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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
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Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Monday, August 9, 2004
 Way Cool!!!ur Sessh Taisho!!!
Ur the girl that likes Marik but Bakura likes you!!! *i dont get why u wont date Bakura*...beacuse u dont have a chance with Marik!!plus ur Kaiyama's best friend^_~
Are you Kaiyama or Sessh? brought to you by Quizilla
One of my friends on theOtaku made this quiz i hope you guys will take it^^
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More Inu info^^
Yup I found out more awesome inuyasha info^^
The 1st inuyasha movie is coming out on September 7th 2004
The 2nd movie is coming out on December,28th 2004
Inuyasha will end on September in Japan:-(
The 4th Inuyasha movie is coming out soon in Japan its called Guren no Hourai-shima (The Crimson Island of Hourai)
There havent been any news about the 3rd movie.
And the Inuyasha TCG is coming out in October.
When I find out more info I'll tell you guys^^
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(This is how I look right now!)
Ok one of my friends from theOtaku is leaving his name is Ian aka AnubisYokai!
I am going to miss him but we are going to email each other^^
Well I heerd that some people here on theOtaku have school already!
I woent have school till September 7th^^
I was never born to go to school!!!
Oh yeah and what do you all think of my new avi of Kagome huggling Souten!!!Awww....I think its cute^^I made it my self heheh!!!
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Notboored anymore^^

Yes I am feeling alot better now and I am not bored anymore.
I heerd that the new Yugioh episode was cancled!
I fell aslep when I finished watching BeyBlade in the morning and I didn't get to watch anymore animes in the morning!But em I lucky that it was cancled^^I just hope they show it next saturday!
I finished watching Inuyasha a few minutes ago and the episode they showed was awesome and funny^^I didn't excpect Souten to be like that lol^^But I realy liked her^^
Would anyone mind drawing her for me???
That pic of shippo she drew at the end looked kind hot lol^^
I also got into a stupid fight with my big bro!!!Grrrr...hes sutcha creep!! I hate him!!!
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Whatever it says below is TRUE!!!mwahaaaaaha1!!
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Now this quiz is more like it^-^
 Your twisted mind has you trying to stop the one who has been destined to bring an end to your evil feel as though your life has been shattered and now you must fade away and become something great, to stop the one who shattered all your hopes...but instead you turned out to be the one who is evil...You don't really have anyone that is beside you, which makes you feel alone at times, wishing you could have been something more...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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nothing much to say!

I am not feeling good and I am still bored!Theres nothing to do in this world...I hope you guys will like my changes^^Inuyasha is one of my favorite animes^^
I can't wait till my favorite animes start later aspecialy yugioh and inuyasha^^
g2g now bye!
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Friday, August 6, 2004
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Well nothing much happened yesterday!
I can't wait till its 6:00pm^^
I have a question for you guys^^
Whos you're best friend here on theOtaku and why^^
I would gladly answer this question myself but I don't want to!There are to many people here that are my best friends and I can't pick!
Ok well gomen!
Comments (18) |
Thursday, August 5, 2004
Damn it!! Stupit dentists!!!
Take the quiz: "Who is your Kill Bill Fag Hag?"
Beatrice Kiddo aka Black Mamba aka The BrideYou both hold grudges against those who did you harm (you for your cheating ex's and her for the ass holes who tried to kill here during her wedding recital). You both believe that revenge is a dish best served cold and you probably met while trying to kill your enemies. You both share your liking for Katana's and bitterness. You're such a bitter queen.
Ok I just found out that my next dentist appointment is on August 13th thesame day as the yugioh movie:-(
This realy sucks!!!!!
My dentist appointment is around 10:15am I might make it by the time the movie starts I don't know!
Oh well theres always a saturday and sunday^^
And on august 10th Kill Billl vol.2 comes out on DVD/VHS yay^^I saw it in theaters but I want to se it again its realy cool!
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