(I am glad to have friends like you guys here on theOtaku-.^)
Ok first of all someone in my chatter box said something bad about my site he calls himself Annonymous,he doesn't have the guts to use his real name hahahaaa..maby its cause he doesn't have a brain and because hes blind!Annonymous if you come back here again I'll make sure to sharpen my nails with a knife so I can cut you're head off!lol!
I want to thank dark phoenix,mariklover,soulstealer,limes at large,and who ever else toold annoynmous to stop it,you guys are realy cool for that^_^
Iam feeling alot better since yesterday^^
Heres the weird part I went to se the YGO movie but the people who worked at the theater said they didn't have the YGO movie playingO_oit sucks!But instead I watched the Princess Diaries 2 wich was realy funny!
Yeah I also bought all of my school stuff^^
And I finnaly found a website that was something like Paint that lets you make you're own pics and other stuff but this site is better than that!It allows me to save stuff in JPG,GIF,and BMP formats^^on paint it doesn't let me!
The last thing I have to say is that I finnaly made my own avi of Atem and I submited 2 greetings,I hope Adam will accept them^_^and if you want an avi made just ask me and I'll make you one,all you hafe to do is email me the pic you want me to use and what you want it to say on there.
Well I'll leave you with a pic,Ja Ne!

(Its a pic from last weeks new Inuyasha episode^_^)