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myOtaku.com: Seth

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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sesshomaru206 (10/13/04)

Nice site come by mine anytime.
Oh, and I am adding you as a friend.
Domo Arigotto

InsaneDemon (10/10/04)

HISSSS OWWWW MY EYES BRIGHT BACKGROUND Y.Y My eyes hurt snniffles bright background. I love your site it is really cool. Uh can I add u as a friend please?

SkyeRainOfSorrow (10/08/04)

hey man.... OMFG! your site is like the freakin BOMB! your animation are awesome! ya so uh... i love your site.... oh oh! and your colors! so uh stop by my site alot........
thank you

xXx skye xXx

Yulinamon (10/02/04)

love your site hope yea do not mind im goign to add you as a freidn hope you do not mind

Zig Zag (10/02/04)

HELLO BUDDY OLD PALL! I asked nikki to help me with this MyOtaku thing and it worked. Call me tomarow at 11:00. THANK YOU! I adedd you as a budy. See my site some time. BYE.
~Zig Zag~

Pink Addict (09/27/04)

Hi like the site way cooler than anything I've got going. So it's safe to say your favorite character is Hiei? lol he's awesome so true!

chie (09/25/04)

Hey! ^_^ Thanks for signing my gbook. I really appreciate it. *bows head* I'm so sorry for not returning the favor sooner, though. T_T

Okay, anyway, I like the site! ^_^ It's great! And the avi looks cool too.

Well, I best be going now. Take care! I'll see you around! ^.^ Thanks again!

SyuusukeFuji (09/23/04)

hey there... cool site... very tasteful^^ come by my site sometime^^

vash-san (09/22/04)

Hi Seth,

even tho you are a random member i am glad i found your site. your avatar is awsome and the usage of color is great. hit me back sometime if you ever find yourself with nothing to do. Tack care.

iluvsasuk (09/21/04)

your site is so cool!

my writing on my site is beyond recongnizeable so lalala!
good luck with ur reports la~

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