My Story
By:Nicole Maccombs
(A Yu-Gi-Oh tale of truth.)
(Pt. 1)
Hey I know you all think Yugi Muto is a only child with no parents but you were tricked.I Daimond Muto will tell you how me and Yugi were seperated. I had no idea i was a not an only child.When we were born Yugi went with Grandpa and you guessed it I went with my parents.Well 9 years ago(I am 16)My parents died (EIGHT YEARS LATER)WHAT!?!?!? I am not going to school at Takshienon Jr. High.""Your going to shcool if have to force you." "force me...'' We went one untill the bus came. I moved to Domino when I was 13. I got an apartment with my pen-pal,Alex Carter.I decied to learn more about my family tree I found my parents had lied to me for 13 years.I had brother his name,Yugi Muto. I did alot of resherch at school,Domino Jr. High. When I got in to Domino High at 15. A year later it was time for THE BATTLE CITY TORNAMENT!!!!! I entered to get to Yugi well, when i was doing resherch someone tapped me I freacked out and punched him in the nose.It was Bakura Ryou.(sorry ryou fans)He wanted to duel but I won and though I gave him my map-thingys.I had 2. I cept a close record of Yugi's duels.Before I knew it it was over.Then I was just doing homework and someone else tapped me I freacked out again and hit him in the nose.It was Yugi.(sorry yugi fans)Then I saw a whole bunch of other people."Hey whats your name?I am Yugi." he said." I'm Daimond Muto." After i said my name Yugi froze."Whats the matter.'' a girl with brown hair said"Hi I am Tea, and his name is Yugi Muto." "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! Were related!!!!!"Then I fainted.I woke up in a weird house."Hello you gave us a scare."said a very old man.'' Were am I?!''Yugi walked in."She woke up finally.Hey you can stay here if you want."Then I saw a werid glowing light and a preety neckless fell out of Yugi's pocket.*wow thats a cool neckless.i have got a plan to steal it !*"Ok I will stay for a while ."That night I snuk into Yugi's room.I saw another taller Yugi."Hi you must be Daimond Yugi's sister. How rude of me I am Yami." "what umm can i have that neckless."Yami smiled."Yes."That morning I went to school I saw a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes."Hi I am Daimond who are you?" Then Tea said "He is Seto Kaiba." Joey piped in "Yeah,a stuck up jerk." "Don't be so mean Joey under all that rage I think Seto is preety nice." Yugi said. Then the bell rang *well i got to talk to Seto (sigh) hey wait i have about 3 calsses with him YES*( 1ST CLASS) I sit by Marik."Turn in your papers.''Nothing cool in this class.(2OND CLASS)*YES !! a class seto.* Again a class sitting by Marik.But Seto sits 5 seats away.(3RD CLASS)Ok lets skip to to 3 months later.I had a wierd dream I kissed Marik and I liked it.So I broke up with Seto and asked Marik out ."Wanna go out Marik*blush*" He blushed and said"sure hey we have every class together and next to each other."Well that night I snuk back into Yugi's room. It was Yami in there."Hey." "hi"I repiled "Hey anything weird happen lately."He asked."Yes,Marik is nice to me I actually said something to him."Well it was weird I could talk to Yami like that."Daimond wanna go t-t-t-to th-th-the d-d-dance?"he managed to say stutering."Hmmm umm...*we arn't related so i could*umm Ok."I glanced at the clock it was 1:55*I've gotta wake up in four hours.*So went back to bed.The next day Friday *YES!!!*Marik asked me "Hey wanna go to the dance with me?""I can't go because Grandpa needs me to watch the shop."I repiled quickly.That night I over heard Yugi talking to Yami."Hey Yugi can I take over for Saturday?"Why Yami?!""No reason I ...""What Yami?""Your sister sneaks in here at night.Ok! I am going to the dance with her !""THATS SICK SHE IS MY SISTER!!!"I ran away. So after I heard that I went out to get a dress.Grandpa gave me $2000.I saw a very preety dress it had no sleeves.It was black and it costed $1897. I had some money left over.I bought some dinner and went for a walk.Then out of nowhere Seto walk up to me."Move it Kaiba." I said. "Why?"he repiled.
