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Monday, August 9, 2004
Chapter 9 its not the end of the thunder brothers!...hey kira! its the new moon!

Shiruri:kira someones gonna die here
kira: no joke!
inuyasha: iron reaver soul stealer!
hiten: hah stupid half breed! ill destroy you!
inuyasha: puh id like to see you try!
hiten: thunder atk!
kira: inuyasha dont kill him!
inuyasha: why not and why arent you helping me?!
kira: because you can handle him!
hiten: hah him handle me?
inuyasha: shuttup will ya!
shiruri: behind you inuyasha...
inuyasha: huh ahhhhh *gets hit with thunder*
kira: *draws arrowand stedies her hand* HITEN! *purifying arrow*
hiten: agghhhhhhhh *get hit and falls to ground*
shiruri: *blinks* cool powers*
kira: shiruri sanp out of it youve seen tht atk before
inuyasha: puh wht dsont we just kill him *draws tetseiga*
kira: sit!
kira: lets get him to kaede
shiruri: alright good idea
---------at kaedes------------
inuyasha: speed it up shiruri!
shiruri: *eye twitches* you wanted *breathes* carry...him...THE ENTIRE WAY!
inuyasha: puh so what
shiruri: *falls over*
inu: huh whats her problem
kira: aheh bring him inside inuyasha
inu: fiiine
kaede: so ye child were able to use my sisters enchanted arrow?
kira: yeah
inuyasha: hah! kikyos was stronger!
kira: what?
inuyasha: it was!
kira: *glares*
kaede: hmm strange ndeed but i think you are indeed her reicarnation this boy however
kira: hes hiten from the thunder demon tribe
kaede: iye ...he will be fine but he wont be back on his feet for a bit
kira: thts great
inuyasha: why dont you follow him instead
shiruri: wakes up* damn him
manten wheres my brother!
shiruri: huh? oh hes inside getting his injur- *manten runs inside* ries healed...*sigh*
kira: oh manten your back to you sences
manten: *look at hiten* what did you do to him!
kira: he will get better trust me
kaede: iye go home he will return
manten: he better *looks for shippo and walks off*
kira: where is shippo?
inuyasha: probably ran home scared*
shippo: hey shiruri are youu going inside?
shiruri: not right now shippo
shippo: *follow shiruri through crowd* why arent you with inuyasha and kira
shiruri: dunno
shippo: *sigh* i dont understand grownups*
shiruri: *looks around* wait shippo is tonight a new moon?
shippo: huh yeah i think so
shiruri: then i dont need to be looking for trouble ive got to get back*starts running to hut*
kira: shiruris gone too *looks around*
inuyasha: comoff it! there probably together searching for more trouble *stands up* ill be back im going for a walk!!
kira: whats with him?!
*shiruri burst through door shippo behind her*
shiruri: kira! tonights-
kira: *shocked* THE NEW MOON!
*girls stare at inuyasha*
inuyasha: what!
kira: your not going anywhere
inuyasha: wht r u to on about
shiruri: we know wht happenes tonightinuyasha!
inu: you do?! oh um i mean wht r u tlking about!
kira: dont play dumb! *points at inuyashas hair as it turns black*
inu: humph!! *sits back down* youve got a lot of nerve
shiruri: whts tht supposed to mean!
inu: just look at yourselves!
kaede: iye tis strange*
kira: huh *looks at hands then to shiruri*
shiruri: w-were demons?
shippo: ah! ok im seeing things
kaede: hmmm it must be the curse i spoke of ye two were demons inthis world yet when the curse was placed apon ye, ye reverted to your human selves creating half demons wich is why ye have ears shiruri
kira: wht kind of deomns are we exaclty?
shiruri: yeah we cant figure out the powers we have unless we know...
kaede: iye..hmmm let me see...
*hold up spell scrolls*
inuyasha: puh *goes to sleep*
shippo: wow...*stays awake with interest*
shiruri: time to find out...
kira:lets just hope we arent neededand hiten doesnt wake up
inuyasha: *still sleeping* worthless idiots
keade: hm iye see it now ye two are some uncommon but powerful demons, ranking just with the dog demon clan, ye two are different types though...
kira: what are we then lady kaede?
shippo:*leans in closer to hear*
inuyasha: ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz....
well lol i know im evil but here it is ^^ hey kira san what type of demon do you wish to be? just wondering wht do you guys think?
