(My favorite picture of Koga and Inuyasha fighting each other!)
Yesterday and today my PC was acting up!Whenever I tried opening a new window it made me restart my computer!I toold my dad about this,but he went somewhere on google I think to findout if theres anyone who hacked in my PC and there were alot of people who did!It sucks but you can get something thats $39.95 to block those idiots!My dad says its to much money so he woent let me order it but I found out who the hackers are and I sent them a very pritty virus!It'll take more than that to mess around with my PC!
Yeah so nothing much happened today except that every anime on CN is back from the beginning except for pokemon johto leauge!Yugioh,case closed,and lupin the 3rd are back from the beginning!So theres nothing good to watch anymore only on saturdays!
Oh and if you're wondering why I said yay in my subject lol thats cause I figured out how to make blogs now^_^
These are all of the things I know how to make:Avatars,buttons,blogs,enter signs,greetings,wallpapers,banners,and pictures^^I got alot of requests from people today to make them something and I am glad they did cause I like making these things for people^.~
Yup so thats all for now se you all later!
Ja Ne!

(And heres another picture!)
Please read the stuff below!Its something that koga said to inuyasha in yesterdays repeated inuyasha episode!It made me laugh lol!
Koga:"You stinking mutt!"
Inuyasha:"Did you just call me a mutt!"
Koga:"Now that would be an insult to all canines,now wouldn't it?You smell mutch worse!"
LOL I love it when Koga calls Inuyasha a mutt face!^^