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If you must know ask but jus call me Shiruri or Katsue
2 Chapters of My Book so far. Honor Roll *knock on wood*
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Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, One Peice, Black Cat... 0-0 way to many to list
Complete my first book. "Pentagon of Five" and Master Archery
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| SessyAndShiruri04
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Friday, July 23, 2004
im a little tired to type chap5 but i will try to do it tommorow but for know enjoy quizes
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Chap 4 inuyasha fic: visit home and the demon hair!
*next morining*
kaede: ye two girls can freshen up in the springs out back
kira: alright thanks kaede
kaede:here ya change into these when your finished
*hands girls kimotos*
kira: ill take the red one
shiruri: *stick out tounge* fine then ill take black lol
inuyasha: puh!
kira: and you stay away
kaede:inuyasha will stay with me
*hot springs*
shiruri: this waters freezing!
kira: n-no kidding isnt there warm water around here!
kaede: do not torture yourself get out and get warm
*girls get dressed*
*inu jumps down from tree*
inuyasha: *gets up in kiras face* hey old lady! she looks just like kikyo make her take tht off!
shiruri: your seeing things inuyasha i dont see a resemblace
kaede: theres a small resemblace not much
kaede: hmmm *looks at shiruri*
shiruri: wht?!
kaede: ye look familiar to me as well...
shiruri: *blinks* how
inuyasha: i can do this! i cant collect the chards on my own!
kira: hn sure!
shiruri: we should go back for a while kira to get some supplise anyways
inuyasha: good and stay where you came from!
kira: ...*glares at inu* sounds like a good idea shiruri lets go
inuyasha: HEY! come back here with those jewel shards!
kira: when you collct more of them come see us! *grin*
shiruri: tht will never happen
inuyasha: wha!?
kaede: inuyasha ye mustr work with those two to suceed
inuyasha: leave me alone! im not working with anyone!
*at well*
shiruri: you ot it rough kira if your kikyos incarnate tht means youll be put through everything kagome was.
kira: *glare* your probably rigth but tell me how do you think your storyies gonna nfold at least i know wht to expect
shiruri: *sweatdrop* aheh look there the well-
kira: wht?-
*hair lases around girls and pinns then to side of well*
demon: hmm well who are you to women you apparently do not understand the value of tht hair
yura: eh *goes colser* how do you wenches know my name huh whts this picks silver hair strnd off of kira kimoto* wht beutiful hair
shiruri: oboy...
kira: let go of us!
shiruri: maybe its time to test out our powers
kira: how about our claws first
shiruri: alright!
*girls rip through the hair and slach yura in the stomach*
yura: uh you foolish wemon!
*hair hits the girls head on and they fall back into the well*
inuyasha: *jumping through trees*wht the heck? *sees people floating in air* hahahaha
kaede: inuyasha hold it this is a trick they are being controlled!
inuyasha: by what?
kaede: can you not see it?
inuyasha: see wht?!
kaede: hmmmm he cannot see the hair...
*hair engulf inuyasha cutting all over*
keade: if ye were human inuyasha ye would have been slit in half!
inuyasha: well im not human! IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!!
*hair dissapers and then reforms around him again*
inuyasha : dam*
kaede: Itaioutsusai!
*the spell sends the hair flying in different dirrections and inuyasha is free*
inuyasha: wha!?
kaede: you will ned kira and shiruris help to defeat this demon wether ye like it or not
inuyasha: your hurt?
kaede: iye
*grabs kaede and runs to a clearing*
inuyasha: here stay under these leaves for now! *jumps off toward well*
*wakes up*
kira: ouch...shiruri?!
shiruri: *dizzy eyed* im sorry did you say somthing @_@;
kira: snap out of it!
shiruri: owww sry huh were human again
kira: i guess were only demons when were in the fuedal era ...wht about inuyasha?
shiruri: hell come for us if he need us lets just go to the campus and relax a bit till then
kira: *raises hand* i get the shower first!
shiruri: lol i seen tht coming then il fix us a bite to eat!
kira: great!
shiruri&kira: Time to dig in!
