Sorry for not posting..been bussy with school!
Vivian Wong, from Yugioh KC Grand Prix!
Yes, theres finnaly tons of snow outside.Me and my friend had a big snowball fight until it was practecly dark, and the principal of our school also said to listen to the news on the radio and stuff, just in case if it's to cold or if there's to much snow outside,that they will hafe to close down the schools.
We also have a party at school today.!^^
I appreciate all of your guyses comments about all of my site themes and stuff, they're all realy sweet, and I don't mind hearing them over and over.
I just hope some of you can forgive me for not visiting your sites yesterday.I didn't get to much time on the PC since.I mostly spent the whole day outside.
I also wanna thank
Silent Magician for the Art award.It's not an award for my fan art or anything it's just an graphic award.^__^
Today the 4th InuYasha movie will come out in Japan, and hopefuly the japanese InuYasha site I currently visit will have it to download since they already had the 3 other movies to download when they first came out in Japan.
Oh and I wan't to thank everyone for giving me over a 1000 visits on my YGO site.^__^I'm sorry for not updating there yet.

Today is also Marik Ishtar's birthday, yay!!^__^Hope you all can wish him a happy B-day!^^
Well enough about my day, let's do the anime bishie of the day already hehe..^^
Name: Hiten
Anime: InuYasha
My fav. Thunder brother.Also very cute, like Souten, and pritty strong when hes angry.~.^
Hope you all had a good day.
Ja Matte Ne!