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• 1991-12-08
• In a house
Member Since
• 2004-01-02
• 7th grade student
Real Name
• Kira Kaiba
• Loving Seto Kaiba for 4 years, being picked in music class to sing a really high note by myself.
Anime Fan Since
• Since I was five years old.
Favorite Anime
• Yu-Gi-Oh!, then Inu-Yasha
• To move to Osaka when High School is over with my best friend, Lioness Hanyou. (Yes REAL life friend may I add.)
• thinking about Seto, studying Japan, writing my good stories about me and Seto and my friends Lioness Hanyou and laykagome99.
• Learning Japanese on my own.
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Guestbook Entries:
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AnImEjUnKeE101 (03/03/04)
hello there. u signed my guestbook and asked if i could so blue eyes. im not much of a yugioh fan but ill take up the challenge. and ill try to draw kaiba also. check for them on... hmmm.... lets saaaay... sunday march 7. (if u see this that is.) sign my guestbook and make a comment if u feel like it
saturnshadow (03/01/04)
...Oookay. Glad to hear you say I can keep him. As long as he's mine. -_'
Wow, did you cheat on all those quizzes, just to get Seto. It's amazing. I'm not sure if I've ever seen so many pics of Seto Kaiba in one place. You should visit my friend, hitomikaiba. She's here on Otaku too. ^_^ We're all fanatics.
Nice site! I'm gonna put you on my friends list, 'kay?
RitaKaiba26 (02/28/04)
Hey! I just wanted to tell u that your site ROCKS! And I was also wondering if you could visit my site. I am also a Seto fan. Oh, yeah, I also wanted to tell you that I added you as a friend. Is that OK?
zap29 (02/23/04)
Kaiba fan I see, thats kool. I like Kaiba too, just not that much. Your site is cool! I'm adding you as a friend if thats alright. Come by my site! Ciao
Makotaku (02/21/04)
Hay hay! Yu seem like a devoted Seto fan! Gud for yu!! ^_^ So much Seto Kaibi... Well, come by! I'll add ya as a friend so see ya! ^^
IAmKagome (02/20/04)
Wow! You really love Seto and Yu-Gi-Oh! That's not a bad thing though! I added you as a friend so would you please add me as one? Thanks!
Ryuki (02/17/04)
Uhhhhh....Yes, I'm not the only one with problems. I too have a major sexual attraction to an anime character, but not Seto, tho it used to be him. Not it's Vash the Stampede from Trigun. Now I know I'm not the only crazy one. So I'm adding you as a friend.
HetepKa (02/15/04)
Hey,Hey!!!Many thankies for visiting my site, glad you liked it (I really liked yours too, but I love Bakura, Ryou and Malik more!!!! ^-^ I love them more than I love cheese!!!) I'm glad to know there are other people like me that go insane when they see one of the Yu-gi-oh! bishies!!, and I hope you can acomplish yor goal
^-~, and I'll help ya in all I can to accomplish it!!!
Really, an ecxelent site, truly worthy of Seto Kaiba!!!
The Insane Rabid Bakura, Ryou and Malik Fan-Girl that likes cheese,
PS: Added ya as a friend, hope you don't mind...
MiroChu (02/10/04)
WOAH! CALM DOWN PSYCHO SPAZZING SETO KAIBA LOVER! Its alright I wont take him away from you. You must really like him alot cause i can tell from all the quizes. Usually when i take a yuugiou quiz i get seto......WHY HAS FATE BESTOWED THAT ON MY SHOLDERS!?!?!?....o.O Id better go and stop wasting your time now bye
Masao Shinamuri (02/04/04)
I love Kaiba too! *shrinks back* that's okay, I know he's yours. As you can guess from my username (or maybe you can't), I am obsessed with Aoshi Shinamuri. I was heartbroken when the third Kenshin manga came out and he looks strange! *sniff, sob* I am the only one of my friends who likes Aoshi and Kaiba best...the rest of them are obsessed with Kenshin, Kurama, and Hiei....yeah that's it. Come visit my site! I really like yours!
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