*eats food*
kira:when do you think hell be here?
shiruri: *still chewing* kira...dont ...worried....he ...can...handle...himself
kira: lol lets get some sleep then
*girls fall into their beds*
kira:ahhh now i know how kagome felt
shiruri: yea zzzzz
kira: *blinks* lol *falls asleep*
well how was it guys i thought it sounded good but its your opinions tht i like -^_^-
will inuyasha meet his end, will the girls ever get to return to the fuedal era with inuyasha? stay tuned to find out!
oh this is midoriko

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im still thinking of the next part of the story so until i think of it im posting some yugioh pics tht i found just because i just watched the dvd on yami marik vs yami bakura ^_^ its awesome ive seen it before but i could watch it millions of times! sesstaisho would probably agreee lol

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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Chap 3 inuyasha story: The journey begins!
okay i got it up yeah!
kira: okay *jolds hands up* common inuyasha were all friends here
shiruri: uhh i dont think hes listening
inuyasha: heheh
kaede: run!
shiruri: *sigh* good idea!
*girls dodge a few strikes from inuyasha then are pinned to a tree*
inuyasha: wht kind of demons cant use there power huh?! you guys are as worthless as a human!
shiruri: why you!-
kaeda: AIKOUTSU!! kira call a command
kira: wht?!
shiruri: oh i get it try sit kira-san!
kira: me but wht about...
shiruri: you are kagome here this isnt the show we have to keep that in mind!
inuyasha: wht r u two blabbering about! *raised hand*
shiruri: now would be a good time kira
kira: SIT BOY!
*inuyasha falls to ground but get up*
inuyasha: what the! *charges at kira again
*inu looses consiousness*
shiruri: *sigh*
*three wemon drag inuyasha to kaedes hut*
kaede: ye two seen to not know how to use ye powers...hmm
kira: how was tht possible...
shiruri: urs thinking out loud kira lol
kaede: iye ye child are the reincarnation of my sister kikyo
inuyasha: how can a demon be kikyo
kira: ur up how surpriseing
inuyasha: heh
kaede: interesting indeed kira you are the only one who can see, sence and protect the jewel ye and inuyasha must work together
inuyasha: im not working with those human halfwits
kaede: they are indeed demons inuyasha! you must help them discover there powers and they must help you to protect the jewel
shiruri: lady kaede then how is it that i had half the shikon jewel within me?
kaede: i can not help you there shiruri your powers and connection to the jewel are unclear to me you though will find you have a special place in this quest as well
inuyasha: wht quest!
kaede: hmmmi sense tht there will indeed be one
kira: *looks at shiruri and grins*
shiruri: *acts dissapointed* guess will have to travel with the mutt!
inuyasha: whts you say!
shiruri: hehe!
kira: lol- youhere tht
shiruri: *ears twitch* yea you inuyasha?
inuyasha: its a demon heh well he aint gettin my jewel *runs out of hut with girls following*
kira: what do ya mean ur jewel!
shiruri: wow aint he a looker
guy: give me the sacred jewel!
kira: its a human corpse!
inuyasha: *cracks nuckles* yeah a stupid crows controling him!
*human body is shredded and the bird takes off*
inu: dam*! Blades of blood!
*crow dissapears and the jewel is shattered. a brogth life engulfs the area and the shards are spread throughout japan*
shiruri: *places hand on head* oh inuyasha i tried to tell you...
kira: well it begins
shiruri: wait it go stupid!
inuyasha: its your fault for not stopping me!
Shiruri:I TRIED TO!
inuyasha: YEAH RIGHT
kira: uh guys?!
inuyasha: *hits shiruri on head*
*long yelling argument unfolds*
kira: inuyasha!
inu: *looks at kira*
kira: SIT!
*falls to ground*
shiruri: hahahaha *rubs back of head sry bout tht inuyasha *patts him on head* your fun to argue with you know!
inuyasha: puh!
shiruri: hey kira at least your not to blame
kira: actually *i could have said sit lol
shiruri: lol
inu:wht?! you could have prevented tht and you didnt!
