My favorite piccy of Captain Sagara.
Well my parent teacher confrence wen't pritty well.Actualy it was great lol.
The teachers just talked about my grades and how I'm doing in school, and all of the comments they gave were good.
My dad decided to buy me an early christmas present lol, and it was a DVD player.Now I can finnaly watch all of my favorite anime DVD's in my room, and not in the living room where my brother can always annoy me, and I can also listen to music on the DVD player.^^
I will finnaly have a Blue Eyes Shining Dragon card.Thanks to
Marik2112's mom.Shes a great person.She bought both me and Marik2112 a BESD on Ebay for a realy cheap price.
And I hope everyone likes the new theme.I just love captain sagara.I also found some great pics of him that I will put up in my other posts.
Now let's move on to the YGO and IY news.

For thoes of you who saw the YGO movie.You better prepare for an Ani-Manga Graphic Novel released from Shonen Jump.I think it came out in stores today, but I'm not sure yet.
You can already pre-order it on I think for only $13.99.

Theres a brand new YGO GX VCD volume 1. available to buy, and you can probably get it in a Media store.It has Thailand subtitles, and for thoes of you who don't know what Thailand even is it's a country somewhere in Asia I think, and I have alot of friends who are Thai in school.^_^
InuYasha NEWS!

I foundout from some one on theOtaku boards that there will be new InuYasha episodes airing in the US on January 5th,2005 at 12:30 eastern.
Hope you guys liked the info, and I posted a realy cool drawing of Captain Sagara and one of SS Goku(from DBZ).There are 2 new wallpapers, and 2 new greetings up also.
Ja Matte Ne!