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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Heheh I am quiz craazy!!!Mwahahahahaa
Ok thats enough memes for now.
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Something cool and new survey made by me.
Heres the survey made by me. Whats your favorite anime?: | Yu-Gi-Oh! | Whos your favorite anime character?: | Marik | Whos your favorite anime creator?: | Kazuki Takahashi | Whats your favorite theme song?: | Overlap | What was your very first anime?: | Pokemon | Whats your favorite anime animal or monster?: | Winged Dragon of Ra | What new anime did you se?: | Rave Master | What anime stuff do you have?: | posters,video games,drawings,pictures,trading cards,playing cards,stickers,videos and DVDs,mangas,and alot more. | How many animes do you like?: | over a 100 i think | How many anime video games do you have?: | alot | Whats your least favorite anime?: | ummm...i cant remember right now | Whos your least favorite anime character?: | pegasus | How old were you when you 1st saw an anime?: | 6 years old | Do you have any comments on this quiz?: | Yes i do!I made this quiz | Well thats it for now bye^^hope you enjoyed the quiz.: | heheh i had fun taking my own quiz hope you guys will have fun to. | Anime Quiz brought to you by BZOINK!
I just want to say thanks to the people who took my last quiz^^
I made you guys another one^.^
Ok I just foundout a few days ago that a movie called Confesions of a teenage drama queen is going to be coming out on DVD and VHS yay!I wanted to se that movie since it came out in theaters^^I never got to se it when it was in theaters.
Well thats all se you all later.
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Me with the Marik's colored^^Drawn by:Chi2004

Heres the pic again but colored^^thanks Chi2004 ^.~
Its even better now^.^
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Drawn by Chi2004

Its me with Marik and Yami Marik^.^
Chi2004 drew it for me.Thanks alot Chi I love it heheheh.The Marik's look so cute *Hugs them both*.
Well I have nothing else to say except that I woke up at 4:00pm lol^.~Ok seya later..
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My own survey!
Yup i made this survey!!!! Do you like Marik?: | I love him^.^ | Wich one do you like/dislike themost?: | I like Yami Marik more. | Why do you like/dislike Marik?: | Cause hes so hooot!!! | Are you married to the guy?: | yes i am!! | Name some Marik stuff you got?: | hmmmm...alot of stuff | How much do you like/dislike Marik?: | i like him alot | When did you 1st like/dislike Marik?: | when he 1st showed his pritty face^.^ | Do you like the Shadow Realm?: | like it?i live in it | Did you like this quiz?: | i made it lol | M I your friend?: | lol i made this quiz i cant be your friend lol | I cant think of anymore questions?: | nope i cant!!!! | What else do you like about Marik?: | hmmm..his evilness | Was there a time you almost didn't like Marik?: | no way!!!!! | Whos your least fave yugioh character(s): | pegasus | well the quiz is done^.^: | sorry i did not make anymore questions for you guys. | A Marik Ishtar Quiz brought to you by BZOINK!
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
some anime surveys
Ultimate Anime/Manga Otaku Survey | Do you... | Make AMVs: | no | Fandub/Radio Plays: | no | Cosplay: | no | Help scanslate manga: | no | Draw manga: | yes | Write fanfiction: | yes | Draw Fanart: | yes | Have a huge collection of anime pictures: | over a million | Play the card games: | yes | Roleplay: | yes | DDR: | no | Have you ever... | Watched a series in 24 hours: | i think | Skipped school for anime related reasons: | lol not realy | Attended an anime convention: | i wish | Woken up/stayed up late to watch anime on tv: | o yeah!!! | Worn your hair like an anime character in public: | no | Have you got... | DVDs of anime: | yes | Tapes of anime: | yes | Fansubs: | no | Manga: | yes | Scanslated manga: | no | Untranslated manga: | no | UFO Catchers: | no | Anime Posters: | yes | Misc. fun game... | What's you favorite number: | 10 | Count the abc's until you come across a letter for that #: | ??? | Name 5 animes/characters/mangaka/etc. starting with that letter...1.: | Marik Ishtar | 2: | Sesshomaru | 3: | Hiei | 4: | Kai Hiwatari | 5: | Conan Adogava | 3 Favorite... | Shonen Series: | Yugioh | Shoujo Series: | i dont know | Magical Girl Series: | i dont realy know | Unlicensed Series: | ummmm | Licensed Series: | hmmm... | Series on TV: | Yugioh | Boy Characters: | Marik | Girl Characters: | Ishizu | Bishonen/Bishoujo: | Marik | Theme Songs: | Overlap | Couples: | Inuyasha and Kagome | Mangakas: | .... | Anime Companies: | i cant remember | American Voice Actors: | darn!i dont remember his name | Japanese Voice Actors: | not sure | Mascots: | ???? | Least Favorite... | Shonen Series: | i dont have a least favorite | Shoujo Series: | i havent read any of them yet | Magical Girl Series: | ???? | Unlicensed Series: | ???? | Licensed Series: | ????