*sudenly a reflection in the sky catches their attention and three shards and the necklace fall down*
shiruri: *grins and picks them up, places them togather* well at least we have a start!
inuyasha: heh *grabs them* i hold on to these!
kira: hn SIT! *inu falls to ground* *kira grabs jewel fragments and slips them around her neck* i dont think so inuyasha!
shiruri: well time to begin
inuyasha: great...
lol you can tell i like to pull inuyashas strings dont you! -^_^- innocent until proven guity well kira san is going to be the carrier of the shikon no tama and she is also the reincarnation of kikyo much better then kagome could ever be i might add!
will the jorney thiken or will someone get killed by the other stay tuned and have a livable day ^_^
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
chap 2 inuyasa fanfic: Theres A Difference! Wheres kagome?
ok whered we leave off o yea
shiruri: wht...why r u staring at me?
kira: you look ...youre a demon!
shiruri: huh?!*looks at hands* claws!- uh kira you better look at yourself!
kira: *looks at hands* okay now this is awesome!
shiruri: yea but do we even know how to use our power lol
kira: well for now lets check out this place"
*girls begin walking threw woods*
shiruri: 0_o uh kira you might wanna check this out
kira: wht?- INUYASHA!
inuyasha: ehh *wakes up and opens eyes* who in the hel* r u two?
shiruri: *climb up tree and glares at inu*
inuyasha: you know death glear dont work!
shiruri: worth a shot *kicks inuyasha*
kira: shiruri! *climbs up tree and grabs inus ears* so you r real!
inuyasha: wha you teo r nutts why dont you get me down from here and stop messing around!
kira: hn!!
shiruri: youve got a big mouth for an old man!
inuaysah: who you callin old!
shiruri: hmm cool off and we might come back for you!
*walks off with kira*
kira: should we help him?
shiruri: dont you think there somthing a bit weird here kira? i mean wheres kagome?
kira dont care
shiruri:lol! kira im serious
kira: well maybe we should wait for a while to see if she comes to get him *sigh*
shiruri: i hate to say it but youre right hey lets find kaede!
kira: she might be able to help!
shiruri&kira: this looks like the place!
*girls get tied up and thrown to the ground*
kaede: be gone! take there evil spirits *waves spell scroll over head*
kira: uh *knuges shiruri*
shiruri: wht i help you when i can but i cant think of anyway to get out of this but to beg!
kira: lady kaede! where not normal demons
shiruri: we wouldnt lay a finger on a human!
kaede: hm how do ye know my name?!
kira: just trust us and we'll tell you everything
kaede: hmm...release thee wemon i will speak with them
-kaedes hut-
kaede: so ye were transported here from thee future and now ye r powerful demons intersting indeed...
kira: lady kaede have you heard anything about a woman named kagome
kaede: hm not child not such person why?!
kira: just wondering
shiruri: wht about inuyasha
man: did you hear tht there gonna release the demon! kill them!
kira: now youve done it!
kaede: run you must leave here at once!
kira: alright!
*girls sprint to the woods*
inuyasha: soo you decided to come back!
shiruri: not for you!
villagers: hey kill those demons they,ll release inuyasha-
*demon flys out of ground*
shiruri: ok kira now would be a good time for you to pull out tht arrow!
inuyasha: whts a matter cant you defend yourselves!
kira: we'll explain later *grabs arrow* it wont budge
*climbs up tree and grabs hold of arrow*
shiruri: somthings wron-
kira: no wait its glowing ...common on three
kira&shiruri: 3!!!!!!!!
*arrow comes out and girls fall under demon*
kira&shiruri: i feel like a coward but..INUYASHA!!!!!
*girls get thrown into a tree*
demon: noooo!! i will get those shards! *half the jewel appears from both girls*
kira: wht?!
shiruri :...!
inuyasha : now! :i dont know how you to ended up with half the jewel each but if you dont give it to me ill test my claws out on both of you!
well days it for now! so the jewel has been found and kira had half and so did shiruri. stay tuned for the next episode! will this be the end for the two demon girls or will it be just the beginning?!
