a lesson in stealing!
Thats all for now I'll go start on the changes now.
Ja Matte Ne,
[EDIT]I put up a new club,go to my intro above to se if you would like to join it or not!
Comments (16) |
Monday, September 20, 2004
What a boring day!

(Inutaisho-Sama,picture made by me!)
Today my mom and dad painted the walls in my room and I had to take down all of my posters and drawings off of the wall and I had over 30 up on there,and the painting took about 6 hours to finish and I was realy bored couse I couldn't go on the PC, or watch any TV.All I did was draw and do my boring english and math homework-_-
I put up a few more drawings so you all can go and look at them if you want and please comment.
Sorry for the short and boring post,I just don't have anything to talk about.Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]I made my own Yugioh forum now,the link to it is in my intro so please join and its a forum for my YGO website,and if you would like to be one of the moderators then just PM me!
Comments (16) |
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Woah!what a bussy day!

(Sasuke looks so cool in this pic!)
Man,yesterday my dad changed my windows they look pritty cool,but there was alot of mess in my room and I had to clean it all with my mom,it whore me out!
And today my dad will start to put different windoes in my brothers room,and after hes done with that he will then hafe to start changing the 2 windows in the kitchen and in the living room.Thats gonna take while.
And I did watch alot of animes today,but I didn't get to watch the 2 BeyBlade G revolution episodes couse of my damn clock it was sappose to ring at 6:00am,just the time the anime starts but it didn't ring at all!!!and I woke up by myself around 7:50am and I didn't get to watch Pokemon advanced or one peice couse I forgot about them couse I was watching something else,and the new Yugioh episode rocked!and some of the new characters are ealy cute like that one guy with the brown hair whos the bad guy I forgot his english name,but I think you all know who I am talking about.
As you all can se I've changed my theme again.Its a Sasuke one.I also submited alot of Naruto manga artwork so please go and look at it and please vote and comment on them all if you can,and I did all of the requests I got from people.
Well thats all I can remember what happened today so I'll leave you all right now!
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]And I watched half of Ghost in the Shell yesterday on TV(not on dvd or vhs)and if you have a sattelite dish called DirecTV,then you would of gotten a chance to watch it also.
Comments (29) |
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Oh I forgot what the subject was gonna be?