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
forgive me im taking a short break from the fanfic^^;
----------------------------------i know he tried to do some not so great things but hes awesome and i think he deserves this...this is in memory of our great thunder demon friend hiten ^^

;_; may his spirit rest in peace....
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
 A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
you guys there was an incident today tht envoled me and its extremely weird im still freaked out about it lol i was at the grocery with my mom and i went on outside while she was checking out...when i got outside there was this man in a cloak like outfit and right then i new something was weird...but anywayx he stopped me and ask me if id heard of a girl named Shiry Takisana...thts a name i only know it was made up! its not even in the japanese name dictionary!...heres how ths converstion went after tht
man: i know you understand who im tlking about
shiruri: um not really sir
man: dont lye i know what owns you!
shiruri: wht?
man: *hold up a spririt like necklace* the lost souls have shown me the truth
shiruri: uh *backs away* i honestly have no clue what your talking about
man: hm-*looks throught parking lot suddenly* you remember what i say here...keep those evil powers of yours hidden! dont use them! *turns around and wlks away*
shiruri: is this a prank...*looks around for man*
okay i know tht sounds like something from a fanfic but this guy was weird he couldnt have known tht name ive never used it online or anywhere its been a name in my head shiry maybe but not Takisana i dont get it but owell the creeps gone, and lets just say i hope it was a prank
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Chap 8!!!! Its Shippo! and wait thier familiar!

inuyasha: common lets move it!
kira: slow down inuyasha we're not demons anymore!
inuyasha: well excuse me for not caring!
shiruri:inuyasha look
inu: wht- *get hits on head*
inu:wht was tht for!
shiruri: huh forgive me for not listening^^
inuyasha: puh! is tht a challenge!
kira: um guys common ets find shippo
shiruri: *blinks* aheh i forgot about tht lol
inuyasha: who?!
*pink ball flies through sky*
inuyasha: wht the?! *smacks its*
shippo: hey dont burst my bubble!
shiruri: lol well kira right on cue!
shippo: hey ill take these
kira: o i dont think so! *grabs jewel*
shippo: eh! *fox fire!*
kira: dam* i forgot about tht atk!
shiruri: there he goes!
*kira runs after him*
shiruri: oh um inuyasha need some help!
inu: no i wanna stay here like this all day common ewe gotta follow kira!
*shiruri takes off spell scroll*
*inu runs off*
shiruri: *sigh* ill just enjoy the town see if he comes back with her if not i know where she is *smiles to self*
shippo: ha! these jewel shards should do the trick!
kira: hey! you wont get those
shippo: ahh *runs into manten of the thunder brothers*
kira: oh great a thunder attack really wish i was a demon right now
manten: hm jewel shards *grabs them but shippo takes them back an runs off*
kira shippo come bac-
manten: oh no you dont! *takes kira to hut*
inuyasha: where is she dam*it!
shippo: hm y dont you save her!
inuyasha: huh hey she followed you where is she?
shippo: she got taken by the thunder brothers you better save her
inuyasha: shards please!
shippo: is tht all you think about! *hand inu shards* they killed my father wht do you think there gonna do to your girlfriend!
inuyasha: wht?! *hit him on head and blushes* your nuts common!
shippo: ahhhhh
shiruri: hm tht sound thts my signal *darts off* here i come kira
hiten: a women is wht you bring! and a human nonthe less!
kira: eh i wasnt always human!
hiten: riiight! and i was part onkey when i was younger!
kira: wow youlook like one too
hiten: agh! wench who r u traveling with!
shiruri: hiten! ...kira take him down!* throws kira bow & arrow*
kira: *grabs it* heh thnks!
manten: wht is this!
hiten: you both know who i am dso you ...interesting manten! lets show them wht there dealing with!
manten: right brother!
inuyasha: i smeel her sent!
shippo: thts funny you know it awful well to not love her
inmuyasha: cut the crap shes a shard detector! thts all
shippo: riiiight
inu: puh here we are her sents throught tht door!