-^_^- awwww come on be honest was it god or not?!
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Chap one inuyasha fic: A Twist In Reality!
okay i sry for anyone who liked my gardian stars of spell fic but i have to discontinue it for now i hope you understand tht it very diffucult to make an entire story up with nothing to go by and trying to make it original so im sry truly am but i will be starting a fanfic tht i promise ill keep going as long as i can^_^
Ok kira-san in this fic me and you r init since its inuyasha so mike and ian will be inuyasha and sesshoumaru of course^_^ It takes place in the future believe it or not!
*at Otaku University* (lol bare with me)
Teacher:Alright! Shuttup all of you! i still have one minute of your complete and precious time before they turn you people loose for your 3 weeks haloween vacation!!"
*bell rings*
teacher: *sigh* apparently to tell you i still have a minute of your time...
*class runs out*
Kira: lol the teacher does tht every time!
Shiruri: lol yea ...
kira: whts up?
Shiruri: its weird seeing you here lol
kira: yea i from the computer me at 12 u 14 who woulda thought wed actually meet up in the future at college!
shiruri:yea and i never thought wed still like sesshoumaru and inuyasha!
kira: shh shiruri lol here comes miss miseba!
Miseba: you girls i forgot to tell you everyone in my animation class is invited to the national anime convention tommorow night wont you be there
*girls looks at each other*
kira: well does the costumes have to be anything in style right now!
shiruri: yea what about an older anime series?
miss miseba: sure! tht would be just great keep things alive girls and ill see you there *runs off*
*girls *sweatdrop*
shiruri: well how bout it!
kira: yea time to bring out the old costumes! inuyasha and sesshoumaru!
shiruri: lets twist it a little and just forget the hair desguise and the fake swords
kira: oh i see we'll bring our reverse blades and just go as sort of an original character!
shiruri: yea sound good?
kira: sure! lol well g2g see you tommorow night shiruri-san!
shiruri: bye kira-san!
next night
kira: *knocks on door*
shiruri: *runs out and pretend to hit kira* as usual you r too slow to react!
kira: *steps on shiruris foot* so ro u!
*gets to convention*
miss miseba: well girls i see youe have a liking to inuyasha?
kira: we always have
miseba: well in the back corner there selling a few items for tht particular anime enjoy yourself
shiruri: well there is one thing were missing!
kira: ...oh yea! the inuyasha sit necklace!
shiruri: lets check it out
woman: hmm yes we do hve them well look here the last two he you go
kira: how much?
woman: *smile* on the house for inuyasha fans!
Shiruri: YEAH!
after convention_
shiruri: hey kira during the pary i heard about an old well back in the woods a little ways wanna check it out
kira: hmmm weve got nothing better to do so i wont matter if we get lost! lol
shiruri: well u never know...look! there it CrEePy! *grin*
kira: alright "shiry" if your not "afraid" go ahead and jump in see if you make it to the fuedal era!
shiruri: lol very well i will but youre comming with me *grabs kiras hand and jumps in*
kira: shiruri! lol
*girls loose consiousness*
shiruri: ouch *opens eyes* uhhh kira were not on campus anymore!
kira: *places hand on head* no kiddin-
shiruri: wht?!...
well thts the first part of the fun lol well kira-san i just wanna ask you somthing i need to know it for the next part
one do think there SHOULD be a next part? and two which would you rather be a demon,or a human with mind powers like telepathy?
hope the story was ok c-ya!
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Gardian Stars Of Spell Chap 2: Awakening
ok so we continue where we left off they r about to recite the chant
kira here we go!
shiruri: everyone ready!
everyone: ""Hear now the words of the mages
The secrets we hid from the night
The oldest of spells are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In this day and in this hour
We call upon the ancient powers
Bring your powers to we freinds four
Release the powers
We need the powers
the new gardian stars of spell
Have been awoken
So mote it be!"
wind encircles the four friends slowly the wind picked the wind came to an abrupt stop the four stood shocked each was different.
a voice called out and five spirits appears in front of them.
spirit one: you r the new gardian stars of spell...for years we have searched for the right mortals to take our place now each of you have you own abilities and powers
kira: uh could you explain why?
