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If you must know ask but jus call me Shiruri or Katsue
2 Chapters of My Book so far. Honor Roll *knock on wood*
Anime Fan Since
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Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, One Peice, Black Cat... 0-0 way to many to list
Complete my first book. "Pentagon of Five" and Master Archery
drawing, writing, training
Drawing, Writing, great with animals, sarcasim ^^;
| SessyAndShiruri04
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
a gift for back to schoolers
 You are a Fire Demon. You despise the cold with passion and are very temper mental. When someone sets you off, they'd better have life insurance.
Which Demon Are YOU!? brought to you by Quizilla
Take the quiz: "Which male Yu-Gi-Oh! character should you date?"
 Ryou Bakura Kura-kun!!!!!!-^_^-
 You have determined eyes
What kind of anime eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a loner. You prefer to be alone, away from big crowds and away from the labeling scene. Quiet, peaceful havens are your favorite places to be. Reading, writing, and being at peace with yourself is what you enjoy most.
What social type are you? (with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat fear in your readers. You love to poke their brains with logic dealing with the darker side of the human mind and character. Truly surprising and a true individual, you'll do ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Most Like Kenshin!!!
gentle caring and very nice,even to those who don't really deserve it.despite his kind and caring nature he's an expert in the hiten sword.
What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
 you will date seto kaiba
which yu gi oh character would u like to date?( f or girls ) brought to you by Quizilla
 u r going to marry bakura,he maybe shy ,but he is very sweet ,kind ,and he has no dark side.well after his yami shows up.
which yu gi oh character will u marry?(for girls)(wtith cool pic) brought to you by Quizilla
 yami bakura is that kind of guy that is evil , master of thieves, and u know he loves u but he is too ashame to admit
the matchmaker of heaven ( yu gi oh show ) ( for girls ) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Hiei!
Hiei is a fire apparition whose true origins are unknown. He is a master swordsman, and his strength and speed are incredible. However, these are hardly his most fearsome abilities. Typically kept concealed behind a bandanna on his forehead is the Jagan, a mysterious third eye that possesses magical properties. With it he can control weak-minded humans, send telepathic messages, and move objects telekinetically. Hiei is fiercely independent, and his raw ambition drives him to pursue his own agenda at all times. Although he generally cares little for human life, and views others as mere obstacles in the pursuit of his own goals, Hiei strictly adheres to his own unique code of honor. As such, he helps those who help him, and is fiercely loyal to those who have managed to earn his respect.
Which Yuyu Hakusho character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Air. You think before you act, you look before you leap. You are very direct, which sometimes can hurt others. You are always looking for the truth behind things. Of all the elements, you're the wisest.
What is your element? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Saturn...
Cold, Reliable, Praticle.
Saturn is the planet that in earthly life serves to signify restrictions and obstacles you must face if your personal goals are incorrect for you or you have a karmic debt that needs paying. Saturn's placement in your chart can indicate areas in your life that you will need to be particularly diligent about trying to change or work with. Thus Saturn has been called both, the planet of fate and the Lord of Karma. Saturn symbolizes the course of time and patience, tradition, and experience. At the best of times it helps to consolidate.
What planet do you represent? (Anime Pictures Girls) Please Rate!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Rebel Girl:
Wow, sorry..ain't gonna stare you again! You're violent and have little patience with pathetic beings, but you can also be very protective and caring with the weak. Relax that Don't-even-think-about-it look of yours and stop scaring people away!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 13, 2004

hey guys i was wondering if you could check out a site for me hes a new friend of mine on otaku and i wanted you to meet him his site is miroku48 ^_^ thanks if you like inuyasha, miroku or need a laugh his page is also the best at tht ^_^
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chap 10

