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Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
*New Style*

(Go ahead,laugh you're head off!)
Yup I changed my site look again^^New background,avatar,buttons,different chatter box colors,and new enter sign^^
Boy there sure was alot of fighting today!!!and do you guys remember anonymous well hes back and he made fun of Milkycat!Gosh alot of people have been bugging her,I don't get why they don't just stop it!
I won 2 awards with my InuYasha site yay!
And the winners for the cool and colorful awards are Joeyw23 and Inukid!Congrats!
Thats all for now and heres another realy cute picture^_^

(Awww..they are sutcha cuteys^^I wonder who will win the cute bakura doll?)
EDIT:Check out my best Marik and Sesshomaru banners^_^Feel free to put them up on you're sites but make sure to give me the credit and if you have any requests feel free to are the links to the banners...
*Marik Banner*
*Sessh Banner*
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Still boored....

(Inutaisho and Izayoi the father and mother of InuYasha and Sesshomaru.)
I am still boored..-_-
Yesterday I made alot of changes on my InuYasha website so if you want to please go and look at them.The button to it is above.
Today I mostly spent my time drawing and finding awesome pictures of InuTaisho and I did find alot of them heres a link to one of the best ones.
Click Here to se them!
If you are going to be using this picture somewhere please tell me^_^
We also have a winner for the creativity award its Seto Kaiba freak!Congrats to you!
Shiruri also entered in it^^sorry you didn't win but this doesn't mean you're site isn't creative.
If you hvent entered in my contest yet please do so read the post below to se how you can enter^^Even if you think you're site can't win one of them please still enter you never know I might think they are good enought to win one of them and you probably don't so goodluck.
Well I have nothing else to say so I am just gonna leave ja ne!
Yay I got sesshy am I lucky or what?
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Boring day....-_-

(Isn't it a little to early for Halloween?)
Today was mostly a boring day,I woke up at about 2:00pm.My mom and dad's friends were over and I was just in my room watching a marathon of one of my favorite comedy shows.So yeah there wasnt that much fun.
I am not sure if any of you saw my contest on my YGO site but I have decited to put it up on here also^^
Heres how it goes you can enter any of you're websites including you're Otaku site.If you want to enter please send me a PM and ONLY a PM!If you're entering one of you're websites that you made some where else thats not on the Otaku please include the URL to it and also if you dont have you're email adress on you're site please tell me what it is so I can send you the award thats made by me.Look below at what kind of awards you can win and how.
Colorful award

You can win this award if you're site is very colorful and organized.
Cool Award

You can win this award if you're site is cool and very nice looking.
Creativity Award

You can visit this award if you're site is very creative and that has nice site colors.
You're Otaku name will be on one of these awards if you win and if you're entering you're website that was made somewhere else the name of it will be put up on the award!
Well goodluck!
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Fun Anime Day!

(I think this picture was from todays new YYH ending theme song^^)
Yeah I didn't do mutch today except watch animes^^Its 11pm and I am about to watch the adult swim animes^_^
I did all of my requests that I got from people in making them something.
So I don't realy have anything else to say of what happened so I am just gonna talk about the animes I saw.
The 1st one was BeyBlade,2 repeated episodes.
Then it was Shaman King wich I didn't get to finish watching cause I fell asleep and I didn't get to se anymore morning animes including Yugioh:-(it suuucksss!!!!
Then in the afternoon I watched Duel Masters when that guy in that weird pink outfit kidnapped Shobu to duel him somewhere else.
After that it was Rave Master.I didn't realy feel like watching that episode so I can't realy tell you what happened.
After that it was Teen Titans when Terra became good again and destroyed Slade and then turned to stone cause she used up all of her energy.
After that repeated episodes of Digimon seasons 4 and 2.
Then Yu Yu hakusho.LOL I couldn't wait to se the gangs faces when they found out that Genkai was behind all of those tricks ^_^
Then DBGT when Goku and Android 18 destroyed super 17 to avenge krillin's death.Then they went and gathered the dragonballs to restore the earth back to normal but when they found all of dragonballs they were cracked and when Goku tried summoning Shenron an evil shenron was awakened I forgot his name but I can't wait for the next episode when more evil shenrons are summoned^^
Well I cant tell you what happened in Inuyasha,Wolf's Rain,Trigun,and cowboy bebop cause I didnt se them yet so I am gonna go right now so bye and heres a DBGT pic of Super 17 from todays epi^^
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
New Stuff!

