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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Finnaly some good news!

(A cool picture of the InuYasha gang!)
Hey everyone I just got back from school and I am on my brothers computer couse my dad had to turn of my internet because he instaled something on my bros PC that makes it go realy fast like if your on google and your looking for images it will only take you 2 seconds until all of them show and if your downloading music or something it will take only about 10 seconds to download^__^I don't know when my dad is gonna be able to turn on my internet,maby on Friday or something.
Lol today in Study 2 school councelors came into our class and we played a game and we had to take our pictures wich I hated..XD!and my homeroom teacher had a little trouble taking his pic couse he always blinked when the other teacher took the pic but then the other teacher said he should close his eyes and then open them when the other guy takes his pic and you know what it worked lol it made the whole class laugh and when I was coming home from school it was raining realy bad but I didn't care.
And yesterday I was still sick,I felt awful-_-but I also got my 3rd InuYasha movie yesterday and I watched it and InuTaisho(Sesshy's father)looked so hot aspecialy in the end when InuYasha and Sesshy destroyed Takemaru(the bad guy)and then Inutaisho showed up and talked to his sons^_^I'll give you more info when I am back on my PC and with pictures^^So I'll be leaving now and I woen't be able to visit anyones sites today sorry.
Ja mate ne!
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Not geeling well...

Today was a pritty rough day couse in gym class we were running and I fell and I hurt myself realy bad like I have 10 broozes on my right arm,some on my left arm,and 2 huge ones on my legs that hurt as H***!
When I came home I got an awful cold and then I fell asleep and thats what I mostly did for the rest of the afternoon.
In lunch this one boy started talking to me and my friends and he started to ask what our names were but we didn't answer lol but he kept on asking and we still didn't answer him and then he just started starring at us..lol^^
In studyhall last week i drew this pic of a wolf and the boy that sits behind me saw it and he wanted me to draw him a tiger but I never did and he is still bugging me bout it..XD!
I submited a new greeting today I hope it gets accepted and thanks to everyone who voted/commented on my drawing^__^
I am just glad that I didn't have any homework yesterday-_-
And I findout that InuYasha ended in Japan yesterday and the last episode is called Episode 167:The Two's Bond ~ Use the Shikon Shard! part 2!I haven't foundout how it went yet but when I do I'll make sure to tell you all.
I g2g sleep now I'll visit everyones sites when I come home from school today.
Ja Mate Ne!
[EDIT]My brother also got photoshop so now I might post more artwork.
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Some anime news!

(Guess whos coming back?)
My mom bought me the brand new Beckett Anime magazine wich had alot of awesome stuff that realy surprised me!and my best friends came over today so I can help her out with her homework,but I barely did couse she was confusing me..lol,but then we had a pillow fight wich made me laugh alot.
And my Samurai Girl drawing is up on the Otaku now so it would mean alot to me if you all would vote/comment on it^_^
Now lets move on the Anime news wich surprised me^_^
1.There was a Yugioh the movie review in it that gave me alot of info and there are a few trading cards and action figures coming out of the YGO movie.
2.For all of you Misty fans from Pokemon if you all know that she had to go back home to be the Gym leader in Pokemon Johto League and you probably thought she wasn't coming back then guess again she is coming back with an all new look^__^I wunder if she is gonna fight over Ash with May?
3.New Digimon Trading cards are coming out from Bandai.
And thats all there were a few more but I didn't feel like putting them up and yeah I decited to go back to the background thing on my site,if you can't se my background picture then you will probably hafe to wait a while for it to show and if it doesn't then your PC probably woen't let you se it,and if you can't read something on my site then just higlight it and it should look better.
Yup thats all,I will try and visit the peoples sites that update tonight and if I don't then I will hafe to visit when I come back from school.
Ja Mate Ne!
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
Yugioh info and spoilers!

(The final duel between Pharaoh Atem and Yugi Mutou!)
I didn't do much today except watch all of the animes I always watch on Saturdays and the new YGO series rocked!
I wanted to tell you all some stuff about the last YGO epi and about the new YGO series in Japan and like it says on my suject bar there will be spoilers so if you don't want to know any of these things then don't read them!
I'll start with the last episode.
Little yugi and yami yugi dueled each other and little Yugi won and Yami had to return to his time and say goodbye to all of his friends and that was the sad part when I saw it.
Now for the new season in Japan.