*hut bursts open*
hien: heh nice try
kira: im not dont yet
manten: haaaaah *thunder atk*
inu: wha?!
shippo: oh no!!
kira: sacred arrow!
*hits mantin and he falls to the ground*
inuyasha: iron reaver soul stealer*
kira: inuyasha?! [*smile* i knew youd come]
inuyasha: stop tryng to get yourself killed!
kira: huh! i thought i just saved your but
shippo: maybe they dont like each other
shiruri: shippo dont be fools lol
hiten: aggh *dodges inus atk* youll pay for tht!
shiruri&kira: he has shards!
inu: good i wanted to take him down
kira: *runs up to manten and grabs shards*
hiten: lighting bolt!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehehe ill end it there ^^ im mean but thnks to all you reader i got a treat for you these are the card i made the inu one for k9ra bu ti wanted to share it with you and the sesshoumaru one i made aswell hope you lide the story-^_^-

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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Chap 7!! Stop sesshoumaru! inuyasha!
*sesshoumaru begins to tranform*
sess: can a half demon weild tetseiga?
kira: here we go common shiruri
shiruri: ...alright lets go
inuyasha: hey where r u going
*sess attks inuyasha but he dodges it*
inuyasha: *covers nose* poison!
kira: climb shiruri!
shiruri: im coming im coming!
inu: this thing s a peice of junk! eh i got to get out of here *jumps up through air*
*sess jumps and grabs him shooting them both through the top of the grave*
kira: inuyasha!
shiruri: ...
inuyasha: get off me *gets out of sess's mouth and jumps down*
kira: inuyasha! use the tetseiga!
inu: *wlks up to her* its junk!
kira: ehh protect us!
inu: thts wht im trying to do!!!
kira: *blinks*
*inuyasha turns around and runs toward sesshoumaru*
shiruri: uh...
kira: wht is it shiruri...oh...
shiruri: *comes out from behind the tree as sess and inu charge at each other* Sesshoumaru!!!!
kira: shiruri!
shiruri: *runs in between them* STOP! PLEASE!
inu: wht the heck r u doin
*sess stops*
kira: she..did it?!
shiruri: sesshoumaru just leave! or stop fighting
*ses stars at shiruri with dog demon eyes*
inu: youre gonna get yourself self killed
kira: wait inuyasha!
shiruri: {whisper} please...
*sess turn ito a blueish colors cicle and transports away from the tomb*
inuyasha: for wht?!
kira: lol its nothing inuyasha its mothing
shiruri: *comes back to reality* aheh i could have just got killed
inuyasha: r u tht dense?!
shiruri: eh!
inuyasha: kira how did you know tht sesshoumaru would be uing tht poison
kira: uh lol inuyasha ill tell you one day
shiruri[good it turned out good lol well i saved and arm aheh-_-;]
kira: comon shiruri! lets go
inuyasha: stupid girl!
shiruri: boy tht couples going well *laughts to self*
kira: wht did you say
shiruri: nothing
inuyasha: hello r we going?!
kira: yeah right behind you!
kaede: so ye have gained the tetseiga
inuyasha: thts right!
kira: but he dont know how to use it yet thnks to shiruri
shiruri: aheh
inuysha: huh?
kira: tht tetseigas power can only be used if your protecting somone
kaede: iye it seem to make sence
myoga: its becasue inuyasas mother was mortal the sword was forged to protect her
kaede:a strange story
shiruri: yeah but at least sessys not a mutt
inuyasha: hey!
shiruri:heheh 0:)
kaede: so ye child stopped the fighting between inuyasha and sesshoumaru?
kira: yeah she did it was weird hey!
shiruri: wht?
kira: you seen sesshoumaru when you were looking for us yesterday didnt you!
shiruri: aheh no...
kira: i know your lieing!
shiruri: heh and i almost got myself killed i called him sessie out of habit
kira: 0_o; bad move! why didnt you tell us!
inuyasha: you are stupid
kira: sit inuyasha!
shiruri: um well lets just say nothing wne tthe way i planned
kir: wht did he say
shiruri: um.. i wasnt worth his time and when i left i heard him mutter intersting...
