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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
300 Guest Book Entries!!!
I finnaly got 300 guest book signatures yay^_^
I didn't get to watch Hero today cause my dad had to much work to do around the house and he couldn't drive me>_
I am realy excited to watch the new Yugioh episodes later and pritty soon thy will show the doom series in the US and canada!
I put up a new banner to my Rare hunters club so if you havent joined yet feel free to PM me saying you wanna be one and I'll email you a badge that you can put up on your site!
My Yugi/Pharaoh Atem wallpaper got accepted yesterday so check it out and I sent a Kenshin one a few hours ago.I hope that it will also get accepted but just in case it doesn't click HERE to look at it and I am taking requests in making these so feel free to ask me,and I put up some on my Yugioh website so you can go and look at them.
[EDIT]Thanks Joeyw23 for the awesome animation^_^
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Friday, September 3, 2004

(Yaoi Marik and Bakura!)
Sorry that I didn't get to visit everyones sites today I was bussy working on my YGO website and I didn't get the chance to reply to all of my emails so please dont send me thesame email over just cause I didn't reply yet.
I think I might be going to watch Hero today.I am dieing to watch that movieeee!!!!
I am glad you all like my new theme.I am a big fan of Samurais also^_^
Well I am realy tired cause I was on the PC since 6:00pm through 5:00am last night lol so I am just gonna leave you guys with some Marik and Bakura yaoi pics.

Hope you liked them ja mate ne!
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Thursday, September 2, 2004

As you can tell the Samurai theme won^_^
I put up a border for my buttons now and I woent be adding any new ones so please don't ask me if I can put up you're button.
I just watched the very last YGO episode and it made me cry:-(I don't realy want to spoile it for you guys but all I can say is that I am gonna miss Pharaoh Atem(Yami yugi).I dont want to tell you guys why cause that will spoile all of the fun^_^
I might be able to make animations soon thanks to Joeyw23.
I dont want this to be a short post so I will tell you what my favorite things from Yugioh are.
Favorite characters:Marik ishtar,Pharaoh Atem,Priest Mahado,Mana,Yami bakura,Joey wheeler,seto kaiba,kisara,and priest Shada.
Favorite cards:Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon,winged dragon of ra,dark magician,dark magician girl,and obelisk the tormentor.
Favorite episodes:The episodes where Yami yugi battled yami marik,the one where priest mahado battled theif bakura,and the very last YGO episode.
Least favorite characters:Maximillion pegasus,and,weevil underwood.
Thats all and I'll leave you a link to a very cool picture of Yugi Mutou and Pharaoh Atem from the 2004 calendar.Click Here to se the pic!
Ja Mate Ne!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
What should be the subject???

(Mana the DMG's spirit and Priest Mahado's student.)
Nothing much happened today.I am still boored.I dont realy know what my next theme should be so I decited to ask you guys.Here are things you can pick.
1.A Dark Magician theme
2.Marik theme
3.Pharaoh Atem theme
4.Egyptian theme
5.Priest Mahado theme
6.Samurai Theme
And you can only pick one.
I don't have anyting else to say so I am just gonna tell you a little about me so all of you will get to know me better.
DOB:October 13th
Favorite Colors:Blue,green,and purple
Hair color:Black
Eye color:Brown
Favorite food:Rice
Favorite animal:Wolf
Favorite subject in school:Art and science
Least favorite subject:MATH!!!!!!!!
Favorite sport:Soccer
Favorite movies:Kill bill vol.1 & 2 ,the last samurai,hero,jeepers creepers 1 and 2,and tons more.
Top 3 fav. animes:Yu-Gi-Oh!,InuYasha,and spirited away.
Top 3 fav. anime characters:Marik IShtar,Sesshomaru,and Haku.
Likes:Drawing,watching animes and movies,collecting tons of anime stuff,trying to kill my brother lol^^,dueling,and read manga.
Dislikes:All insects!!!!,my brother,spammers,being toold what to do-_-and school!
I don't know what else to tell you so I am just gonna leave ja mate ne!and I'l' leave you with a Yugioh group picture.
[EDIT]Please dont vote anymore as you can se the samurai theme won so NO MORE VOTES!
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Thanks you guys and girls!