"I've got to get home."I snapped."I never agreed to brake up." After that I just got so mad I slaped him.He quickly pulled me up by my sholders and threw me up aganist the wall. Pulled up my legs and kicked. He fell to the ground. That was my chance so I ran off. When I got home Yugi asked about why my shoulders were red.I pulled him into my room. Then I told him the whole thing."Wow Setmufuf..."He tried to say before I put my hand on his mouth then I said."Yes he did. And promise not to tell anyone."He nodded. That morning I woke up on my desk. I was still doing homework. I knew that tonight was the dance.I went down stairs to get some brakefast.(THAT NIGHT)" I'M ALMOST READY!" Then I came down. When I got to the dance Marik wasn't there. I felt so bad I ran out. I was glad I had my clothes with me. I changed into them. I sat on the ground and I heard someone coming. When they got closer. It was Marik! He said " Isn't kinda hard to watch your Grandpa's shop out here." He said looking around. "I'm sorry I lied I actually was going to the dance with Yami."I replied. "Here you go." He put his coat over my head. Then leaned in to kiss me I leaned in to kiss him. We kissed for 2 mintues until I broke away. Then I walked home with him. When I got home Grandpa asked " Wheres Yugi." "The dance." I repiled. I could tell he didn't like Marik. The next morning Marik came by on his motorcycle. I ran out to see him. He gave me a helmet.*hey its red yay.* I was short so he helped me on it. We went to the corner cafe. Then we went to his house. He yelled " HEY GUYS I'M HOME!!" I saw a girl with black hair come down from upstairs. "Your home already Marik. Hey who is this?" She asked. "Yes I am Ishizu and this is -" I stoped him. " I'm Daimond Muto." I said "Hey there."* man she is tall.o.o* Then I saw Raina come downstairs. "Hey Daimond what are you doing here." Said Raina as she turned her head around the corner. " Hey Raina. I'm with Marik." Raina is about my hight she has black hair and pale skin. Raina bursted out laughing. "What Rains?" asked Marik. " Are you and Daimond going out?'' Marik's eyes got big and he started blushing."No!" He yelled chaseing Raina. Isis gigled. I looked up at her."Dose this happen alot?" She stood there and thought "Yes.For many different reasons." Where are your parents?" I asked. Ishizu looked down sadly. "Well if you don't tell anyone. Our Mom died and" she stoped and her eyes got watery."What?" I asked then she pulled me into the kitchen and said" Marik sent our Dad to the Shadow Realm." "What!?!? Marik sent your Dad to the Shadow Realm." She nodded sadly. When she was going to look up she froze stareing at my neck." Your Yugi's sister aren't you."I smiled" The one and only." "I kinda guessed that because well I gave that millenium item to him." We went out to the living room where Raina and Marik were siting but I couldn't find Raina. Then I heard a muffled scream "MARIK GET OFF ME!!!!!" Ishizu said "Marik get off your sister."I giggled. Raina was gasping for air when Marik got off her. "Daimond wanna go upstairs?" Marik asked."Sure." Me and Marik went upstairs.When we went into his room he screamed and held his head."Whats wrong?" I asked in a panic."Slight headache. Wanna duel?" He answered."K. I'll go second." In the middle of our duel Marik sceamed again and that time when he stoped he looked creepy. "ISHIZU!" I yelled. She came running to Marik's room and swung me up and ran to Raina's room. She took a deep breath. "What in the world where you two doing?" Ishizu asked "Dueling." I started to cry. "I WANT MARIK BACK!!" I took his motorcycle to get lunch. I got back Marik was sitting in the living room. I put the food on the table and ran to Marik. I fell asleep in the chair we where in. Then Marik did. When it was about 5o'clock. I stood up and walked home.*well if you don't understand that was weird.* After a whlie of walking I sat in the park. Someone walked up to me and for some reason he looked like Bakura. He threw a dueldisk at me. "Duel me." he said forcely. "Okay." Our duel went on for hours."I win.Goodbye honey." I had lost my duel. I saw a light then Yugi, Tea, Marik, Ishizu, Raina, Joey, Yami, Alex, and Seto. I was in a clear bubble. " HEY GUYS WAKE ME UP IS THIS A DREAM?!?!" I screamed confused. Then my oppent walked up to me."Hi I'm Yami Bakrua and your in the Shadow Realm where all your fears come true."
"WHAT ARE YOU? A PSYCOPATHIC FREAK!!!!" "Yes." He said calmly.Then he walked off. I looked over to my friends for some reason Yugi was suffering and one by one they were dying. Then there was only one left. Marik."MARIK!!!!!" The bubble popped and I ran for him. I put my hands around his waist and cryed "Get me out of this nightmare.Please."I said sobbing.I saw a bright light that turned out to be a door."Should I go." he looked down at me smiled then nodded. I woke up on the hospital.Marik was siting in the chair next to me so was Yugi, Ishizu, Tea, Raina, Alex*what is she doing here?*, suprisingly Seto also. Marik woke up."You're up I tried to find you when you wouldn't return my calls." He said."It was creepy. This might be hard to say but I was in the...." I got into a whisper"Shadow Realm." Marik got up to sit on my bed. Then he asked me. "Who sent you?""Yami Bakura. He forced me to duel him." I repiled. "The creepy thing was you helped me out of the Shadow Realm."I said. "Love is stronger than fear." He said looking at the ceiling.The next day was Tuseday.*man o.0 i was out for 19 hours.