(Sesshomaru tranforming into a dog from the japanese InuYasha version.)
Yes you all guessed it I passed my dumb science test, I got a C+ and we are gonna have a subtitude teacher for science class for maby until January because our other science teacher had a baby this Saturday^^
In Reading class I got to draw couse I brought my English book instead of my Reading book to class lol it wasn't my fault those 2 books look thesame!-_-
I posted more art,greetings,and wallpapers so please go and check them out, and speaking of art click
here to se all of the great art entries I got.Lol me and Beyblader didn't think that theres gonna be so many great art entries heh its gonna be tough picking the winner.
And on wednesday we are only gonna have a half a day of school yay!and that means no MATH!!!!!!!just 3 classes or maby 2 I don't know but I am realy glad!!and my brother has a whole day of school hahahaa!!!
I found this one awesome InuYasha site that has over 200 pics of the 3rd InuY. movie I saw a few months ago I might put some of them up like that Sesshy pic above its actualy a pic from that one episode where he fought InuYasha for the first time but the IY group was just thinking back when InuYasha cut off Sesshy's hand so thats why it was shown in the 3rd movie and the japanese version IY characers look ten times better than the dubbed english ones-_-Here are some pics of the jap. and english Sesshy so all of you can se what I mean.

(Se the face,hair,and clothes look different lol.)
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!