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• Sessy514
• Valley of The Great Destroyer
Member Since
• 2005-02-10
• World-class killer, legendary assassin, and your executioner
Real Name
• Maurice Cannon
• Killed millions and millions of people and no one can stop me
Anime Fan Since
• 2000
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, and Naruto
• To destroy the world and everyone in it
• Making people suffer
• I can control fire and lightning
Friday, February 26, 2010
Chapter 27c
"How was your day?" Kogamaru asks sitting down in his spot.
"Entertaining. Nara tricked Roswell into dressing like a walrus and he almost ended up screwing one." Shear says still laughing about it.
"It wasn't that funny." Roswell says sitting down, "This trip sucked. I never got any human woman to sleep with me but I get made a fool of on numerous occasions. At least my scouts will have some new information about Nara so I can kill him before he gets his body back." Roswell says.
A very large group of people walk by. Almost all of the men and a couple women bow slightly to Kogamaru, Shear, and Shingi. Then give Roswell the finger.
"He won't notice." Shear says.
Roswell looks at each of them and does notice.
"That was every woman I hit on. It's like a conspiracy against me." Roswell says.
Shear and Shingi look at one another in shock while Kogamaru shakes his head.
Koji walks up and bows properly before the three lords.
"Who are you?" Roswell asks.
"See?" Koji says to Kogamaru.
"Yeah. I completely understand." Kogamaru replies.
"I just came by to assure you that anything I know about your plans for the future shall remain secret. In my line of work, secrecy is the only policy." Koji says.
"Thank you and for that we will honor your agreement with Kogamaru." Shingi says.
"I hope you enjoy your employment with him." Shear says.
"A week on the job and already got a long vacation? What's not to love?" Koji says then turns to Roswell.
"You look familiar." Roswell says trying to figure out who he is.
"Before that tiny brain of yours explodes I will just tell you. My name is Koji and not to long ago I was your leader of your scouts." Koji says and points to the large group of people that just walked by.
"Then you have found Nara's weakness!" Roswell says excitedly.
"How in the hell did you become Lord?" Koji asks.
"Because of my superior intelligence and physical strength." Roswell says confidently.
The other scouts explode with laughter.
"I think not. Anyway, because you will never grasp this, I am just going to tell you. Those men there and several of the women as were all your scouts. When you sent us on that suicide mission we had enough and quit. Don't bother sending any of you troops after us they won't succeed because we can disappear into the human realm. That and your army has also transferred to Shear's, Shingi's, and Kogamaru's armies. Basically you have nothing." Koji explains.
"That's a lie. My army is loyal to me. I am the most loved lord ever." Roswell says.
"Not even close. Nara and his lords are followed by these three. You are worthless as a lord. However, we did get you a going away present." Koji says.
"Two actually." One scout shouts.
"Right. Forgot about that new one." Koji says and points to two large boxes.
Roswell runs over to the big one first and looks it over.
"Just report in when you find something." Roswell says.
Koji shakes his head and says, "For this gift you have to get into the box. We don't want others to see."
Roswell leaps in.
"This doesn't feel right." Shingi says.
"Here you are. Just press the button." Koji says handing a remote to Shear.
Shear laughs and presses the button multiple times.
The sides of the box drop and a clear Plexiglas box is standing there with Roswell inside. Suddenly the box on top opens and dozens of bee hives drop inside the box. Roswell screams as the bees sting him without mercy.
"Oh I like this." Shear says laughing.
"This absolves you from everything." Shingi says.
"Those aren't your standard bees. They are the highly aggressive Africanized bees. They will sting repeatedly." Koji says.
"Now that is just cruel." Kogamaru says, "Hilarious, but cruel."
"We thought about that, that's why we got the second gift." Koji explains and presses the other button.
Smoke fills the box and all the bees die. Roswell crawls out of the box and collapses on the ground.
"To help you heal up after this we got you this beautiful nurse." Koji says and opens the other present.
A female walrus in a nurses' outfit looks around.
"We saw how much Roswell took a liking to her." Koji says.
The other three lords fall to the ground laughing their asses off.
"I bid you farewell." Koji says and bows before leaving.
"You too." Kogamaru says before laughing again.
Nara and everyone else leaves the hotel and bump into Steven.
"I think she went home." Steven says.
"Well her loss." Nara says.
"I'm going home now as well to try and find her." Steven says and gets into the elevator.
They look at each other and continue to the festival. Ashen thinks for a moment and Kareen grabs the back of his shirt.
"Try to run and an arrow will go right through it." She says.
Ashen swallows hard and follows.
"Ashen, since you are flying solo tonight I have a job for you." Nara says.
"And would that be?" Ashen asks.
"Tonight you shall be the designated fighter." Nara says.
"You mean designated driver?" Ashen corrects him.