/ | Series on TV: | i dont have a least fave | Boy Character: | pegasus | Girl Character: | kagura | Bishonen/Bishoujo: | not sure | Theme Song: | hmm... | Couple: | i cant think of one right now | Mangaka: | ???? | Anime Company: | .... | American Voice Actor: | ..... | Japanese Voice Actor: | ..... | Mascot: | ..... | Lessons learned... | Did you learn Japanese from anime: | heh yup | Learn more about Japanese customs and traditions: | yeah | Listen to J-Rock/J-Pop as a result: | yes | Red string of fate: | what?? | Walking under cherry blossoms: | no | Indirect kiss: | ummm...??/ | Naming a bear after someone: | not realy | Baking sweets for someone: | lol i dont bake so good | Has anime had an influence on your future(become a manga artist, etc.): | yes becoming an anime creator | Do you know the Japanese word for... | Boy: | no | Cat: | no | Cellphone: | no | Cool: | no | Dog: | no | Girl: | no | Magic: | no | Manga Artist: | no | Moon: | no | Ocean: | no | Sky: | no | Snow: | no | Soldier: | ohhh i forgot this one | Sorry: | i think i know this one | Tea: | anzu???LOL | Teacher: | no | Voice Actor: | no | Vs... | Shoujo/Shonen: | shonen | Kyou/Yuki: | yuki | J-Rock/J-Pop: | i cant pick | Anime/Manga: | anime | Dub/Sub: | sub | The End | Ultimate 100 Question Anime/Manga Otaku Survey brought to you by BZOINK! anime: do you like | sailormoon: | yes | utena: | no | inuyasha: | yes | hellsing: | no | fruits basket: | no | gundam wing: | yes | anime fun brought to you by BZOINK!
Sailor Saturn or Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon):: | sailor saturn | Silence Glaive or Holy Grail (Sailor Moon):: | holy grail | Chii or Dita and Zima (Chobits):: | nether | Angel Arm or Gun-cross (Trigun):: | angel arm | Pudding Ring or Strawberry Bell Bell (Tokyo Mew Mew):: | nether | Hikaru or Umi (Rayearth):: | nether | Ginta or Yuu (Marmalade Boy):: | nether | Suu or Naru (Love Hina):: | nether | Vash or Knives (Trigun):: | knives | Inu Yasha or Miroku (Inu Yasha):: | inuyasha | Sesshoumaru or Naraku (Inu Yasha):: | sesshomaru | Faye or Ed (Cowboy Bebop):: | ed | Spike or Vicious (Cowboy Bebop):: | vicious | Faye or Julia (Cowboy Bebop):: | faye | Dita or Zima (Chobits):: | nether | Which anime person/item do you think has more power? brought to you by BZOINK!
Do you like Myoga the flea?: | yes | Whos the smartest on the show: | sango | Who is the dumbest?: | naraku | Is Shippou cute or just so friggin dumb you'd like to kill him?: | cute i guess | Who should win Inuyashas heart Kagome or Kikyo?: | kagome | Are you excited about the INuyasha movies?: | yup | Do you have anything in your room that has something to do with INuyasha?: | yes alot of stuff | Are you happy that Sesshomaru will decide to team up with his brother?: | i guess | If Miroku grabbed your butt you would?: | i wouldn't slap him I would punch him^.^ | If Kagome grabbed your butt you would?: | ahhh!!!!KILL HEEER!!!! | Shippo or Shippou?: | shippo | Inuyasha or INu-Yasha: | inuyasha | Do you pity Jaken or Sesshomaru and Rin for putting up with Jaken?: | sesshomaru | Who's cuter Rin or Shippo: | rin | Sesshomaru or Inuyasha?: | sesshomaru | *insert your answer for 15* or miroku? *if boy think of it as friend*: | what??? | Rin and Kohaku or Kanna and Kohaku?: | rin and kohaku | Should Kaede kill over or do you think shes an important character?: | important | Do you think Sango should date Miroku or seek Kilala on him?: | date him | Tetsusaiga or Tensaiga?: | tenseiga | have you heard of Kaede+ToTosai relationship?: | O_o!!!No | Koga and Ayame or Koga and Kagome?: | koga and ayame | Whos a good doggy? ^.^!!: | sesshy | Do you wish that you knew what Sesshomaru's mom looked like?: | I already do! | How long have you been a inuyasha fan?: | since it came out | Kilala or Soto's cat?: | kirara | Who's cooler Kagome,Sango, or Kikyo?: | sango | Have you heard of the Inuyasha GBA game?: | never played it before | What do you think Inuyasha will do once he gets the Shikon Jewel?: | use it to become human | What will become of Kikyo in the end?: | she will die | Inuyasha! brought to you by BZOINK!
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Episode Screencaps and spoilers.
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Friday, July 16, 2004
Some cool quizzes.
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Cute Pics^.~
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