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myOtaku.com: SessyAndShiruri04

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Nameless Character
A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask,
another type of main character...you are
forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet
trying to comfort others who are in pain as
you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see
you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the
true pain inside...but one day, you will be
able to take off the mask, and live in the

What Type Of Anime Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

you guys there was an incident today tht envoled me and its extremely weird im still freaked out about it lol i was at the grocery with my mom and i went on outside while she was checking out...when i got outside there was this man in a cloak like outfit and right then i new something was weird...but anywayx he stopped me and ask me if id heard of a girl named Shiry Takisana...thts a name i only know it was made up! its not even in the japanese name dictionary!...heres how ths converstion went after tht
man: i know you understand who im tlking about
shiruri: um not really sir
man: dont lye i know what owns you!
shiruri: wht?
man: *hold up a spririt like necklace* the lost souls have shown me the truth
shiruri: uh *backs away* i honestly have no clue what your talking about
man: hm-*looks throught parking lot suddenly* you remember what i say here...keep those evil powers of yours hidden! dont use them! *turns around and wlks away*
shiruri: is this a prank...*looks around for man*
okay i know tht sounds like something from a fanfic but this guy was weird he couldnt have known tht name ive never used it online or anywhere its been a name in my head shiry maybe but not Takisana i dont get it but owell the creeps gone, and lets just say i hope it was a prank

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