* When I was going to school Bakura ran up to me. "Hey Daimond." I turned away from him. " Leave me alone you freak!" I yelled.Bakura was banging his head with his fist."Stupid stupid Yami." I asked "What are you doing Ba-ku-ra....?" "My Yami hurt you didn't he or he could of sent you to the Shadow Realm." "WHAT?!?!"I yelled. "Oh did he send you to the Shadow Realm?" He asked. I nodded. Bakura said "Well see ya." He ran away. All of a sudden a limo came up to me then stoped.I heard a voice "Need a ride?" The window rolled down. I was Seto."No Kaiba, I don't." I started to run. I triped and all my books fell out of my hands. Then someones hand reached down and said "Need help?" I looked up and it was Marik. I took his hand and he helped me up. He picked up my books for me. He also walked with me to class.(FIRST CLASS)*JUST KIDDING!*After school I ran home. That night I heard a noise I looked outside my window. I got some clothes on and a jacket. I jumped out of my window. "Marik what is it?" I asked "Wanna join a duel?" he replyed. "When is it?" I asked. "Now!" he answered in a hurry. Then he took my hand and ran for the playing field. I knew our oppents Umbra and Lumis. I knew them the Battle City Tornament. Me and Marik thought it would be a little more exciteing if we brought this little game to the Shadow Realm. Not really a good idea because we lost. I saw he bright light agian this time I never let go of Marik's hand. This time in the shadows I was floating. In just a little time I found out a way to float in my control. I was looking everywhere and it seemed like the Shadow Realm went on forever. Until I saw s figure in the shadows. I flew to the object it was Marik. Marik put out his hand I reached for it. It was what felt like 2 hours. We saw a light then we woke up on the floor. It was 1:00 when we got to the Shadow Realm. Now it was 1:30!!*WHAT!!!* Well thats was kinda dumb. Any way I went back to my house crawled threw my window. That afternoon at lunch. Seto came up to me and picked me up by my arms tightly and kissed me the lunchroom was real quiet and they were all stareing and wispering "Daimond and Seto.Wow."Marik entered and yelled"YOU PUT HER DOWN SETO KAIBA!!!!!!!!!!!"He ran and kicked him I fell and he caught me. "Thanks Marik." I wispered. Then Raina hoped up on the table and yelled"I KNEW YOU TWO WERE TOGETHER!!!!" Marik threw a pizza at her and said "No problum." After school I ran up to Seto and said"Hey Seto lean here." I slapped him with all my might. I ran away. When I got home Yugi ran up to me and said "I can't Seto did that today.""Me nither."I replyed. "Hey you and Markufnuf...." I put my hand over his mouth and nodded.
That night I heard a noise. I sat up looked around and layed back down. Then I turned I and before my eyes there right next to me in bed was Yami Bakura. I kicked him off and threw a pillow at him.I remembered the words the frist words he said to me before I went the Shadow Realm.*Goodbye honey.* I called everyone for a sleepover. We started to play Truth or Dare.With in a half an hour Joey was under the bed, Yugi was hanging from the fan, Marik was behind the TV, Raina was with me in the closet, and Bakura was in the tub.Plus Ishizu was in one of the cabnets. "Hey guys the real reason I wanted you guys over is because Yami Bakura was in my room." Everyone eyes got huge and gasped but one. Bakura. He was frozen. "So thats why I keep blacking out." Bakura said. All of a sudden there was a light.In Bakura's place was Yami Bakura. "Yup." He said to Bakura as looked in my mirror. When he turned around he had that creepy pysco canable-killer face. Then a really big light. And two more yami's Yugi's and *shudder*M....a....rik's. "WHATS GOING ON HERE?!?!?! l turned around and blacked out.
In my place stood the weirdest thing ever. My yami. Yami Daimond, "Well,well,well. Isn't it the all mighty Pharaoh." Yami Yugi turned around "Hmm?" "What is going on here?" Raina asked. ''Shutup sister! Oh, and as I recall you to have and opposite side." Raina froze "No don't do it brother." Then he picked her up and threw her across the room. As she hit the wall a bright ligh came again.*Man somebody is gonna go blind.* A very creepy and tall verison of Raina stood in Raina's place. " I told you not to do that you prick." Then my neckless started to glow.*My eyes!* All of a sudden I was in a bed I sat up I was somewhat diffrent. I had short black hair and a daimond shape scar. I got up and started to walk. I saw the pharaoh outside my door. "Pharaoh Atemu?" He looked at me "Yes Nila." "I just needed to tell you...." Mahado came running around the cornner."Pharaoh the thife had gotten a new apprentace." "Yes we'll watch that." Mahado looked at me. "Nila you watch the Pharaoh."The Pharaoh looked at me ''As you were saying." I looked at him and said "I just needed to tell you that I....I...I" "Continue" "Love you." I started to cry.Then I woke up I looked at my clock it said Thursday June 1st 2006. I got up put on my clothes and got up Yugi. Seto walked up to me and said "Daimond..." I was so confused and mad. I snapped "JUST GIVE IT UP KIABA I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! WHY DO YOU STILL GO AFTER ME?! I'M MARIK'S GIRLFRIEND! I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU AGAIN! OK!" I started to cry "I'm so confused Seto. I'm desperate so can you help me?" I leaned in and hugged him. l saw him kinda smile like happy smile.*kaiba happy ahhhh the end of the world!