"What the hell do we need a driver for? We don't have a car. No, I meant designated fighter. Whenever somebody tries to start something with us it will be your job to beat them. Its simple. You lose and Amelia dies." Nara says.
"What!?" Ashen says.
"Relax. Just fight as if her life was on the line. Cause it is." Nara replies.
They all reach the festival and are surprised at what they see. Children running around playing. People shouting for food and games. The brightly colored lights.
After trying the food from every booth, they come to the games.
"Hey! Come and test your strength. Hit the bell three times and win something for the...." The guy says and trails off as he stares at Lust's chest.
Ta blocks his view and the guy looks up at him with a nervous smile.
"Sorry. They are so inviting. For that you get a free game." The guy says.
Ta picks up the sledgehammer and looks at the three different bells. Each one bigger then the last.
"Hit the top of the third one and win a thousand dollars plus any prize." The guy says.
Ta hits the first two bells fine then looks up at the towering 75 foot tall bell.
He smashes the sledgehammer down and sends the little weight flying high into the night sky along with the little bell at the top.
"Impossible." The guy says and hands Ta the cash.
"Which one you want?" Ta asks Lust.
She points to a stuffed cat and Ta hands it to her. She stiffens up and a young man runs off. Shin trips him and Nara motions to Ashen.
"Go on. As a demon you have to be prepared to defend your territory at a moments notice." Nara says.
Ashen runs over to the young man and starts wailing on him till he submits. Then Ashen returns to the group.
"Not bad." Sessaru says.
"Step on up. Test your sword skills." Another man shouts from his booth.
Shin's ears perk up and he walks over.
"Wanna give it a try? Easy to do. See how many hits you can land in 15 seconds." The man says and hands Shin the wooden sword as Shin hands him the money.
"Today's record is 14 and the all time record is 20." The man says and backs away.
Shin takes his stance and a buzzer sounds. 15 seconds later the buzzer sounds again and Shin hands the sword back.
"You didn't even move? I'll give you another one on the house." The man says confused.
The counter suddenly bursts with activity and finally stops at a 189 hits.
The man stands there speechless as the other three counters start counting as well. Each of them stopping at 189.
"Take anything you want." The man says.
"Your counters are off. I struck each target 200 times." Shin says and grabs a couple stuffed fish.
"Theres that bastard. Lets get'em." A guy says to his buddies.
"Go on Ashen." Sessaru says.
They 8 of them walk on down the midway while Ashen fights.
"Sir, I bet I can beat you in this IQ test." A man says to Nara.
"I'll take that bet. What are the stakes?" Nara asks following the man to his booth.
"I win, you get nothing. You win, you get any prize you want." The man says.
"Sounds good." Nara says.
They both sit down and start the test.
Ashen walks over with a black eye as Nara stands up.
"That was easy." Nara says as the guy still tries to finish.
When he does finish the guy shakes his head.
The computer scores the papers and spits out the results.
"How did you pull this off?" The man asks and hands him the results.
"They were easy questions." Nara replies picking up a large stuffed dragon.
Nara hands the dragon to Kareen and points to a group of guys eyeing them.
Ashen turns and sighs before heading towards the guys.
Silmeria looks at Kareen and Aurora as they hug onto their lords arms. She peeks back at Lust who is whispering into Ta's ear.
"(This really sucks. They each have accomplished their goal while I have yet to even get close to mine.)" She says to herself.
They come up to a soccer goalie game and Sessaru looks at it.
"Just stop the ball from going in." The guy says.
Sessaru gets into the goal and the guy sets up to kick. He does and Sessaru blocks it.
The guy hands him a large stuffed penguin which he hands to Silmeria.
"Thank you." She says.
"Who's hungry?" Nara says as they come back to the food stands.
Kogamaru, Shear, and Shingi are all sitting around a small campfire.
"I think its time we head back home. This vacation has done wonders for us." Shingi says.
"Yeah, we have gotten all the tension out of us." Shear says.
"Most of us anyways." Kogamaru says and looks over at Roswell who is swollen up from the thousands of bee stings.
"Guess we should have him healed up before we do anything." Shear says.
Nara walks into the ocean and dives while everyone else sits down around the small campfire.
Ashen collapses flat on his back with a black eye, swollen cheek, and some bruised ribs.
"Well you did quite well for yourself." Ta says.
"Yeah. Lets see eighteen guys and you beat them all. Guess Amelia's life will be spared." Sessaru says.
Nara returns with a box and a Great White shark on his shoulder.
"What's in the box?" Aurora asks.
Nara sets the shark down and opens the box.
"Lobsters and crabs?" Lust says looking in.
"As well as some oysters and shrimp." Nara says sitting down next to the shark.
As he is eating the shark he looks up and motions for the others to dig in.
"Think we will be heading back soon?" Shin asks grabbing a lobster.
"Tomorrow night." Nara replies eating the shark like a lion.
Fireworks go off over the city and they all watch in total amazement.
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