shiruri: good question
spirit two: the balance of light and darkness has been in our hand for many years but one day the evil named seiji was born we were destroyed but as spirits we preserved our powers to habd them down to young mages and return the balance
mike: and you think thts us
ian: yea maybe you got the wrong people
mike: thts not wht i meant ian
spirit three: i see the aura around you yes each of you have your own battle aura...
spirit four: you must all work toegether to find and complete the spell star scroll
shiruri: exactly how many r we looking for?!
spirit one: we r not sure how many there are you will knowwhen they are all found you have already found one....
spriit four: tht is all we can tell you we r running out of time please we must give our powers to you...
spirit three: miss taiyuki you will be given the power of vision and fire...your vision will allow you to sense the scrolls and it will allow telepathy and the ability to read minds...use it wisely"
kira: *smiles* i understand
shiruri: tht will go nicely with your swod skills kira-san
kira: yea and the prybar lol
spirit 2: miss kizou you will recieve the power of magic and speed. the ability to read and understand the ancient text come with tht.also the power to sence danger.
kira: lol and your swordmanship will go good to!!
spirit four: sir Terance you will recieve the power of mind youll specialize in tlepathy and mind control. you will also be able to sense the scrolls.
spirit four: and sir Kay you will recieve the power of spirit ward and knoledge of many threats, the power of spirit ward is much like a preists
mike&ian: awesome all the powers are kool!
all spirits: we must now go seach for your goals--
kira: wait wasnt a fith spirit?
spirit one: yes Shiba the wolf gardian will guide you his abilities should come in handy for you soon...
the spirits begin to fade away
shiruri: wait wht are we supposed to do first
spirits: shiba will guide you!..
the spirits disapear and everyone gets a look at themselves each ones with large white wings
shiruri: well *puts hands on back of haed and sits down* wht to do
ian: YEA!!
mike: this is cool!
kira: hn goofballs if you fall im not catching anyone!
*boys land and hide behind there wings*
shiba: AwoOoOoOoOo
shiruri: huh wht do you want shiba
*shiba begins to run off*
Kira&mike: Quick follow him hes our only lead!!!
well thts all i got so far i hope you guys like the powers i gave the characters i tried to fit the profiles^_^ aqnd the story!
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kira quizzes -^_^-
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Sunday, July 4, 2004

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Gardian Stars Of Spell Chapter One: spell scroll!
shiruri: hey kira anything new
kira: nope i wish there was somthing interesting around here
mike: why do you redo your sites again
ian: lol yea decorate it with pikachu
shiruri: ...*sweatdrop* *sigh* i can change the site anytime
kira: besides we change it when we get tired of it
mike: write a fanfiction
ian: not a bad idea
shiruri: lets make r own though it might not be interesting based on our lives lol
kira: yea lol
ian: well how about this we will al go to the anime ware house and look for some ideas for the anime story
everyone: yea ok
manager: well weve got dn angel, inuyasha, pokemon and about everything you can think of.
mike: well we r lookin for some ideas so were just looking right now
kira: boy he acts lie he really wants to sell somthing
shiruri: hey guys check this out!
ian: yea it a series animation kit!
kira: wow so it animates for you tht will be a big hlp!
mike: maybe but this is only a display i dont see any more...
kira: ill ask the manager if he has and in the back!
shiruri: ill go with you!
*looks around entire store but no luck*
shiruri: looks like hes gone *strecthes and puts hands on back of head*
kira: *-_-* nooooo*sarcastically* hes invisible
shiruri: heh^_^;
shiruri: thers the back room maybe hes already back there
*boys run up*
ian: where is he?
mike: probably in the back lets go
*follows him*
kira: geez its pitch black!
shiruri: hey whts tht
ian: its a book
mike: its a book
ian: hey! lay off!
mike: lol
kira: the front says GSOS
*girls begin to open it*
manager: HEY! wht r you kids doing back here
*everyone jumps*
shiruri*slides book into backback* we were looking for you but we changed our minds sry
manager: well get out!
