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In a house
Member Since
7th grade student
Real Name
Kira Kaiba
Loving Seto Kaiba for 4 years, being picked in music class to sing a really high note by myself.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was five years old.
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, then Inu-Yasha
To move to Osaka when High School is over with my best friend, Lioness Hanyou. (Yes REAL life friend may I add.)
thinking about Seto, studying Japan, writing my good stories about me and Seto and my friends Lioness Hanyou and laykagome99.
Learning Japanese on my own.
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demon dragon (06/15/05)
Hey Seto girl! Im demon dragon and I've added u as a friend, if that's okay with u, is it? Anyway, it seems u r a huge seto fan, same here! ^_^
Please visit my site and sign my guestbook!
Maimai15 (05/29/05)
Hola! Maimai15 here to resign ur gb and friend u again to my new account. i deleted the old one cuz it was bein a poohead, o well. Be safe, Later Dayz! ^^
SirDarkness (05/22/05)
Hey, seto girl uhm, cool you learned
Japanese on your own i like your site i love yu-gi-oh and kaiba is one of my favrites,,,, it's not often i see someone at my age here!!!! uhm see ya,!
Valon Cra-Z (04/15/05)
like the syt
kaibalover (03/16/05)
I love your site!! Seto Kaiba is one of my favorites too. I added you as a friend by the way.
AutumnLeaves (03/03/05)
YAY!! I LOVE SETO WITH ALL MY HEART ALSO! *screams* HE'S THE GREATEST! AND THE HOTTEST GUY EVER!! *drools* adding u as a friend hope u dont mind! Byes
Sakura Star (02/19/05)
I like your site but I would like to state that if your the # one fan of Seto
I must be #2 because on every test i took on which yugioh character you will marry it said Seto 6 times
Dir En Grey pUnK (01/03/05)
verY nIcE sItY !
tHe bAcKgRoUnD hE's hOTT
tOo bAd I'm NoT yUgIoH fAn hUh
Kaito-Kid (01/02/05)
One moment please!! U can't be Seto Kaiba's fan-girl nr.1!! I'm the greatest Seto Kaiba fan ever^^ Sorry for this, please don't be too mean to me... but really... He's the greatest^^...
Bye then...
Azn Gurl (12/31/04)
seto fangirl huh?, im more of an marik ishtar and bakura ryou and atem and ryo fangirl, cool site.
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