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Yami Marik
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A lot of different awards, website stuff, art awards etc.
Anime Fan Since
Around the 90s.
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Inuyasha, Ergo Proxy, Eureka 7, Gundam SEED/Destiny, Yu-Gi-Oh, Prince of Tennis, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and more.
Learn japanese, go to Japan. become a manga artist or better graphic designer.
Graphics, Web design, drawing, music, video games, Anime, Manga.
Graphic Design, drawing.
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Monday, July 12, 2004
The Egyptian Pics^^
Well here they are i will put up more tommorow^^Pharaoh Atem

Priest Seto

Theif Bakura

Priest Ishizu

Priest Mahado!^.~My favorite one

Priest Karim


Priest Akunum


I wasnt able to find art pictures of all of the egyptians but i will put episode pics of them tommorow and also egyptian couples heheh^^
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Yaoi quizzes^.*
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Here are some quizzes cause i am bored! What Wolfs Rain Wolf Are You?
A Yuugiou survey-type-thing....sorta | Who is your favorite character?: | Marik Ishtar | Why did u choose him/her?: | Cause hes the hooootest guy in the universe!! | Do you even LIKE him/her?: | like him?I love him^_^ | Why?: | I already toold you! | Does he/she have any enemies?: | yes | Does he/she have any freinds?: | he has slaves^.~ | Does him/her have a goldfish named Spanky?: | | If you saw your favorite character, would you be a normal or rabid fan g/b?: | | Are you getting tired of this survey yet?: | no i want more questions! | Do you like Dr.Pepper? (dont own it): | yes | Do YOU hae a goldfish named Spanky?: | | Quick!You see Kaiba walking on the beach with some speedo's on.whatdoudo?: | send them to the shadow realm:-) | Are u glad this survey is done now?: | ofcourse noooot!!! | A YGO quiz thingy. brought to you by BZOINK!
Another sorta YGO quiz thingy....yeah.. | If u could have one of the mill. items, which one would u pick?: | Millenium Rod...mwahahahah | Why did u pick that?: | cause it controls minds and its Marik's millenium item. | Ok,u've got the Mill,___,and u see Joey walking down the road,what do u do?: | send him to the shadow realm! | Do u feel bad for what u did?: | fehh..noo | After that,Malik'n'Bakura pop up and ask if u want tohelp rule the world... | What is ur reply to them?: | yeeeeeeeeess!!!!pleeeease let me!!! | After u've taken over the world,er whatever,Kaiba almost runs u over and | just drives off!!! What do u do then? (these questions are to big): | that idiot*goes running after him to send him to the shadow realm* | Do you know who GIR is?: | i think! | If u do,would u rather be stuck in a room with him,or Mokuba with a bag of | sugar stashed somewhere u cant find it at?: | no | If u dont, HERES A BUNCH OF COOKIEZ!!!: | yummmm...^^ | If u do, HERES A BUNCH OF COOKIEZ!!! (generious aint i?): | yup it sure is! | Last one (arnt u sad?) Do u like m&m's? (YUMMY!!!): | heh yup..mmmmm!!! | Another YGO quiz thing brought to you by BZOINK!
What's your favorite anime song?: | fukai mori-inuyasha | Fav. anime?: | yugioh | Fav. Shoujo manga?: | ??? | Fav. Shounen manga?: | i like all of them^^ | Fav. male character?: | Marik Ishtar | Fav. female character?: | ishizu ishtar | What anime do you hate the most?: | i dont hate any! | Which character do you wish would just die?: | naraku | Which character do you wish you could marry?: | i am already married to marik | Which anime do you wish you could be in?: | yugioh!!!!! | Do you like J-pop? J-rock?: | yes | O-genki desuka?: | no | What anime animal or creature do you wish you had as a pet?: | winged dragon of ra lol | Its the end! Are you happ? Sad? Dunno?: | SAAAAAAD!!!! | Anime and You brought to you by BZOINK!
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Demon Yusuke
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Finnaly Back!!!!!!!!
Well I am finnaly back.I just couldn't stop thinking about you guys i missed you all so much.Its going to be kind of hard to explain in how i got back here but i am glad that i did.I made 3 anime websites one of the is a Yugioh one,the others are Inuyasha and BeyBlade ones.Please visit them.I am going to be changing my site.I am going to make it look Yugioh Pharaoh's Memory.Its going to be awesome!!!There are going to be alot of pics.Well I'll se you all tommorow.Boy does it feel good to be back!!!
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Friday, July 9, 2004
I am here!!
Hey you guys it has been a long time hasnt it?Well some how i am logged in as Cute Sesshomaru.I asked Adam to fix it but he hasnt replied yet.I am on my bros computer thats how i am here right now.I miss you all and i hope to come back again.Well se you all later^^
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
YYH quizzes!!!
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Hiei is the best!!!
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Before I could only watch Yugioh and Pokemon on KidsWB well I mean only the new episodes and that was only on Saturdays.And that was cause I didn't have cable I only could have cable on the weekends now I just found out that on Cartoon Network there will be new episodes Yugioh and of Pokemon.I am so glad!!!!Nothing will make me sad right now even if I got grounded.
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Miroku and Sango pics
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