(Jimmy Kudo/Conan Edogawa^_^)
Today I was mostly working on my Inuyasha and Yugioh websites and I added new stuff on there,I am going to tell you what they are.On my Inuyasha site I added profiles of Inutaisho and Izayoi the mother and father of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and I added an Inuyasha movie page check these out^_^
On mu YGO site i did alot of changes again.I put up a contest on there also its pritty easy to win if you have a good site go over there and look how you can win.
Here are the links...
Please go and look at the sites and if you havent yet please sign the guest books.
Well today all I did was draw and watch fear factor wich is where people get to eat alot of groose stuff like bugs,cow brains,and they also do extreme stuff like they go under water with handcuffs and they hafe to use a key to take them of.But who ever completes all of this stuff will win $50,000^^
My mom and dad where gone for the whole afternoon and they still arent back and its dark.I think they went over to one of their friends house they usualy come back around 2:00am lol!
I can't wait for the new episode of Yugioh^_^and I want to thank everyone who had requests for me^.~
G2g now ja ne!
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Friday, August 20, 2004

(My favorite picture of Koga and Inuyasha fighting each other!)
Yesterday and today my PC was acting up!Whenever I tried opening a new window it made me restart my computer!I toold my dad about this,but he went somewhere on google I think to findout if theres anyone who hacked in my PC and there were alot of people who did!It sucks but you can get something thats $39.95 to block those idiots!My dad says its to much money so he woent let me order it but I found out who the hackers are and I sent them a very pritty virus!It'll take more than that to mess around with my PC!
Yeah so nothing much happened today except that every anime on CN is back from the beginning except for pokemon johto leauge!Yugioh,case closed,and lupin the 3rd are back from the beginning!So theres nothing good to watch anymore only on saturdays!
Oh and if you're wondering why I said yay in my subject lol thats cause I figured out how to make blogs now^_^
These are all of the things I know how to make:Avatars,buttons,blogs,enter signs,greetings,wallpapers,banners,and pictures^^I got alot of requests from people today to make them something and I am glad they did cause I like making these things for people^.~
Yup so thats all for now se you all later!
Ja Ne!

(And heres another picture!)
Please read the stuff below!Its something that koga said to inuyasha in yesterdays repeated inuyasha episode!It made me laugh lol!
Koga:"You stinking mutt!"
Inuyasha:"Did you just call me a mutt!"
Koga:"Now that would be an insult to all canines,now wouldn't it?You smell mutch worse!"
LOL I love it when Koga calls Inuyasha a mutt face!^^
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
What should the subject be!!!

(A pic from kill bill vol.2)
Today I finnaly got to se kill bill 2 on DVD!I saw it in the theaters also^^
I have decited to cancle my contest lol!
I can't belive that Case Closed is back from the beginning!and on CN yugioh is showing the 1st season again!I hope new episodes come on soon.I will put up new avi's in my intro so make sure to look for them^^
I have nothing else to say for now so se you all later!
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

(I don't realy believe that good can beat evil lol^_^)
Adam accepted my 2 greetings!Its a Marik and Kisara greeting so start sending them to you're friends and I also sent some new ones^^
I put up new YGO avis on top so check them out!
So as you can se I changed my site again.I put up a new enter sign,changed the BG,and put up a new avi made by me^_^
Did any of you watch Case Closed yesterday?I loved that episode but it sucked that Jimmy couldn't stay in his teen body instead of returning into a 6 year old boy again!
Well I am done for now!
Ja Ne!

(A pic of Jounouchi and Shizuka from todays new YGO episode on CN!)
EDIT:I wanted to also start a new contest^^
Its a contest of who has the coolest site here on theOtaku?
Send me a PM of who you think has the best site and why?And sorry you can't pick you're selves!who ever gets themost votes wins!
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

(I am glad to have friends like you guys here on theOtaku-.^)
Ok first of all someone in my chatter box said something bad about my site he calls himself Annonymous,he doesn't have the guts to use his real name hahahaaa..maby its cause he doesn't have a brain and because hes blind!Annonymous if you come back here again I'll make sure to sharpen my nails with a knife so I can cut you're head off!lol!
I want to thank dark phoenix,mariklover,soulstealer,limes at large,and who ever else toold annoynmous to stop it,you guys are realy cool for that^_^
Iam feeling alot better since yesterday^^
Heres the weird part I went to se the YGO movie but the people who worked at the theater said they didn't have the YGO movie playingO_oit sucks!But instead I watched the Princess Diaries 2 wich was realy funny!
Yeah I also bought all of my school stuff^^
And I finnaly found a website that was something like Paint that lets you make you're own pics and other stuff but this site is better than that!It allows me to save stuff in JPG,GIF,and BMP formats^^on paint it doesn't let me!
The last thing I have to say is that I finnaly made my own avi of Atem and I submited 2 greetings,I hope Adam will accept them^_^and if you want an avi made just ask me and I'll make you one,all you hafe to do is email me the pic you want me to use and what you want it to say on there.
Well I'll leave you with a pic,Ja Ne!

(Its a pic from last weeks new Inuyasha episode^_^)
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Bad news!

(Black War Greaymon!He totaly rocks^^Just as evil and cool like Marik^^)
Ok today my grandma died:-(My mom was realy upset and so was I!
Oh well I'll try and get over it!
Sorry I didn't visit everyones sites my computer was acting up like always but this time I felt like punching it to outer space!
I think I might be watching the Yugioh movie today!If I don't I'll kill my self lol.
And I am going school shopping today!I hate school but shopping is fun^^
Thats it for now!
Ja Ne!

EDIT:Muso hates Naraku for killing Kikyo^^This guy totaly rocks and hes one of Naraku's reincarnations haha lol hes kinda like Kagura trying to kill Naraku also^^
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