(I think this picture was from todays new YYH ending theme song^^)
Yeah I didn't do mutch today except watch animes^^Its 11pm and I am about to watch the adult swim animes^_^
I did all of my requests that I got from people in making them something.
So I don't realy have anything else to say of what happened so I am just gonna talk about the animes I saw.
The 1st one was BeyBlade,2 repeated episodes.
Then it was Shaman King wich I didn't get to finish watching cause I fell asleep and I didn't get to se anymore morning animes including Yugioh:-(it suuucksss!!!!
Then in the afternoon I watched Duel Masters when that guy in that weird pink outfit kidnapped Shobu to duel him somewhere else.
After that it was Rave Master.I didn't realy feel like watching that episode so I can't realy tell you what happened.
After that it was Teen Titans when Terra became good again and destroyed Slade and then turned to stone cause she used up all of her energy.
After that repeated episodes of Digimon seasons 4 and 2.
Then Yu Yu hakusho.LOL I couldn't wait to se the gangs faces when they found out that Genkai was behind all of those tricks ^_^
Then DBGT when Goku and Android 18 destroyed super 17 to avenge krillin's death.Then they went and gathered the dragonballs to restore the earth back to normal but when they found all of dragonballs they were cracked and when Goku tried summoning Shenron an evil shenron was awakened I forgot his name but I can't wait for the next episode when more evil shenrons are summoned^^
Well I cant tell you what happened in Inuyasha,Wolf's Rain,Trigun,and cowboy bebop cause I didnt se them yet so I am gonna go right now so bye and heres a DBGT pic of Super 17 from todays epi^^