(Another picture I made!)
In math class I got a 33% on my homework assignment,and the teacher yelled at me>_
My parents are still panting my walls,and today I wasn't listeing to them so they also yelled at me!!
If you haven't joined my forum yet please do so,it will mean alot to me,and please post some stuff in the categories.
I submited alot of yaoi pictures today so take a look at them and comment please!
I will start changing my site around after this post,so check back to se how it looks and pritty soon I'll start helping out with one of the best YGO websites ever made wich is called Janime^_^
I also saw that today someone on here stoole some of Janime's wallpapers and also one of mine wich is the yugi/atem one wich i posted on the wallpapers section and the other person also sent it,but I reported her and she removed all of the wallpapers,and her name is
msyugioh123 , so feel free to go over there and teach her a lesson in stealing!
Thats all for now I'll go start on the changes now.
Ja Matte Ne,
[EDIT]I put up a new club,go to my intro above to se if you would like to join it or not!