* Joey saw Kaiba and said "Who are you and what did you do with Kaiba?" "I gonna kill you Wheller!" *Yup thats kaiba.*I walked to school. Later on in my 3rd class I had a note passed to me. It was from Seto. It said "Whats with you this morning were you lying?And do you want to go out agian." I stood up thew a piece of paper at Kiaba. He read it and it said "NO!"After school when I and Yugi were walking home l said "Hey, Yugi no hard feeling about wakeing you up so early?" "No problum sis." "Good I got you a present." I held it out. "Go on stick your hand in it." He stook his hand in it. His whole body shook."What?" He looked up and said " There is hard boiled egg yolk in it." "Hahahahahahahahahahhahaha!" Then we ran home. When we got there Grandpa was at the entrance before we got in he grabbed us by our backpacks. "Yeah Grandpa?" We asked in unisoin. "Have homework you two?" We nodded. "FIRST PICK UP YOUR ROOM!" ''Yes Grandpa!" We ran up stairs. That night I woke up to a blinding light. When I opened my eyes I was in a very cold room. "Well the dead awakes.'' "Bakura I love you. Can you let me out now." Again the room totaly changed agian and I saw the Pharaoh in the room. Then they brought in two girls. One had white skin and and blue eyes. High Preist Seto called her Kirsa. The other one looked extremly liked Raina. The gaurd said "These two girls are said to be the Thief Bakura's apprentace." "Yes." Pharaoh Atemu said "Nila! I know your there.Come here." l walked over to the girls I bent down to the one that looked like Raina. She said "Tell them that your the apprentace. Tell them the truth." l stood up and said "Let her go." I pointed to Raina. We walked out of the room I talked to her "Raina, if I tell them that it might jepordize our marrige." "You must not want to become the queen of thives."Raina said angerly. "Raina if l have to kill the Pharaoh in the prosess, It shall not be done because l love the Pharaoh." Suddenly the room got dark and I looked at my right there was my alarm clock. "*sigh* Well that was interesting. I wonder about my yami?" A voice piped up "What about me?" l looked at the end of my bed. "Hey. Sorry about the first time I came out." "No problum. Hey I know your name." "So do I! Do think I'm a fucking moron? Like Joey." "No. You gots foul language girly." "Ok. Maybe I do have anger mangement problums." "l feel safer with you. Nila." "Thanks. Daimond." I went to sleep after that. I got dressed I cheaked my clock. Friday June 2ond. On every friday l jump out of the window. Like always Marik is there on his motorcycle. Today was normal for a change. Except for 1 thing. Seto Kaiba. He walked up to me and said "Ok. If you won't date me there is only one other chioce." Wanna know the choice. Kidnap. I woke up in a room I have been in before. The guest room in Kaiba's mansion. Well one of them.*<.< >.>* I knew this room so I jumped out of the window. Then I ran to Marik's house.I knocked at his door.Raina came to it. She looked at me and said "MARIK ITS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" Marik ran downstairs. "Hey Diamond." "Hey. Uh-oh I gotta go and if Yugi calls tell him I spent the night at your house." "O-k?" I ran down the street and bumped into *bum-bum-bum* Royu.
"Oh. Hey pippy!" All of a sudden his yami came out and yelled " WHO ARE YOU CALLING PIPPY!" I ran away. When I got to my house Grandpa was standing at the door. "Where have you been?" "I spent the at Marik's house." I look at Grandpa seriously to let me in. When I got in l grabbed my helmet and keys then jumped out of the window. There it was Marik's motorcycle. l drove it back to Marik's. On my l saw Joey so I waved to him. When I got there I said "MARIK!!!!!" He came runing out of the house "What?" "I brought your motorcyle back." "Hey! So thats what you had to-do." "Yeah. Grab your sister and her motorcycle.Come with me." Marik and Raina also me stoped by Bakura's apartment. He drove Raina's motorcycle with her on the back of it. We hung out that whole day.(LUNCH) "Marik I'm hugry." We went to Dominos Pizza. Riana triped and her pizza went flying right smack dab on Bakura's face. "Sorry Baku." Raina said blushing. "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Me and Marik laughed. Bakura just growled.(AT THE MALL) "Hey Marik pass me my clothes not yours." He acadentally passed his. "YOU DIM-NIT THESE ARE YOUR CLOTHES!" (ON THE WAY HOME) "NO MARIK I LIVE ON THE OPPESET STREET!" Well l finally got home. When Marik found my street. *i think we gave him to much suger. i mean everyone had to much suger.* Later that night l heard "No. Bakura l don't ." "Why don't you want to kill the Pharaoh." "You idiot." There was a loud thump. "None of us want to repeat histroy. But you. l'll probly take over the world." "Not before me." "Well l think you should get going before Daimond wakes up ." "Ok. Good Idea" He walked over to me. There was a bright light. "What the fuck are you doing?'' I heard Ryou's voice. "Unfinished busness.'' He bent down and kissed me. I heard him jump out the window. "Nila!" She looked at me sitting up in bed. "S.T.F.U.B." "What do you mean repeat history?" "Ok. Yeah I am the one who killed the Pharaoh." "You sick basterd." "I'm not the only one with foul languege." "I'm going back to bed." "Good idea see you in 1 hour." That morning I said "Ok l can check off Ryou kissing me for my list of things to-do before collage." Well not really my luck Yugi was at my door. "Ryou kissed you. On the lips or cheek?" "Damn you Yugi.Your so nosey!" I put on my clothes on my and neckless. Grandpa and Yugi are eating breakfast. "Hey guys I'm going out. Want something?" "What are you taking?" Yugi asked witha pancake stuffed in his mouth. "I'm walking Yugi." "Ok watch out for Kaiba or Bakura." I walked out the door. *Why did Ryou kiss me?