(Another picture I made,and this screenshot is from the 3rd InuYasha movie.)
I am glad you all liked my art and 3 more are up on theOtaku so please go and look at them.
I changed my avatar and I also changed my background I hope you all can se it,can you?
And boy,am I glad its the weekend I couldn't stand another day of school with all of that homework.
I can't wait for all of the new animes to start later in the morning and in the afternoon^__^
And I will be happy to take requests in drawing you all something,so feel free to ask,and having some art requests is something I will need this weekend^_^
Ok heres some of the InuYasha movie 3 info,sorry there are no pictures today,I will try putting them up in a different post.
In the beginning Sesshomaru was talking to his father about the 3 swords wich are Tetsusaiga,Tenseiga,and Souunga.Sesshomaru wanted the powerful swords wich are Tetsusaiga and Souunga lol but his father didn't give them to him,then in the castle the bad guy Takemaru was talking to Izayoi(Inuyashas mom) and then he killed her,but then Inutaisho(the father) came and fought Takemaru and cut of his arm and ran into the castle and used the Tenseiga and brought Izayoi back to life and she was hoolding baby inuyasha in her arms,then Takemaru came and fought Inutaisho in the fire,Inutaisho toold Izayoi to run,but then she asked what they should call the baby,and Inutaisho said "InuYasha"and then he said for her to run and she did and Inutaisho and Takemaru started to fight and thats how the beginning ended.Later on Kagome was in her own time playing volleyball then when some one hit the ball to her InuYasha grabbed the ball while he was running and no one saw him,then Kagome went and found inuyasha and was talking to him,but in the temple Kagome's grandpa,mom,and little brother found the souunga,but then something started to come out and freaked out the whole family and the souunga also disappeared and landed by InuYasha and kagome,when InuYasha picked it up it wrapped around his arm and turned him into a full demon and he pushed kagome back and went back to the feudal are where he saw shippo and started to kill him but then he came to a village where he killed people but sango and miroku stopped him,after a while inuyasha returned to normal but the souunga was still wrapped around his arm.
But then Sesshomaru came to fight inuyasha to get the souunga,but he almost lost,but he grabed the tetsusaiga from inuyasha and fired the wind scar at him,but when he let go of the sword his hand was red and no sesshomaru isn't able to hoold the tetsuaiga yet he barely finished inuyasha of without getting his hand injured.
But InuYasha stood up and started attacking again but when he was almost gonna use souunga to attack rin and jaken,sesshomaru started running towards him and so was kagome and she kept on saying SIT and that saved them,but the necklace around inuyasha's neck broke.After that sesshomaru left while jaken and rin were left with the inu gang and inuyasha also left.Rin found all of the broken peaces of InuYasha's necklace and gave them to kagome.After a while the souunga let go of inuyasha's arm and then a giant demon held it in his hand and it did thesame thing to him as it did to inuyasha except he was just being controled by the souunga.The souunga took the demon to inutaisho's grave and found sesshomaru's left arm and then he went to takemaru's grave and brought him back to life and gave sesshomaru's left arm to him since he lost his to inutaisho and he alo took the souunga and went out to find the dog demon brothers to get his revange.
He brought back all of the skeletons from hell back to life wich kept the inuyasha gang bussy for a while for inuyasha and sesshomaru to go fight Takemaru and they had to work together but ofcourse they didn't but at the end Inuyasha used the Bakuryuuha(backlashwave)while Sesshomaru remembered what his father asked him who he has to protect and he remembered rin and jaken,and after that he used the Tenseiga's ultimate attack wich fuzed with the bakuryuuha and destroyed Takemaru,but Takemaru thought that Izayoi betrayed him and that he hated her,but then he realized he still loved her.
Then Inutaisho showed up and was happy that his 2 sons finnaly did what he always wanted to work together like real 2 brothers,and he said that the Souunga will be going to hell forever and after that Sesshomaru,rin,and jaken left and at the end after the ending theme song Kagome toold inuyasha to close his eyes and when she toold him to open them the Necklace that makes him sit was back around his neck^^and inuyasha said to take it off and that he woen't need it to be good,but kagome didn't think so and she said sit to him again lol^^
I don't remember everything so I probably made some mistakes,but I hope it was enough for you all.
Ja Matte Ne! What Samurai 7 Character Are You?
[EDIT]Hey,everything it says on that quiz is true,I am clumsy and I have a realy bad temper!
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Its friday!!

(Well here it is the Naruto pic from the shonen jump magazine I looked at to draw from.)
As you all can se I changed my theme,its a Sesshomaru-Sama one and I will try and put up the InuYasha movie 3 images/info sometime during the weekend if I can.
My dad turned on my internet so I am back on my own PC and my brothers computer is starting to act up like my!I think his PC has spyware or something.
There will be new art posted soon,maby later I'll put up a manga Naruto one,that I am working on so make sure to check back again.
Thats all for now so,
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]My Marik and Inu-Sessh drawings are up on theOtaku so make sure to go and vote/comment on them both!
Comments (17) |
Thursday, September 16, 2004
New fan art

(This is just something I made on photoshop!)
Well yesterday I asked my dad if he could give me my brothers scanner and he said yes and I also have photoshop and now I can finnaly start posting my fan art again yay!
And some of you seem to have gotten something wrong from reading my post yesterday,no my PC isn't broken my dad just had to turn of my internet couse there can't be 2 internets working at thesame time anymore couse of the highspeed my dad instaled on my bros PC,but he said he will try to fix this tommorow couse he doesn't hafe to work.
Here are 2 links that you can click on to se my 2 new drawings,I haven't posted them on theOtaku yet but I will after I finish this post and when you se them up on theOtaku please vote and comment on them.Here they are...
Marik drawing(I drew this pic from looking at one of the screenshots of marik from the pharaohs memory.)
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru(The front cover of the 3rd InuYasha movie.)
Well please tell me what you think of them and I will visit all of your sites later when my bro goes to soccer practice so I can get on the PC.
Ja Matte Ne!
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