It was my 1st day of school yesterday and it was ok I guess.The teachers mostly showed us around the school and helped us out finding our classes.
I did most of my homework in study hall and when we had some free time to finish it in class.
Alot of people had trouble opening there lockers but not me for a change I opened it on my 1st try unlike the last time when it took me about 20 times to open it.
I am in all of thesame classes as my best friend...strange but I am glad that I am.
The food was alot better then the food we had last year.
I am whiped out from all of the walking around school and I barely found my locker when I came into the school^_^
My home room teacher is ok but hes kinda weird sometimes,and the rest of the teachers I've met today were pritty cool also.
And that was mostly it when I came back I just went online to visit some peoples sites and then I fell asleep and woke up around 9:00p.m.
I woent be visiting anyones sites who update tonight only later on when I come back from school unless I get to much homework,and I am looking for some people to help me out with my Yugioh website.I need some people who have watched almost all of the Yugioh Pharaohs Memory episodes and who has some great screenshots and who can write good episode summaries.If you would like to help out with one of these please PM me and no I woen't give you my password to the website you will email me all of the screenshots and episode summaries.
Thats all Ja Mate Ne!
P.S. My Sesshomaru and Vegeta wallpapers got accepted yesterday so make sure to check them out and my Sesshy wallpaper got themost download stats today yay!!!
[EDIT]I just took this back to school survey and some other quizzes so check them out!
01. What grade are you entering: | not telling |
02. What time does school start this year: | Around 8:00am |
03. What time does school get out: | Around 2:50pm |
04. Have you done all of your 'back to school' shopping: | yes |
05. Are you excited to be going back: | NO WAY!!! |
06. What class did you miss the most: | science |
07. What person did you miss the most: | My best friend |
08. Which class is your hardest this year: | MATH!!! |
09. Which class is your easiest: | Not sure yet |
10. Which class is your favorite: | Science |
11. Which teacher is going to be your favorite: | Not sure |
12. Still riding the bus, or driving: | walking |
13. Plan on changing your 'image' this year?: | maby |
14. What's your number one goal for this year: | To get no F's |
15. How long will it take for you to be sick of school again: | Oh that can wait for a few days^_^ |
16. Any of your friends in your lunch period?: | Yup |
17. What 'group' do you belong to at school: | not sure |
18. Happy with that? Or sad: | not sure |
19. Are you trendy? Coolest kid in school. New clothes maybe: | lol not sure |
20. Who are you going to try to befriend this year: | no one |
21. Still staying up until 2am and sleeping to noon?: | Yup |
22. What time are you going to have to wake up: | 7:00am |
23. Afternoon naps, or no?: | Yup |
24. Do you plan on attending the football games?: | no |
25. Do you plan on attending the dances?: | I guess |
The Back To School Survey brought to you by