* "You know I can read your mind." "AH! Warn me before you do that." "Hahaha! Your so funny." "Nila seriously. For being 3 mellnias old your so inmature." "Daimond can't you take a joke." "Not yours." "S.T.F.U.B." "WHAT DOSE THAT MEAN!!" "Shut the fuck up bitch." "Oh.....S.T.F.U.B. Nila." She disappeared when I got to the shushi bar. "One seaweed wrapped shushi please." "Thank you. Pick it up when it comes by." When I was walking home Ryou came walking up to me blushung. "Hey Daimond." "Hey Ryou. Why you blushing? Oh! Let me guess. It was last night when your yami was fighting with mine. I remember that before he left you kissed me. I think I should retrun the favor." "Yeah. They confused me a little bit. What do you mean return the favor?" "Can you come a little closer?" I stared to mumble "I should do this quickly." I kissed him. "Daimond why did you just do that?" "Just returning the favor." I winked and ran off. Yugi said at the door before I got in " Hey bring me something back?" He didn't let me in untill l gave him the sushi. I put doenmy stuff on my desk in my room."Nila!" "What?!?! "Hi, I saw Ryou today." "Oh yeah. Did he kiss you agian?" "No. I kissed him." "Oh really?" I walked away from Nila. I picked up my cellphone. "Hey whats tomarrow Nila?" "June 5th." "Really? Wow." (THAT NIGHT) It was a normal night.Wow I just had to tell you that.*-.- *sigh** The next day at school there was a new student. Crystal Takia, a exchange student from America. When I seen her she looked like she came from Eygpt. Just like Marik. That day at lunch I talked to her. "Hey I am Daimond Muto. Where you born?" *Crystal's thoughts: Ancient Egpyt.* "Eypgt." "Thats what I thought. I knew you weren't from America." Then the gang Ryou, Yugi, Joey, Tea, Marik, Tristen, and Serenity. "Really Serenity go hang out with people your age." "Hmph!" She walked off. "Hey guys this is Cyrstal." I said "Hey Crystal." They said in unision. Crystal had teal colored hair and tan skin. She is about Tea's hight. "Hey Marik can you come here." I pulled Marik into the hall. "Marik I have to do this. I can't continue going out with you." "Why? So your dumping me." "Because I kissed Ryou and yes I am." I hugged him and walked over to the rest of the gang. "Hey Ryou. Can you come with me?" I pulled Ryou over to near the waterfountian. "Hey can we start going out?" " Aren't you going out with Marik?" I hung my head " Ok. I understand you don't want to go out with me." I started to walk away. "No wait!" He said running after me. When he finally caught up to me he said "I would love to go out with you." I truned around and smiled. That night I saw my neckless start to glow. "What's going on?" I saw the room change. I was Anicent Eypgt. Then I saw Bakura.
"Well well well! What should we do with you?" "Set me free!" "Shut up!" I didn't know what to-do so I yelled " ATEMU!" He came running into the tomb. "Bakura! Set her free!" "But I just want to have a little fun." Then I woke up.(THREE WEEKS LATER) In the morning I picked up my cellphone and called Ryou *Yes i had him on speed dail." "Hey Ryou.....Yeah about that I feel bad about dumping Marik......Is it ok with you?........Ok thanks.........Bye."*click* I sighed. That day at school. I walked over to Marik and said sadly "I want to be back with you forever." "Its ok Dai.'' I walked into his chest. I smiled. I looked up and everyone around us was wide eyed at the site. "Wow." I heard Tea say. "Shut up you lesbain!" I yelled at her. She came up to me and said "Don't you ever say that to me again." "Whatcha gonna do to me? Oh thats it!Annoy me. I know things I am not supposed to and if you do will know how they work." She backed off. "ANYONE ELSE GOT ANY MORE COMMENTS!" The hall cleared quickly. "Hey Dai I was just wondering if would" I cut him off "Yes." I kissed him on the lips and ran off to class. After school I found out Raina was at my house. "Hey Daimond!" "Raina!" "I am staying here for a week." "Cool!" I said smileing into Raina's eyes. That night Raina had to get something so she went back to her house to get it. Yami walked into my room. "Hey Daimond." I glared at him. "What do you want?" "Ok. It is all lies that Marik and the others tell you. I truely love you." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Yami walked out and then Raina had retruned with a box. "Hello Dai you there?'' she asked waveing a hand in front of my dazed face. "What?! Oh yeah. Sorry just spaced out there for a minute." "Hey I got my dueldeck wanna duel?" I nodded "Yeah!" I smiled. The next night the same thing happend Raina went to her house to get something and Yami came into my room and sat on my bed. He said "Do you remember what I said yesterday?" "Yes." I nodded. He looked at me and smiled. Then he grabed my chin. I quickly pulled my head away. "Whats the matter?" "Sorry just a little tensious." "Alright." He grabed my chin again. "Let go!" I yelled. "No. Not untill you kiss me." My eyes got watery. "Remember saying yes to remember what I said ment you love me truely also." His grip on my chin got tighter. "Now kiss me." "NO!" I yelled and thats what set off the millenium neckless. I saw a bright light and that made Yami let go. In a matter of seconds