kaede: iye i see it know ye teo are cat like demons
kira: wht kind?
kaede: ye kira are of the tiger demon, and ye child are of the cheetah demon
kira: cool my favorite animal^_^
shiruri: alright!
inuyasha: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
shippo: wow no wonder you guys and inuyasha always fight
shiruri: aheh no i just like argueing with him
kira: uh
shiruri: i know why she rgues with him ^^ they say when people fight it means they really care *grins*
kira: *hits shiruri on head* shiruri!
shiruri: oro?! @_@
kira:hitens waking up!
inuyasha: *knocks hiten out*
kira: inuyasha!
shiruri: hes still asleep lol
kade: iye...
kira: *blinks* wheres hiten? and shiruri and...shippo?!
inuyasha: hiten left and shiruri said shed be back later shipo followed...probably geting into trouble
kira: there fine probably just looking around [for ssshoumaru most likly]
inuyasha: good you r not worried about them because i want to find some shards!
myoga: lord inuyasha
inu: myoga *slap*
myoga: ouch...
kira: *sigh*
inuyasha wht is it?
kira: *holds up hands* didnt get to try out my powers
inuyasha: there will be another new moon believe me!
kira: yeah ok...*wlks out side*
inuyasha: puh!
kira: i heard tht! ahhh
inuyasha: *runs out side* kira! *sees women runing off*
inu: KIRA!!!!!!!!!!
shiruri: it will be about now...
shiipo: wht will?
shiruri: something i dont want either of us to get involved with
shippo: why inuyasha could probably handle it
shiruri: its his greatest weakness shippo and kiras greatest battle
inuyasha: dam* it! huh
kikyo: inuyasha
inuyasha: kikyo...your alive...
kikyo: i was reserected! know die inuyasha!
inuyasha: *agggh!!!* *hears voice kira:inu...yasha...* kira...
kikyo: hm! you doged the arrow i will not miss next time!
inuyasha: what haveyou done with kira!
kikyo: tht worthless women!
kira: [dam* it i couldnt stop going to kill inuyasha i have to get there huh!]
*lights engulf kira*
kikyo: ahhhhhhhhh
inuyasha: kikyo!
kikyo: tht women has regained her strength but how
inuyasha: wht?! where is she
kikyo: inuyasha...we will meet again! i will not let her have you!
kira: i must have regained the soul...*runs off looking for inuyasha*
women: hold it right there the tranformation is not yet done!
kira: TAKE A HIKE!
women: hmph!
kira: Sacred arrow!!
women: heheh *doges it*
kira: eh *follows women with gaze* thts it! my chance hah! (arrow shootsstraight through women destroying her*
inuyasha: kikyo your still alive....
kira: *cough*
inuyasha: your alright! uh what happenend you all bruised up
kira: SIT!!!
inuyasha: agggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
kira: *walks back to hut*
shiruri: *blinks*
shippo: wht r u lying there for inuyasha
inu: uhhh
shiruri: tht means kikyo has returned
shippo: oh hmph inuyasha! your so stupid! *starts walking into hut*
inuyasha: i am am i *hits shppo in the head*
shippo: ahhh!!
shiruri: *wlks into hut and sits down*
kira: and where were you!
shiruri: oro?! aheh
kira: dont act like kenshin! you knew tht would happen today!
shiruri: i warned you ahead of time kira youre gonna have o get through his thick skull...
kira: *sits down* h-
inuyasha: *holding shippo by tail* wht happened here
shiruri: lets just go weve got jewel shards to find
kira: thts irght common lets go inuyasha, shippo
inuyasha: huh ok
shippo: grownups
*walking through forest*
kira: i sence jewel shards!
shiruri: where? kira
inuyasha: picks up kira and runs off her leading*
shiruri: uh
shippo: well so much for manners
shiruri: common shippo lets go*dashes off*
inuyasha: well where is it!
kira let me concentrate inuyasha
inuyasha-well hurr- ahhhhhhhh
*gets throns off road*
kira: hey inuyasha u ok
inuyasha: whos there!
miroku: hm a half demon its not wise to -
kira: eh!
miroku: hurt a beautiful women
kira: *eye twitches*
shiruri: uh oh
miroku: aheh
inuyasha: uh just who the heck do you think you are
mirou: my apologies hm-
shiruri: *raises hand* dont even think about it
miroku: eheh *sweatdrop*
inuyasha: you pervert!
miroku: hm *tries to grab shards*
kira: *clenches fist* i dont think so
miroku: then i must save you from this beast! wind tunnel!
inuyasha: wha ahhhhhhhhhhh *gound himself*
shiruri: hang on shippo!
inuyasha: kira!!!!!!
kira: *behind miroku* um well
inuyasha: hn ill just take out your hand with tetseiga!
kira: wait stp miroku
mirou: hm why
kira: just stop!
*inuyasha falls face first*
shippo; he listened to her
inuyasha: come back here!
*miroku runs off*
miroku:bye i have things to attend to!
kira: hes the one with the shards inuyasha
inuyasha: now you tell me
shippo: we'll just have to find him again*
shiruri: do we want to
kira: lol
well thts the nest chaptor i dunno if it was as good as the others but i tried sorry bout it if it isnt ^_^:
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Thursday, August 12, 2004

please look at both posts below this one
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*_* *gets stary eyed YEA! i got the pic!
well i wanted to show this pic to you guys my dear friend AnimeBlue Girl drew it for me i thank her very much its a picture of a tiger demon and a cheetah demon its great in my opinon but if you could do me one favor please visit AnimeBlue Girls site and vote for this pic it would help her alot ^_^ thanks