(The main character Yuki Juudai.)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Masters Genex!
Its coming to Japan on October 10,2004.The main character is called Yuki Juudai.
Ki=Fortress Castle
Episode 1 is called "The one who suceeds Yugi."
Thats all I know,when I findout more I'll tell you all.
Se you all later I need to go watch InuYasha now^__^
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Pritty cool day...I guess@_@

(This is a picture I drew for Shiruri ^_^)
Well first I want to thank Shiruri a thousand times for scanning my picture i drew for her so I can put it up on theOtaku^____^
My InuYasha wallpaper also got accepted so go ahead and look at it and it got themost stats today just like my Sesshy wallpaper wich has over 44 download stats^__^
Today was ok I went to school and had computer lab class and my computer lab teacher showed us the website where I got my Burning SesshTaisho headlines wich are those things on top of my site and he showed us a whole bunch of other ways we can use them^_^also in Math class we corrected our homework and again a few people didn't follow the direction...XD!and wanna know what the scary part is?She said I was good at Math when I hated it since I was BORN!How can this be???Well I came home and watched this one movie called Pob Rocks on the channel ABC Family.This one guy who was an awesome rock star in the 80's became one of those protective dads 20 years later but one of his friends from the band came back to get him so they can bring the band back together and they did^___^But none of his family members even knew that he was a rock star until the end of the movie.
Thats all for now I can't wait to watch all of the awesome brand new animes later like BeyBlade G revolution and One Peice and the new Yugioh series.
and before I forget Yugioh is ending in Japan soon:-(but they are showing a new YGO series called Yugioh Genex in October with brand new characters and what I mean by that is new characters are coming to the series and the old ones are not gonna be in it like yugi,seto,joey,and marik they all will be gone!
Well atleast we can still get to se them for now atleast.
OH and another thing 2 of my wallpapers got accepted in my favorite YGO site called Janime alot of you YGO fans know it and if you do go ahead and look at them,but I feel realy bad for the webmistress couse theres a horrible hacker on her forum who totaly is messing up everything!!!I wish I could se that stupid idiot...hes driving everyone nuts!!!!!
Well thats all for now ja mate ne!
Another evil quiz!^_^
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Confusing day!

Sorry for not updating yesterday my dad didn't let me on the PC because of school.
I finnaly didn't get lost today in school except in english class our teacher gave us an assignment and everyone did it but when we started to correct the answers they all were wrong because no one followed directions lol and then the teacher just said to forget about the assignment and then he almso gave us another but the bell rang and we never got one and the teacher then said that we were saved by the bell..XD!
Then I came home and when I tried unlocking the front door itdidn't let me I tried over 20 times but it didn't let me so the neighbor came by and tried and she opened it lol!
Well my dad will come down to my room soon so he can turn of the PC so I hafe to go and I'll try visit everyones sites later when I come back from school if my dad lets me and its picture day today in my school-_-
Well Ja mate ne!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
I am so tired...