in my place was Nila. "Pharaoh don't touch my friend." Nila lifted Yami up by his shirt. Then Raina walked in she saw the yamis and said "What the heck if this is a party its not complete without my yami." She truned into her yami. "Why dose she insist on me to kill everyone." Then Yami Bakura poped in the window. He scared Nila and made her drop Yami. "Great the Pharaoh is gonna get killed by a girl." Yami turned to the window "Shut up! Man why dose this always happen to me?" He mumbled to him self on the floor. He got up and left. Yami Bakura fell off the edge of the house and Yami Raina just gave up on being there. Lastly Nila let me take over agian. Raina asked ''What ticked you off like that?" "Rain its and touch and drop thing. Ok?" On the way Friday came quickly. "Raina make some popcorn!" "Ok?" "One at a time this time!" (FLASH BACK) Raina took 80 bags of popcorn and shoved them into the microwave. *BOOM!* "Was that the microwave?!?!"(OVER) "And take off the plastic you remember last time!" (FLASH BACK AGAIN) Raina just got down the popcorn and put into the microwave. *BOOM!* "Not agian." (OVER AGIAN) The next day at school Nila asked if she go to school as me on Monday. "Ok. Whatever I'm going for a walk." I jumped out of my window and started to go down the street. I saw Kaiba and a little kid with black hair."Hey! I didn't know you had a little...uh-" The kid spoke up "Brother." "Oh ok. Hey whats your name?" "Mokuba." "Ok Mokuba. I'll see you later." "Bye!" Mokuba said. I walked to where I was going and someone caught my eye. It was Alex Carter! "Alex I missed you.We haven't spoken to each other scine l was in the hospital." She looked over to me and came forward. "Daimond? WOW YOU GOT SO BIG FROM WHEN YOU WHERE 13!" She picked me up and hugged me. "Yeah. *cough cough* You too." She put me down.She smiled and then my neckless set off. "Uh-oh! NO ALEX LET GO!" She let go at the last minute. To what she seen I was knocked out cold. But what I saw was tottaly different I seen me when I was 13 lying in a bed I floated to my body and merged with it. I woke up. "Dai. Are you ok." I nodded. I was wearing mint blue pants and a black shirt. I would have to say the weirdest thing happend. There was a fire colored aroa around me. "ALEX GET ME OUT OF THIS THING ITS BURNING ME!" But it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. But when it was gone I had flames on my pants and shirt. That day in the newspaper it said the Takamuto family house had been set on fire and the only thing they could find was...
the lifeless bodies of Mimi Takamuto and Haikua Takamuto. There daughter Daimond Muto was reported missing 2 days earlier. "Wait my last name is Muto! Then that mean they lied to me and that I was adopted." "Daimond? Are you ok?" "WHERE'S THE DAMN COMPUTER!?!?" "Be right back." she came back with my laptop. *tap tap tap tap* "Whatcha looking up?" "If I have any- AH-HA!" "What did you find?" "I have a brother named Yugi Muto. He gose to Domino Jr. High. Thats funny I go there to but I have never seen him." I closed the laptop. "Alex can you....." I never got to finish because I woke up in Alex's apartment. I sat up and saw her talking on the phone. "Yeah Ryou....yes Daimond is she hasn't woke up yet.... you'll be over in 3 minutes....ok....bye*click*" She walked over to me and sat on the bed and said "So you're awake." She stroked my hair. I smiled at her. In three minutes Ryou came busting through the doorand fell face frist "Hahahahaha!" Me and Alex laughed. I got off the bed and went to go pick up Ryou. "Hey your awake." "Yeah I have been." "She just woke up." Alex infromed him. Then I walked on home but I didn't know my way. Ryou came running for me "Hey Dai do you need some help?'' "Yeah." I smiled. He took my hand ran into the ally between the apartments to my surprise was a path that lead to Domino. Ryou with still grip of my left hand pulled me into the most closed off part of then stopped he pushed me into a tree. "Uh...Ryou what are you doing?" I asked blushing.He had his hands on the back of the tree and leaned into my head. I tryed pulling away. "Daimond we have agree on something." I looked down and said "What?" "I will let you go if you kiss me." By then I had noticed that it was no longer Ryou it was Bakura. "Never. Unless you want to consult with Nila." "Wha?!" I let Nila out." She looked at Bakura and grinned. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started makeing out with him. *YUCK!* He broke away after 3 minutes.*how did they breath?* "See ya later." Nila ran into the path to Domino. When she got out she gave me control. "What was that all about?"I yelled at her. Then Nila asked me "Well you wanted free? Right?" "You could of did it quicker." "Well it had to feel real." "Shut up." I walked home and saw Raina pelting rocks at the passing cars. Her brother was rideing by and she hit him smack dab in the face. He pulled into the park area and chased Raina. "Hey guys!" Raina stoped and ran for me. She stopped and hugged me so hard I couldn't breath I looked down at her. "Hey Daimond!" I tryed to say something but I couldn't. I started to think *Why can't I speak.* "Dai I don't why you can't talk." *What you can hear my thoughts!* "Your thoughts. Your voice and mind switched places." "Ew." Raina scremed. "Word wise stupid." *Hahaha!* "Who you laughing at mind mouth!" *HEY!