(Wow,no wunder hes called a theif!)
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Popularity Ranking:74
Guest Book entries 332
I finnaly got to se the 1st BeyBlade Grevolution episode and I hafe to say the Bladebreaker's look hotter then ever.
Theres more art posted so go ahead and look at it.
I wanted to start a fan art contest.Heres how the rules go.You will hafe to email me your drawing.
Once I get it maby Beyblader will put them all up on a website where you all can go and vote for them and the way you will vote is by sending me a PM.
You can only send me a picture you drew and no stoolen pics!
The picture that gets themost votes will win.
And please remember to add your signature on the pic so I remember who drew the pic.
The winner will receive a picture,avatar,and a banner I made.
And if you se a realy good drawing on a website that you didn't draw then ask the real artist to enter in this contest if you want.
I hope to get alot of entries and you will hafe to send your pics before September 30,2004 and the voting will start on October 1st wich is this Friday.Goodluck to all of the artists^__^
Ja Matte Ne,