It was my 1st day of school yesterday and it was ok I guess.The teachers mostly showed us around the school and helped us out finding our classes.
I did most of my homework in study hall and when we had some free time to finish it in class.
Alot of people had trouble opening there lockers but not me for a change I opened it on my 1st try unlike the last time when it took me about 20 times to open it.
I am in all of thesame classes as my best friend...strange but I am glad that I am.
The food was alot better then the food we had last year.
I am whiped out from all of the walking around school and I barely found my locker when I came into the school^_^
My home room teacher is ok but hes kinda weird sometimes,and the rest of the teachers I've met today were pritty cool also.
And that was mostly it when I came back I just went online to visit some peoples sites and then I fell asleep and woke up around 9:00p.m.
I woent be visiting anyones sites who update tonight only later on when I come back from school unless I get to much homework,and I am looking for some people to help me out with my Yugioh website.I need some people who have watched almost all of the Yugioh Pharaohs Memory episodes and who has some great screenshots and who can write good episode summaries.If you would like to help out with one of these please PM me and no I woen't give you my password to the website you will email me all of the screenshots and episode summaries.
Thats all Ja Mate Ne!
P.S. My Sesshomaru and Vegeta wallpapers got accepted yesterday so make sure to check them out and my Sesshy wallpaper got themost download stats today yay!!!
[EDIT]I just took this back to school survey and some other quizzes so check them out!
01. What grade are you entering: | not telling | 02. What time does school start this year: | Around 8:00am | 03. What time does school get out: | Around 2:50pm | 04. Have you done all of your 'back to school' shopping: | yes | 05. Are you excited to be going back: | NO WAY!!! | 06. What class did you miss the most: | science | 07. What person did you miss the most: | My best friend | 08. Which class is your hardest this year: | MATH!!! | 09. Which class is your easiest: | Not sure yet | 10. Which class is your favorite: | Science | 11. Which teacher is going to be your favorite: | Not sure | 12. Still riding the bus, or driving: | walking | 13. Plan on changing your 'image' this year?: | maby | 14. What's your number one goal for this year: | To get no F's | 15. How long will it take for you to be sick of school again: | Oh that can wait for a few days^_^ | 16. Any of your friends in your lunch period?: | Yup | 17. What 'group' do you belong to at school: | not sure | 18. Happy with that? Or sad: | not sure | 19. Are you trendy? Coolest kid in school. New clothes maybe: | lol not sure | 20. Who are you going to try to befriend this year: | no one | 21. Still staying up until 2am and sleeping to noon?: | Yup | 22. What time are you going to have to wake up: | 7:00am | 23. Afternoon naps, or no?: | Yup | 24. Do you plan on attending the football games?: | no | 25. Do you plan on attending the dances?: | I guess | The Back To School Survey brought to you by BZOINK!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

(Yay I got over 2000 visits!!Thanks alot everyone!)
I finnaly got to se Hero today!That movie is awesome!!I loved the fighting and the chinese talking^_^My favorite characters are Jet-Li,and Sky and incase you don't know who they are they are the guys in my background.
I also changed my site look,and its still Monday here so I haven't died from school yet-_-
I might make a Hero wallpaper later and put it up in my next post if I don't come home with tons of homework like last year!
Also I might not get to all of your requests in one day anymore but its ok if you still ask me.
Thats all and I'll make sure to tell you all how school went tonight.
Ja Mate Ne!
[EDIT]I put my buttons in a scrollbar now but I did it differently than some people here on the Otaku.I just used almost thesame HTML that I use for the blogs and I am not putting up anymore buttons so please DON'T ASK!
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Monday, September 6, 2004

(Thanks Shiruri for this nice pic you made for me!)
My Kenshin wallpaper got accepted yesterday yay!I also submited 3 new ones wich are a Yugi/Yami,Priest/Seto,and a Vegeta wallpaper for Beyblader.
I cant believe school starts for me tommorow NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Can someone please KILL me!!!????I cant stand school and I am realy nerveous couse I am going to a new school with new classes and teachers-_-but my favorite subject is first wich is Science class^_^
I put up a new banner for a new anime fan club wich Beyblader started.If you would like to join it send her a PM and I am the co-founder of it so I guess you can also send me a PM and I'll tell Beyblader you want to join if thats ok with you beyblader?
I got an email from the Yahoo staff saying that yahoo mail will be down for the next 2 days so I dont know if I will get all of you're emails?
Thats all but I am pritty sure I forgot to say somethingO_OIf I remember what it is I'll tell you all!
Ja Mate Ne!
[EDIT]Yup I decited to go back to the site colors^^But I will put it back to the way it was when I pick my next theme^_^
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Sunday, September 5, 2004

(The front cover of the 3rd inuyasha movie.)
I think this is the best anime day for me!Wanna know why?Couse I finnaly found an anime site that has the best dvd's ever including the 3rd inuyasha movie in japanese with english/chinese subtitles and I ordered it.I cant wait to se Inutaisho's face in the anime instead in the pictures.
Todays YGO episode was kinda sad couse when Joey said goodbye to Mai looked alot like he was gonna say that he likes her^^but i think he should of said it couse Mai is gonna turn evil in the new YGO series called the doom series^^
I am also ranked #97 now yeah!!!
Thats all for now here are some pics of Marik fromthe Pharaoh memory!!Thanks alot Marik2112 for these awesome screenshots!!!
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