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Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Inuyasha episode 107:The First Time We saw Inuyasha's Tears(This is not the real name of the episode in the US)
If you think that Inuyasha will never cry!Guess again^.^
This was not written by me!!!
It was written by Kagome2 from a different website.
One time inuyasha and Kagome were looking for a place to stay in when they got to a place were they found a litle house they dicited to stay there for the night when they were sleeping inuyasha heard a sound i sounded like naraku but he didn't know what it was kagome woke up and said"inuyasha were are you it seem like inuyasha has left the lilte house Kagome was really scare but she didn't know what to do when she saw inuyasha ceming by she got so appy that she ran and hug him and inuyasha said" what's wrong Kagome " and then Kagome said" i thought you left to see Kikyo " and there was silence for a couple of minutes and then inuyasha said" Kagome you know i wouldn't leave you alone " and then something a ttacked then " Kagome almost got kill when she was dying inuyasha was crying and said" I LOVE YOU KAGOME I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU"
Here are a few pictures^^ 
Miroku,Sango,and Kagome run out of breath.

Kohaku will appear in the episode with something cool^^

Kagome wakes up and tells inuyasha sorry for scaring him.

If you look closely up by inuyasha's hair you'll se a little tear about to come down.

Inuyasha tells koga that he wasn't crying he was just woried about his friends.
Hope you liked the spoiler^.^
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Guessing contest #2
Its another contest^^
Its thesame as the last one!
This time make sure to send me a PM along with you'r guess and email adress!
Ok lets start guessing...???
This anime character is from Yugioh.He/she has brown hair and black/brown small eyes.
Goodluck at guessing^^
You will receive an award made by me if you guess right.If you don't win you will also get something made by me for trying my contest.
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Hes so CUTE~o~
The surviving thunder brother Souten^.^Hes so cute just like Hiten^.^
I can't wait till next Saturday to se him^^
I also forgot to mention that I will be ordering the Yugioh Part 10 DVD wich has episodes 199-207^^
I can't wait to se some of the pharaohs memory episodes on DVD and not on the internet^^
Its in Japanese but it has subtitles in chinese and in english^^
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Ahhh!!!! To many animes!

Yup!I watched alot of animes again.Heres another list of what I have watched.
3 episodes of Digimon
2 episodes of BeyBlade
Shaman King
Yugioh!I loved the new episode!
Duel Masters
Rave Master
Teen Titans
Yu Yu hakusho
Dragonball GT
Gundam Seed
Wolf's Rain
Cowboy Bebop
Saturdays are always anime days for me^.^
I also put up some Seto and Kisara screenshots on my website^^
Please look at them they are awesome.And theres a pic for you Seto fans of Seto when he was just a little boy with his egyptian mom^^
And thank you for those people who visited my website already and signed me GB that means alot to me *Hugs them*
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
New stuff on my yugioh website!
Hey everyone^^
I made alot of changes on my yugioh website!
At the momentI am putting up pharaoh's memory screencaps^^
Can everyone come by and look at my website its wicked!Make sure to sign my GB!that i made on freewebs^^It would mean alot to me^.~so pleeeeeeeease....!!!
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Well its still Friday here its 11:27pm I am watching Anime Unleashed^^Then an all new .Hack// series and Cyborg009.
I can't wait till tommorow for the duel between Yugi and Marik^^
Its to bad Marik's going to forfit:-(
Later I am going to put up some Yugioh Pharaoh's Memory screencaps^^
Well heres the contest winner now.
Many people guessed Naraku and Kagura but NO its not either of them^^
Its actualy Hiten one of the thunder brothers^^
Congratulations Blue Wolf for guessing it was him^.~I need you'r email adress to send you the award.
Those of you who also sent me a PM you will get a thank you award^^
I still need some of you'r email adresses please tell them to me so I can sent you the awards right now I am going to go send the awards to the people who I already have an email adress from^^
And here are 2 pics of Hiten so you can se his cute face^^
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Guessing Contest
Heheh I decited to do a contest here on theOtaku^^
Heres what you hafe to do.You will hafe to guess of what anime character I am talking about.
I'll give you a few clues.If you guess right you will get an award made by me^^Send me a private message of who u think it is just incase you get the right answer you don't give it out to other people.
The character is from Inuyasha he or shei s also my 4th favorite Inu character.
He/She has red eyes and black braid hair^^
Goodluck at guessing^^
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Fan Art Section
Ok on my Yugioh website I put up a Fan Art section so you Yugioh drawers can send me you'r art and I'll put them up.I already got 10 of them up there from BeyBlader and Marik2112.
So if you'r a Yugioh drawer send me you'r art so other people from other websites can look at them^^
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Todays Wacky Yugioh Pic

Ok these wacky yugioh pics are scaring meO_o
I mean Tea + Bakura is so WRONG!!!
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Poll Results
Well thanks everyone for voting on my polls here are the results for the anime poll.Top 15^^
Yugioh(17 votes)
Inuyasha(16 votes)
Yu Yu Hakusho(13 votes)
Wolf's Rain(12 votes)
Rurouni Kenshin(11 votes)
Shaman King(10 votes)
Cowboy Bebop and Trigun(9 votes)
Case Closed,Pokemon,Digimon,FLCL,Gundam Seed,DB/Z/GT,and Final Fantasy(8 votes
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