*everyone runs*
manager: hmmmm*turns around and looks at stand* the book?! heh they will be some missed costomers too bad lol!
------------at the park---------
ian: hes creepy man!
mike: so r u
ian: thank you
kira: knock it off guys lol
shiruri: alright lets open this up!
kira: ahhh shiruri wht the heck RETURN THAT!
shiruri: oro?! the tag says FREE on it look!
mike: guess it does
kira: sigh i styill think you should return it
shiruri: i just wanted to check it out first i will after tht
*opens book*
kira: wht?!
shiruri: it has ancient writing i canrt make it out though
ian: let me see *mike looks too* uh... it has a picture of four angels but thts all im getting
kira: *turns pages* well these word r in english....the beginning of the spells...then theres a huh?! *somthing drops*
shirui: its a key
mike: to what?
kira: there a lock on the side of the book thhats all
shiruri: but it looks familiar
kira: ...huh indeed it does
mike: it looks like the key to tht cabin near shian watsu lake
ian: you maen the place you tried to pick the lock to last nigh-
mike: shush ian uh *sees girls glare* i was just going to check it out!
shiruri: well...
kira: *grins at shiruri* lets do just that i mean we have to return the key right *knuges shiruri*
shiruri: huh oh yea^_^
mike: 0_0 heh well then lets wait till dark
ian: im lost
mike: were gonna take a look within the cabin ian!
ian: oh yea i new tht
kira: finally somthing interesting...maybe
------night at cabin doors-----
shiruri: common ian see if the key fits!
ian: why me!
kira: so thell find your hand prints and not ours
ian: eh...not funny
*opens door*
mike: it works...
*goes inside*
shiruri: wooow its its dark...
*lights flicker on*
ian: did you do tht
kira: there probably motion activated
shiruri: man we watch to much anime lol
kira: het shiruri your backpacks golwin red you got a light in it
shiruri: noo just the book *opens bag* huh its the book
ian: well duh!
shiruri: BITE ME! 0_0 ouch! (slap) mike i wasnt serious!
kira: lol!!
MIKE: *RUBS HEAD* well open it!
shiruri: alright alright hold on *turns pages* this is the one gloing...itsa an arrow
ian: *follow arrow with mike*
kira: huh *girls follow them*
mike: well i dont know if tht book is real but look at this
shiruri: hey! thts a spell scroll
kira: howd you know tht!?
shiruri: lol i can make these but im not sure if they work...this is a bit different though it has tht writing on it from the book
*starts to glow yellow, air begins spinning*
everyone: woah!
shiruri: whats going on
*floor disapears and group falls into a wind tunel of blueish color*
kira: dont know but wht evers going on isnt normal
ian: ehhhh..
mike: *shocked* are we dreaming*
*the wind suck the four into the tunnel knocking them unconcious...the wind slows and the ground reapears*
kira: ouch *rubs head* hey people wake up
shiruri: *sits up* huh 0_o a forest did someone take us outside?
mike: ehh ouch it doesnt feel right here lets find someone
ian: i agree
*girls start looking around*
mike: what are you to doing
*girls stare at him*
shiruri&kira: havent you noticed anything
ian: wht...oh!
mike: this has gotta be a dream everythings in anime!
kira: i doubt we r dreaming
shiruri: yea everything feels real
ian: well there one way to find out ahhh
*at tht time darkness shrouds the forest, the sounds of nature are put to a dead stop, animals running away*
ian: whts happening
kira: dunno
*the clouds begin to swirl*
voice: recite the chant befor eits to late for the world the darkness has been awakened
mike: wht the?!
kira: hety shiruri?!
shiruri: yea kira there was words in the book *finds it on ground and flips through it* it is
*everyone looks*
mike&ian: should we say it...its in english
*girls grin at each other*
shiruri: we wil probably regret it later but...
kira: heres our chance for some fun...
hahahaha im evil arent i im making you ait lol actually i got to thinnk up a chant fo rthem to use so i will type the second chap later hopefully once i figure it out so i hopwe it started off good it took me forever to think of an opening-^_^-
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