* "Yeah don't mess with her or you will have to suffer my wrath!" My yami said in a transcluent sprit from. "Hey! Why can't Daimond talk." "I kissed Yami Bakura. So she has to kiss someone she loves." "Ok...she has to wha!" "Kiss some she loves." Nila repeated helplessly. "Who do you love Daimond?Oh yeah you love Yami Bakura.*cough-sult*" "No we hate him and his damn hikari." "Oh. Then who do you two love?" I looked at the ground and blushed. Nila eyes got huge like this(O.O) and blushed like crazy. We replied at the same time *You* "Your yami." "Wow well I'm gonna go home Marik." She stole his motorcycle and went home. "I will do anything for my love." His yami in sprit form blured into a transcluent figure. At the same times both of us kissed each other. When we broke away Yami Marik said "We should do this more often." Marik turned to him and gave him look like he was nuts( O.o)"Your kidding right." "Pervert." I whispered under my breath. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!" He yelled at me "I JUST CALLED YOU A PERVERT!" I yelled in confadince. I know if Marik wasn't holding him back I would be dead. "Well we have to go home." I told Marik. When I was walking home I heard Marik yell "WHERE IS MY MOTORCYCLE!" He saw Raina ride pass him and he chased the motorcycle. When I got home Yugi asked me "Daimond you left this morning and it is 7:00! Where have you been!?" I looked at him and said reallyquickly"wenttoalexsmadeoutwithyamibakura
lostmyvoiceandkissedmarik!" "Wha!?" He asked confused. I walked into my room.I heard Nila ask "He didn't know anything you said. Did he?" I looked at her and said "Nope!" I looked at the floor and asked "Nila, do you know anything about your ancient past becides your name?" She looked like she was trying to think and broke the silence "Sorry no." "Ok just wondering." I jumped out of my window and left the neckless at home.
I walked up every street in Domino City. Untill had no idea where I was. I heard a rustling noice and I saw faint figure in the darkness. As he came closer he said "I think you owe me something." He kneeled down to me and held my chin. My eyesight was kinda blury and I murmured "Yami Bakura?" He chukled "No. Guess agian." I looked up and he came into perfect view. It was Yami Marik. "Yami Marik what do I owe you?" He looked into my eyes and said "2 things guess." I thought "2 free trips to the pysatrist and pycward." He glared at me and growled "No. A apolagy and a kiss." I looked and said "I am sorry. Thats all I am gonna give you." He got angry and then and pulled me up and pushed me into the wall. Then he kissed me roughly. He let me go afterwards. His hikari got mad and came out. "Daimond are you Ok?" I got up and ran into him and hugged him. Then we saw another figure in the shadows. But this time I wasn't scared. Well I really didn't need to be. because it was Ryou.*^o^sigh* He looked mad "Marik what are you doing? Why is she crying?" Marik snapped at Ryou "She was hurt by my dark side. I am helping her." Ryou glared and frowned *this is the frist time i' ve seen ryou like this.* "I looks like your hurting her." I didn't want to say anything because I thought one of them would hurt me. I tryed to struggle up from Marik's grip witch got tighter as he got madder and Ryou wasn't helping. By then me and Marik were sitting on the floor. I was half way up and I yelped. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" I fell down into marik's lap again. "Told you, you were hurting her." I look at Marik he looked shocked and he was tearing. I snuggled into Marik's chest and whispered "I am ok. Don't listen to Re.....*faint*" I fainted and Marik screamed "DAIMOND!!! WAKE UP!!!" He shook me and Ryou laughted in his yami sort of way and guess who it was. His Yami. "Well good job." He said clamly than yelled "YOU KILLED HER! I wanted to."Marik ignored Yami Bakura and held on tightly to my unconius body. He was crying. I knew this because I could see everything in spirit form. I flew towards Marik and my body, and tapped on the millenium neckless. It sent out a blinding light and instead of my unconius body Nila was there. "Dead, Ha! Now thats funny." Nila walked up to Yami Bakura and put her hand on his face. "Such a preety face. It would be a shame for anything to happen to it." Yami Bakura grabed her around the waist. She smriked and said agian "Yes, yes it would." She steped back from his grip and put her hand behind her back and said "Close your eyes and you will get a big suprise." Yami Bakura gave her a strange look "What?" She got angered "Close em' before I sew them shut" He shut his eyes and Nila brang be her hand and yelled "SUPRISE!" She punched him right in the face. Marik looked at Nila in amazment. Then he glanced over to Yami Bakura and he looked shocked. Nila looked doen at him and her eyes got big and she truned around. She was blushing "Sorry I guess I don't know my own strangth." She was nevous a little embrassed. She walked up to Marik and slapped him "I hope your fucking yami felt that! The fucking little slut." Marik looked a little scared of Nila now. "Well lets get your bitch ass out of here." Marik stood up and told us "Follow me. We can go to my house." On the way back Nila fainted. Marik freaked out and went over to her and caught her. It was back to me. What starled me to wake up was his sigh of relef. "WHA!!" I yelled. I startled Marik and he dropped me. "OW!" He picked me up and put me on his back. He carried me back to his house. We got to his house, he snuck me into his room. He layed me on his bed and leaned over to me and whispered "Here you go. You can sleep here I