(Sasuke looks so cool in this pic!)
Man,yesterday my dad changed my windows they look pritty cool,but there was alot of mess in my room and I had to clean it all with my mom,it whore me out!
And today my dad will start to put different windoes in my brothers room,and after hes done with that he will then hafe to start changing the 2 windows in the kitchen and in the living room.Thats gonna take while.
And I did watch alot of animes today,but I didn't get to watch the 2 BeyBlade G revolution episodes couse of my damn clock it was sappose to ring at 6:00am,just the time the anime starts but it didn't ring at all!!!and I woke up by myself around 7:50am and I didn't get to watch Pokemon advanced or one peice couse I forgot about them couse I was watching something else,and the new Yugioh episode rocked!and some of the new characters are ealy cute like that one guy with the brown hair whos the bad guy I forgot his english name,but I think you all know who I am talking about.
As you all can se I've changed my theme again.Its a Sasuke one.I also submited alot of Naruto manga artwork so please go and look at it and please vote and comment on them all if you can,and I did all of the requests I got from people.
Well thats all I can remember what happened today so I'll leave you all right now!
Ja Matte Ne!
[EDIT]And I watched half of Ghost in the Shell yesterday on TV(not on dvd or vhs)and if you have a sattelite dish called DirecTV,then you would of gotten a chance to watch it also.