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myOtaku.com: Sethos

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

   Totally Siked!!!!!
Man i cannot keepmyself calm this week!!!!

First of allwe are playing warren, and then on saturday we are going to boa!!!!!

This is gonna be one hell of a week.

I got the phone back but it's being a baka so i can't garuntee it will work if you call.

For emergencys i suggest you try the home phone first then try the cell.

Guess what....I'm Actually Passing History!!!

It's a miracle.

Now if i could just get up the grades in biology and german...

Sethy you gotta help me in biology please!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm goin crazy here!!

I need to bring up that grade...so i can keep going on the feild.

It would suck if i wasn't aloud to go on the feild anymore...

*cries* waaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Anywho. What's new with everyone???

I haven't been on in a really long time so i don't know if there is anything new going on around here.

And no one seems to want to call me anymore cause they suck and i uh....don't..

So yeah...start emailing and calling me again cause i'm like totally bored out of my mind!!!

Sethy i never asked and no one around here seems to know.

Is warren going to BOA this weekend too?

CAuse if y'all are going i might run into you in some random magical way...eh..

We are leaving the game early so we don't get to do the crossover.. so if you guys are coming to our side, you better do it before half time. cause we're leaving after that.

Get to hang outin the band hall at like one in the morning.

Get to see which of these posers are actually creaturs of the night.

They all claim they are, but they never turn out to be.

They are always theones whofall asleep early and such.

Those people are so boring right?

Dude this sucks. they might put us on the bus with the freshman again.

That will be really annoying.

A bunch of freshman who have never been to contest. they won't shut up the hole way there.

i am prolly gonna end up shooting some of them.

Anyways. since i haven't been on in a while imight as well highlight mylife for you guys.

Practices have been getting harder and harder. dso alot of sweaty stinky cloths to wash all the time

But it is fun. and i have a second spirit buddy now. cause we got a new girl.

Went to rachels house for the weekend and had a big ass party. man it was crazy we had so uch fun.

we talked abouthallaween forlike four hours at four in the morning.

Speaking of, sethy. Are you haveing the party again this year??

Cause jordan invited me to hers but i wanna go to yours if your having one.

and if you don't have the party then i was thinking of having one of my own.

So let me know about that.

Btw, i am starting a club, for anyone who is interested. seth it's kinda like what we did with amy in middle school.

But mine is cooler. Our mascot is called Retro "Random Rave Ninja" and our symbol is OZWALD

Our colors are currently being voted for. and i am setting up the application and rules and such.

Everything should be ready in a bout a week.

If anyone is interested then you can email me, make a comments on here, call me or whatever works.

And i can send it to you asap.

It's nothing big, just alittle group of us getting an occasional get together.

Ya know. like the boardies.

There are only a few of us right now. but i'm sure we will grow.

Anywho.....dang...this was a long post wasn't it??

Prjolly the longest one i have done this year.....

more like he longest post since i started on the board.


Back to the club. for the colors i want to get more of a extended vote. so hers the colors please vote only once in a comment.

A. Electric green/Black
B. Orchid/Aqua
C. Royal blue/Ruby
D. NAvy Blue/maroon

Please cast your votes ASAP!!!

Anywhooo....i'm sitting in my Personal Family Development Class..

My teacher is cool and let me get on the computer the hole time.

But i should probably close up this post so i willnow end with my shout outs.

Seth - *hugs* Miss you sis. give me a call!!!

Zappa - How ya doin??

Pocky - Call me!!! I feel un loved!!!

Tori - Hiya!!

Ian - Yo!

Closet Pervert - Howdy Doody!!

Anyone i left out - (hugs and wuvs* You know i love you all!!!!

Teh Sethos, Out!

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