kira: oooo
inuyasha: puh!
kira: shiruri's got a crush-
shiruri: kira!
kira: *runs away*
kaede: they are a strange group indeed
inuyasha: got tht right [smiles to self watching kira*
well thts all i got hey guys ive got to go to an orientaion thing tommorow for school so i wont be here in the morining but ill be back wht did you think of the story sessies still got his arm lol
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Chapter 6 of inuyasha fanfic: we wont let him hurt inuyasha!
shiruri: inuyasha lay down!
kira: yeah let you wound heal
inu: puh! im getting up! *get half way up* hey *falls back down* get off of me!
shiruri: *sitting on inuyasha* make me! rest inuyasha!
kira: shiruri?! lol
kaede: hmm so ye are humans again
kira: but we dont know why
kaede: it is strange *picks up prayer beads* hmmm
inu: hm wht?1 *glares at shiruri*
shiruri: *stands up* ...
kaede: a curse
kira: cusre?
kaede: iye
inu: aggh listen old women you not making any sence!
kaede: hm
kira: *skakes head* inuyasha sit!
inu: aggh!!
kaede: it seems you both have been curse as humans but i dont see any breaks in the curse it could possibly be permanent
shiruri: *blinks* but who would do it?
kira: *looks at shiruri and they nod heads*
kaede: im not sure but ye must be careful without your powers you must find the preitess powers within you
kira: both of us?
kaede: iye kira ye r of my sisters incarnate you will naturally have those powers however im uncertain tht shiruris powers r the same
inu: *ears twitch* huh!
kira: wht is it inuyasha
shiruri: *cold chills* i bet i know who!
kira: oboy
inu: *runs out of hut with girls following*
myoga: master inuyasha!
inu: *stops running* myoga where have you been
myoga: *gets slapped* ouch! master inuyasha! theres somthing you need to know!
myoga: no now!
kira: oh no!
shiruri: i knew it!
inuyasha: m-mother
kira: inuyasha your mothers dead!
sesshoumaru: well little brother
inuyasha: sesshoumaru!
shiruri: *back towards kira*
sesshoumaru: hm two human!
shiruri: aheh hi sesshoumaru
inuyasha: wht the heck!?
sesshoumaru: theyre quite a good look for you inuyasha!
inuyasha: comon whtare you here for!
sesshoumaru: hn where is our fathers tomb!
inuyasha: like id tell you if i knew!
sess: hm! jaken!
women: ahhhh!
shiruri: shakes head [its sesshoumaru shiruri hes trying to kill inuyasha snap out of it!] inuyasha! dont you trust him thts not your mothe its the unmother!
kira: *blinks* and she told me not to change the story
inuyasha: heh so thts your plan sesshoumaru
sess: if this fails ill have you head
jaken: iye! throw her to the ground!
kira: catch her inuyasha!
inu: why?
shiruri: just do it!
inu: fine *catches her as demon claws hammer down on them*
unmother: no...*creates blast with water lily*
shiruri: dam*!
kira: o great!
inu: looks just go away im not fallin for it!
unmother: but inuyasha *takes him in hug* i was brought back
inu: no! you wer-...
unmother: inuyasha where is your fathers tomb?
inu: i-idont know
kira:thts enough *gets up from chains* inuyasha! snap out of it!
inuyasha: uhhh *slashes unmother*
unmother: ahhh *fades and dissapears*
*everything returnsto normaal*
inu: you alright?
kira: yeah huh wheres shiruri?
sesshoumaru: heh!
kira: wht??!
shiruri: uh *blood trikles from open cut above nose* you alright back there?
inuyasha: now look wht you did! dam*it shiruri you almost got yourself killed!
kira: inuyasha!
sesshoumaru: hm inuyasha where is the tomb!
inu: i done told you i dont know
*sesshoumaru jumps down and grab inuyasha by his throat*
kira: inuyasha! *hold up arrow towards sesshoumaru and shoots*
sess: agh *arrow brakes armor*
shiruri: great job kira!...hey sesshoumaru put him down!
sess: ive had enough of you
shiruri: oh really sessie? or do you prefer fluffy or maybe even lord fluffy lol
kira: uh-oh
sess: *throws inuyasha at kira*
kira: *catches him and falls back* you alright
inu: puh yeah liten kira think you could aim tht arrow and get rin of tht over growndemon sesshoumaru was riding
kira: *grin* absolutley *pulls back arrow* [alright he we o enchanted arrow!]