will sleep somewhere else." I nodded. Marik walked over to his door and shut it. He crept over to the bedside and said "Can you turn over while I get undressed and into pajamas?" I turned on my other side. I heard his dresser draw open and closed it. I heard clothes move around then he spoke "You can turn back around." I turned and asked "Can you sleep with me? I'd feel more safe." He looked a little surprised and he answered "Uhh... Yeah sure. Why wouldn't you feel safe?" I turned on my back and said "Yami Bakura snuck into my room once. I wouldn't put it past him to come here." He smiled at me "Ok." He climbed into his bed with me. I layed on his chest and fell right asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night. A few seconds later I heard Marik's phone ring. So I got up from bed and answered it "Hello?" a creepy voice came forth "Hi this is death calling." I started to get scared "I'm in the house.....Daimond." *If you pay attiention to any of the scary movies if the killer knows your name. Your doomed.* The room started to get smaller and darker. I glanced over to Marik. He was bleeding from his stomach. "MARIK!!!" I started to cry. I spoke into the phone "What do you want?" I asked crying. He grinned "Your heart." I quickly turned around "AHHHHHHHH!!!" I sat up screaming. Marik woke up "Daimond are you ok?" I started to breath heavily. I finally sighed. Marik hugged me and said "It's ok." He stroked my hair. "It was just a nightmare. Ok? Now go back to bed." I nodded and layed back on Marik's chest. I fell asleep agian. In the morning I woke up and Marik had already gotten up. I stumbled out of bed and downstairs. Marik walked up to me and said "Morning sleepy-head." He kissed me on the head. I walked to the kitchen table "Mornin Mar-mar." I put my head on the table. I hit it hard "Ow." I said as I lifted my head. "Don't knock your self out." He said as he put a plate of eggs in front of me. When I was eating Marik asked "What happend last night when you screamed?" I lifted my egg-stuffed mouth face. I swallowed the egg and answered "Nightmare." Marik put his elbows on the table and Ishizu walked in. She hit him upside the head with a paper and said "Take you elbows off the table." She looked at me "Hi Daimond. What are you doing here?" I looked at her back "I spent the night. Marik said I could." She asked yet agian another question "Where'd you sleep?" I answered "Marik's bed." She glanced over to Marik "Where did you sleep?" I piped in "With me." Raina who had just entered said "That's sick." I heard more footsteps and some guy walked in to the kitchen he looked at Marik "Moring Marik, Good Morning Marik's friend, Morning Rains, Morning Ishizu." Ishzu said drying off her hands "Morning Odain." Marik looked up and said "Morning Odian." He looked at me "This is Odain, Daimond." I smiled up at him "Mornin!" Raina yawned "Hey Oder."
I looked at Raina "Morning Rain! What's up?" Raina collapsed on the floor. Ishizu picked her up "Raina what is wronge with you this monring?" Asked Ishizu. "Up chating all night with Bakura agian." She answered collapseing again. Ishizu got annoyed "Raina get up." She spread her arms and legs out on the floor. "Great." Marik stood up and walked over to Raina. He grabbed her by the hair and yelled " I will seriouly lock you in the basement if you do not get up Raina Ishtar!" Raina got scared and yelled "Yes Sir!" He finally let his sister stand up on her own. He walked back to the table and contiued eating. I asked "What do you mean Up chating all night with Bakura again?" Raina looked at me when she sat down with her eggs "Well I have been talking with him scince the day when we hung out." Later that day me and Marik and Yami Bakura plus Raina went to hang out. During that time my neckless set off. But this time we where all in Ancient Egpyt. Me and Raina were in the palace batheing room. We still had our linnen clothes on and we where playing in the water. Mahado walked into the room and covered his eyes. I got annoyed and said "Were sanitariy." He opened his eyes and walked to edge of the water. He looked into the water and said "Hey grils I am gonna bathe so can you go play somewhere else?" We nodded and got out. As we walked out of the batheing room the High Priest Seto was walking down the hall. He gave Raina a drity look "What are you doing here Yami?" She winked and answered "Just with Nila here." He scowled and walked off. When me and Yami where walking out of the palace. Mana came rinning up to us "Hey guys where is the Pharaoh?" We srugged and she smiled and thanked us. We headed out for the Oasis. At last we found it. Yami truned around. She started to walk backwards "Hey Nila how did you get that scar?" I looked at her and said "The King of Thieves carved it into my cheek. He said that he had scared me for life and I'd see him sometime soon." We walked into the Oasis and jumped in. After a while I heard someone coming. We threw water at him. I found out who it was. I pulled Yami under water she asked "Who is that?" I looked at her and said "The King Of Thieves." She looked confused "The King OF Teeths?" Before I could answer her question I ran out of breath. I poped on the surface breathing hevliy. I froze and then smiled nervosly and said "Hi King." He looked at me and laughed "Ha! Your the fool who I gave the scar to." Yami popped up out of the water and she said "The king of-" The thief cut her off "Thieves." Yami's eyes got big and she got out of the Oasis. She took his cloak.