Thanks agian AnimeBlue Girl!!!
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

thanks Sesshtaisho!
i found this pic online somwhere its a human sesshoumaru ^_^

hey guys i was gonna type the next chapter of the story tonight when i got home from kendo but im having trouble typing now im only using on hand and its sore too...
sess me niten ichi ryu master decided today hed give us our real swords and well i was all bouncey about tht because ive been wanting it then he told us to pair up i found matsutsu off course but when i drew the sword i just froze IT WAS A REVERSE BLADE! i laughed to myself abit then we were told to practice simple atks and defenses when tht was done i was the "lucky" one chosen to challenge the master. it started off easy then as we got into more complex attack he started doing his speed trick on me where he moves like kenshin I SWEAR you can barley see the guy, the first time i spun around and caught him but the second time i wasnt so lucky i went for him and he dodged making m loose my balace dso this is where i mess up i noticed my blade was aiming for matsutsu and knowing this my master grabed one hand to stop me and then i dodges out of the way into the tip of hie real sword -_- so one of my hands is all cut up and the other is bruised from his grip *sigh* after class and after he bandaged my hands i was tlking to him he told me im just like he was and the reverse was the best sword for me, i fear hurting others but i have the will to fight, i thought he had watched to much kenshin but he stated tht wasnt it yea im happy tht matt isnt hurt but i was trying to protect him! i was the one who got a katana to the hand! lol but i wanted you guys to know
P.S: Shiruri Uiruriamasu is an official trainer under master of niten ichi ryu as of today ^_^;
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The Battle Of The Elderly!! LOL
i found this pic online and i modified it with glasses just to see wht inu and sess would look like if they were older ^_^ lol

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hey guys i just got my scedule for school ill be gone tommorow night for some orientation thing though here ill share my scedule with ya
1st) Servey of social science
2nd) Algerbra 1
3rd) English
4th) Integrated science
5th) PE
6th) French 1
well there it is lol my book weigh a ton ^_^ i start on the seventeenth of sthis month so when it starts ill try to get on when i can but ill promise to visit your sites on the weekends if i cant during the week i will also keep writing my fanfics but only on the weekends when ihave time^^

and this is a pic of my fav ranma 1/2 character Shinnosuke not very popular through out the story but i feel bad for the guy^^he keeps ranma on the run for akane thts for sure!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
My Short Dedication to PADFOOT , MOONY and some pics of them and some extra stuff


this below is dedicated to the weirdo i came accross in the parking lot of a store most know what im tlking about


in case anyones wondering Padfootmoony,prongs, and well i guess i have to say wormtail are the marauders from harry potter you will meet them if you havent already in the prisoner of azkaban and heres my question to you guys whos your favorite out of the four?
mine of course i Sirius Black, then on to Moony, then prongs i dont like wormtail at all though
Sirius Black: Dog Animagus:Padfoot
James Potter: Stag Animagus: Prongs
Remus Lupin: Werewolf: Moony
Petter Pettigrew: rat animagus:wormtail
information and pics from
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lots of quizies for my friends check out the first one its kinda creepy if you read about tht weird guy at the store
border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are a Sorceress!">
Take the
href="" target="new"> "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are a Witch!">
Take the
href="" target="new"> "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
 What Marauder are you?
Created by legomyelfboy with help from goleafsgo
 Wolf ~ Wolves are also regarded as path finders and teachers. Wolf is represented by the constellation Sirius, the Dog.
In the Zuni tradition the Wolf symbolizes the direction East.
Wolf's Wisdom Includes:
Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage
Death and rebirth
Spirit teaching
Guidance in dreams and meditations
Instinct linked with intelligence
Social and familial values
Outwitting enemies
Taking advantage of change
If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do some more!
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
of course i love this result ^^ ^above^
 Jaguar Spirit Calls To You! Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
Seeing the roads within chaos
Understanding the patterns of chaos
Moving without fear in the darkness
Facilitating soul work
Empowering oneself
Moving in unknown places
Psychic sight
If you enjoyed this quiz, please rate and I may do another!
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
thts prrrrrfect! lol
 You are Long-wang!
Mythological Background: Yes, the dragon represents everything you think of when you think of a dragon - fearsome and invincible. Also, it is greatly respected just because of that fact. The dragon has a very protective aspect to it. Even Jupiter reminds you of intense smashing power. The dragon is almost always surrounded by rain-bearing clouds and fog; and the appearance of its constellation always signals rainfall and lightning. It's also a symbol of authority worn by the nobility and the imperial class. Japanese Name: Seiryuu.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
hey cool!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!Which inuyasha character are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 The wanna-be Leader Freak. Kinda self explanatory.
*~What member of the wolf pack are you?~* brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Sango!!!
*********** What Inuyasha Charactor R U? *********** brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Kirara (english- kilala)!!!
*********** What Inuyasha Charactor R U? *********** brought to you by Quizilla
This sword is a work of art from all aspects. The graceful craftsmanship is superb; the materials and the crisp fit and finish are excellent. Apart from the large size, the most striking feature is the number of reflective surfaces; every movement made results in a fleeting spark, flash or glint--direct sunlight scatters off the polished blade surfaces in an intensely dazzling dance of light. The pronounced fuller is a very impressive feature, providing strength while reducing weight; this combined with the laminated steel and authentic geometry results in a truly outstanding sword
!!!!!!!!!!->What sword will you use<-!!!!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
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