*demon is engulfs with light and shredded into peices*
jaken: ahhhh *falls of demon*
sess: hm youl;l regret your words *pick shiruri up in throst grip*
shiruri: eh...
sess: heh now wht were you saying?
inuyasha: sesshoumaru put her down and fight me!
*sesshoumaruuses light whip to send inuyasha flying*
kira: *grabs jaken* and where do you think youre going? youre going to stay right here gice me tht staff
sess: sqezzes tighter*
shiruri: im not giving in...tht easily lord sesshoumaru!
sess: hm then tell know my name so do you know the wereabout of my father?
shiruri: eh *smile* if i did would i tell you is the question
sess: *turns around still holding shiruri* youre abiliy to put up with these humans amaze me little brother but i have no such ability
shiruri: [wht should i do?]
kira: the black pearl!in inuyashas right eye!
sess: heh
kira: grabs sesshoumarus hand let her go!
sess: heh if you r wrong i will kill you *drops shiruri*
shiruri: dam* him
*girls follow*
*sess removes the jewel and goes into tomb*
--------inside tomb------
inuyasha: hah sesshoumaru the sword didnt budge did it?
kira: whos going to draw it*
shiruri: i know who
shiruri: inuyasha can only draw it if its to protect sooo act like your introuble
kira: ummm okay got it* jumps down towards sword* inuayasha! take the sword its meant to be yours
inu: wha?! hn alright *jumps away from sesshoumarus claws*
*inu grabs sword*
sess: draw it and she dies!
inuyasha: kira!!!!!!! *sword comes out*
kira: heh it worked *grins at sesshoumaru*
sess: hm
kira: *goes to hit him and he flies back into the walls of the tomb*
shiruri: *blinks*
kira: [so those are preistess powers!]
sess: ehh *claws glow* die inuyasha!
*inu and sess run towards each other*
well thts it for know sry if it was to short but owell i hope you enjoyed but hey check this out
Loads of inuyasha pics
Comments (1) |
hey guys ill get to the fanfic tommorow im a bi bust at the time but i wanted to tdo a little poll here on tonights inuyasha called the lake of the evil water god!
which do you think was the most halarious part of the episode
#1: when shippo comes flosting into the scene
#2: inuyasha getting mad at the headmans son and repeatedly hitting him on the head
#3: mirokus comment on the little water goddess
#4: the slap miroku recieved for trying to breath air into sango
#5:the end where miroku stole some nice little goods from the town
Comments (6) |
Monday, August 2, 2004
hey guys and girls! -^_^-
hey i have a new site dedicated to inuyasha and sesshoumaru please i hope you will check it out
Comments (6) |
Sunday, August 1, 2004
inuyasha fic chap 5 Yura, inuyasha,and TWO HUMANS?
My Friend Kira!
*wakes up*
shiruri: *yawn* i must have been out last night... hmm kira? where is she
*wlks into kitchen*
shiruri: kira there you r whts up
kira: hey morining! i was just thinking we havent seen the entire inuyasha show show how is it we will know how to defeat naraku
shiruri: good point i guess will have to find out gradually dont tell inuyasha though hell find out
kira: he might! remember miroku may not be in this to
shiruri: true...tht might be a good thing
inu: wht this must be where thee from hmm i sence them near by *jumps off*
shiruri: while we wait for inuyasha lets play inuyasha!
kira: i no who i am
shiruri:who naraku? *grins*
kira: very funny and your playing as... kagura i presume?
shiruri: well i guess...hey tht might be a good idea
kira: how? oh! we could get a feel of there attacks
shiruri: exactly!