(Priest Mahado the spirit of the Dark Magician)
I am glad you guys like my new look^_^
I couldn't decite what my new theme should be so I just picked randomly one of my favorite YGO duel monsters the Dark Magician Girl!
Something realy strange was going on here on theOtaku cause when I tried logging in it always said that the page cannot be displayed or something,but I am glad it was fixed by the time I usualy update.
But thats not the only strange thing,last night when I was about to go to bed I herd a strnage noise outside and I think it was a cat cause the noise sounded like a cat's meow,but it was freaky cause the meow was realy loud and it sounded like someone was killing a cat or it was just dieing@_@
My mom bought me 2 Yugioh videos today witch had some of the 1st season episodes but in one of those videos I got a CD wich had 3 YGO songs in it^^They were awesome.I listen to them every single minute!
I don't realy have anything else to say except that I made 2 new banners and I put them up in my intro with all of the rest of the banners so make sure to check them out and tell me what you think of them and if youwant a banner made feel free to ask but make sure to email me the pic you want me to use for it.
[EDIT]I finnaly found out how to write my name in japanese and Egyptian.Click on the links below to look at them,and if you want to know how to write you're name either in japanese or egyptian feel free to ask and I'll try my best to findout how and then I'll send you an email so you can se how you're name looks like in japanese and/or in egyptian lol and if you're wondering how I know how to write in either japanese or egyptian I found a website that has all of this cool stuff,but I am still learning so I might spell some of the stuff wrong!OK thats all and here are the links...
*Matsuo in Japanese*:I had to do this on paint so thats why its kinda messy)
*Matsuo in egyptian*
*SesshTaisho in egyptian*
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Monday, August 30, 2004
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Another cool anime day!
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Nothing much happened today-_-
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Friday, August 27, 2004
And the winners are....

(My favorite picture of Haku from Spirited Away!)
Yesterday I was making some spirited away greetings and I found some great pictures of Haku.I think hes realy cute^_^
Yeah so today I went to my school to get my scedule and do some other stuff like trying to open my locker and it took me like 20 times till I got it open!Gosh it felt like it was my first time opening a locker!
Now lets find out who the winners are.
LadyMalik won 1st place and she got a marik banner,a spike spiegel welcome sign,and a Noa kaiba avatar.
BeyBlader won 2nd place and she got a Vegeta banner and welcome sign.
And DarkFireDragon33 won 3rd place and she got a Seto avatar.
Lets congratulate the winners!
Lol I changed my site look again but I like this new stlye its EVIL!!!
Also I want to thank the people who voted on my poll on the top.The category that got themost votes was "Cool"hehe I never knew you guys thought I was cool but I am glad to know that I am!
Well thats all and heres a Haku banner also made by me.
*Haku Banner*
[EDIT]Does anybody have any requests for me?Cause I am realy bored and I feel like making some stuff like blogs,avatars,buttons,banners,and alot more,so if you have any requests feel free to E-mail me you're pictures and I'll make them whenever I can.Well I hope to get alot from you guys,bye!
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
New Border!

(Michael Myers from Halloween!and thats where my new background music is from^-^)
I want to thank Petiefor helping me out with the border thing^_^
I hope you all like it.
I also won 2 new awards today.One of them was from Shiruri and the other I won from Beyblader's DBZ Zero site.
It looks like the fighting has stoped yay!
I didn't do much today except later I hafe to go to my school to do some stuff.I hope to se some of my friends there.
I think I am going to start a new contest.
Heres how it works you hafe to tell me whos you're favorite anime character and why?
There can be 3 winners.Heres what you can win if you get either 1st,2nd,or 3rd place.
1st place will win a banner,welcome sign,and an avi.
2nd place will win a banner and welcome sign.
3rd place will win an avi!
For 1st place you're explanation must be up to 3-4 paragraphs long or more.
For 2nd you're explanation must be up to 2-3 paragraphs long.
And for 3rd you're explanation must be up to 1-2 paragraphs long.
Well goodluck and I hope you all will enter and you can only pick one anime character,and the way you can enter is by either emailing me,sending me a PM,or just leaving a comment.
And heres another banner I made.
*Hiei Banner*
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