*sits down and starts playing*
inu: *wlks through door* hello! wht do you think youre doing huh whos tht
kira: lol it a game inuyasha this is-
shiruri: why r u hear
inu: puh! common kira *grabs her arm*
kira: hmmm wht about shiruri
inu: leave her!
kira: inuyasha! sit!
inu: aggh! hey!
shiruri: srves you right inuyasha ill stay here but not for too long then im comming to check on you!
inu: wha youre not my mother
kira: *lol*
*inu takes kira to well*
shiruri: hmmm maybe ill run accross sesshoumaru *smiles to self* and gets up*
kira: wait inuyasha do you see tht
inu: wht
kira: the hair
inu:wht hair
kira: [i know he cant se it duh] well its there it must be from yura
inu:who are you tlking about tht women who tried to kill me
kira: huh? [thinks] yeah inu i must be uh-
inuyasha: here! its made from fire rat hair dont want you diein on me or anything!
kira: inuyasha i know how to fight!
inuyasha: heh!
*jumps in well*
kira: *looks around* there inuyasha follow tht hair it controls the rest!-
kira: wh?!
inu:why arent you a demon anymore
kira: *looks at hands* i-i dont know...but forget it! lets find yura she has shikon shards
inu: right!
yura: hnnnnnnnn they should be comming anytime now
inu: hey you!
yura: wht pretty hair
inu:enough of the craop IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!!!
yura:*dodges it* why you!
inuyasha: hah your hands ha come completely off
yura: hmm *grabs kira with hair then inuyasha*
kira: put me down!
yura: hahah very well! *drops kira from height
inuyasha: kira!
yura: and now you-
kira: i have to get the red skull
yura: dont you dare
yura: ahhhhhh why you mutt hold still *strikes inu with sword*
kira: *grabs skull and plumits to ground* inuyasha! throw me the sword!
inu: fine here!
*catches it*
kira: here we go by yura!
yura: wait! eh ahhhhhhhhh!! *light engulfs her and a comb falls to the ground*
shiruri: well he i go! *jumps into well* huh why havent i returned to my demon form?!
*wlks through woods*
shiruri: common where r u inuyasha?-
*picks up bow&arrow* lying near corpses* this might be useful...
jaken: milord master sesshoumaru look the moons full tonight
sesshoumaru: [the moon is restless why?...] hm!
jaken: wht is it mylord
sesshoumaru: a human
jaken: shall we
sesshoumaru: it has...been a while since i have tested my strengths
shiruri: hm tht power i dont know how but maybe its...-
sesshoumaru: hm
shiruri: sesshoumaru!
sess: *eyes slit* have we met! it is lord sesshoumaru to you!
shiruri: [whoops now youve done it shiruri] um well no we havent
jaken: kill her milord
sess: hmmm *turns but glances at shiruri out of corner of eyes* shes not worth my time jaken come!
shiruri: *blink* [okay tht was weird] see you later sessie! [0_o;]
sesshoumaru: *gets aggitated and turns around* WHT! tht is not my-...
jaken: shes gone milord!....
sess: heh interesting *wlks off*
shiruri: phew i forgot he aint got all soft hearted yet hn i sound like a whimp! but its true i dont no any good powers yet...and i human i kira human *sprints off*
kira: you alright inuyasha?
inu:yeah nothing tht wont heal
kira: i wonder where shiruri is
inu: probably sleeping!
kira: common inuyasha shes not tht bad! she just thinks its fun to argue with you
inu: kira! shes got issues with attitude
kira: lol just dont relly make her mad inuyasha youll regret it!
inu: oooooo im scared
shiruri: scraed of wht
inu:ah! *growl*
shiruri: hn bad dog
shiruri: you heard me!
kira hey did you see him shiruri
shiruri: who [maybe i shouldnt say anything i almost got killed lol] nope *fake sigh* couldnt find him
inu: who are we tlking about!?
kira: nvm its just somone anyway lets go back to kaedes nd figure out why we're humans again
shiruri: yeah good idea
welll i know it was long it will make up for the time i was gone but i hoped you enjoyed it ^_^
Comments (2) |
Saturday, July 31, 2004 sry i wasnt here...
guys ive been away in alabama i had to go down there you see ian was envolved in a car reck and i had to rush down there...he'll be fine but hes got a broken leg and arm some nasty cutss and bruises...he wont be back till next week but im sry ive been gone and i missed everyone
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