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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
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Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Lotsa stuff to post about...
Well, I'm kinda overwhelmed, because I had half my history final on Thursday, with only a day's notice, then she changed the criteria that same day, so everyone was studying something new the entire day...and then I have the rest of it Monday...-_-'
After that, though, I'm done! No more work, no nothing! I graduate Wednesday, I have my end-of-year field trip to Dorney Park Thursday, and the last day of school is Friday, and I don't even know if I'm going...I probably will, just to say goodbye to everyone and mess around with the computer desktops...
Oh crap, I've only got 15 mins online...I better make this quick...
Well, my semi-formal is tomorrow night...I'm excited, but also a little anxious...oh, well, it'll be fun...
The only thing is, I just found out that the man who had been like a grandfather to me all my life is in the hospital...he had a series of mini-strokes, and is not responding to anyone...he can't seem to stay conscious for too long...I'm going to visit him tomorrow morning...but I don't think he's going to make mom suggested that I stay home so I don't get upset before the formal, but I'd feel terrible if he died before I could see him...and I'd feel even worse knowing that I didn't come see him, so...
Well, off these dismal notes...
Sorry I haven't posted in forever, I've been much busier than I expected, so please accept my deepest apologies...
I got the first Loveless DVD today from a friend...I watched it already...I love it so much! And I also got to watch the first episode of Full Moon Sagashite...I love those two mangas, and the animes are great, too!! I'd advise everyone to check them out! ^^
Well, I don't think I have enough time to do comments and questions, so let me just do this -
I already visited everyone, so I'll use up all my time online for this last post...I probably won't be able to post tomorrow because I'll be so busy, but I promise I'll try...I'm going to miss part of anime night again, but...I'll just tape it!
Here goes -
Thanks for the support about the play and the sympathy about the crown, everyone! *hugs you all* ^-^
Reno-sama - *glomps you* You're back! *tears* I was worried about you!
Onii-chan - Yes, your soda *laughs maniacally* ^^ *enjoys my 60 GB signatures party*
FlowerKiss - My 6/6/6 was disappointingly average...-_-' Well, thanks for the dentist and everything, I barely felt it! It took 5 mins, tops...speaking of, I'm running out of time here...
Magnus - Don't worry about misunderstanding the post, I fear I do it all the time ^.^' And no, I wasn't supposed to be chewing gum, but I love it too much to not chew it!! ^^'
Here's a question...sort of -
Does anyone know what this means? It's Italian, and it's the title of my favorite song -
Il Tengo Della Signora Francesco Di Bartolommeo Di Zanobi del Giocondo
That's all!
Take care!
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Umm...on second thought...
I'm thinking that I will do comments on comments today after all, because I think a few of you didn't understand a few things in my post and...I just want to X3
Magnus - I actually don't comment on fanart...^^' I've only commented on about 3 or 4 fanart, I usually comment on people's sites or updates on the main page... The projector came from the ceiling and shined on a screen...and my mom didn't go red, I did! It was a bit embarassing because it was in the middle of the store, so...^///^
Yami's Pharaohess - Yeah, I could use some luck ^^' And good luck making a comment longer than one of MY posts! ^^ I get the bike-to-skateboard-camp thing now...haha, I should've figured that out before now...^.^'
Onii-chan (Silvereagle - Isn't it great when you make comments that long? ^^ I'm glad to know I'm not alone in falling asleep to metal, I just thought I was weird...haha, I guess there are still a ton of things that support that theory, though, ne? ^.^'
*hides behind you* Thank you for protecting me from angry question-answerers! :) *watches you drink soda* ...-_- *steals it from you, drinks it* X3
Take care, everyone!
Comments (2) |
At Currine's again...
Hey, everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated since Sunday, I promise I meant to, but I didn't get the chance to here I am, updating...and I have good news -
60 GB SIGNATURES!! *throws a party, dances around, glomps everyone* X3
I am going to visit everyone after I post (I promise I'll try to keep it short)
So, in case you didn't notice, I took the music off, since no one could hear it anyway...I've noticed my site does load a lot faster, which I'm happy about...
Well, just waiting for this week to be over, because it's our last work week of school, and the semi-formal is on Saturday....I'm going to be so sad next week, though, because it's our last week, and I'm going to be BAWLING on graduation...I'm such a baby ^.^'
Well....I have to go to the dentist's again on Thursday because my temporary crown came off today when I was chewing gum ^^' It really hurt(s)...but it means I can't chew on that side for 2 days...and you know how it goes - when you know you're not supposed to, it makes it even harder not to....-_-'
But, anyway...
Nothing extraordinarily interesting happened today, other than the crown, which...wasn't that interesting...*ahem*
My play is tomorrow and then again on Friday, and I have a feeling it will suck, but....It's worth a shot...I think...
Okay, well, I'm about to rant, but...
I was told by Angel-chan (blacksphinx64) that there is indeed a second season of Hellsing...Currine and I are thrilled, because we are in love with it...but apparently, it's only available online...she said she found it on, but when we looked, we couldn't find it...maybe we didn't look hard enough, I don't know, but if any of you have a link to anything or know where we can find it (online, download, or DVD), I'd appreciate it if you could let me know (In a comment, because apparently the PMing system STILL isn't working...T-T)
I'll let that be the question for today...
I haven't looked at comments today, so I'm afraid we'll have to go without comments for this post...yeah, yeah, I know you all couldn't care less...-_-' I'm just gonna go visit everyone and the person who signed my 60th GB SIGNATURE! X3
Take care, everyone!
Comments (1) |
Sunday, June 4, 2006
I'm happy again!
Probably because I had Chinese food X3
The party was a lot of fun...we got to swim around in her pool (the fact that I cannot swim proved to be a bit of a hindrance...^^'), and we got to meet her adorable (and energetic!) ferret, Jitters...She has a movie theater in her basement, it's awesome...we watched "When a Stranger Calls," which wasn't as scary as I thought it would be...I was disappointed, becaus I wanted to be able to scream, but it was only squeak-worthy ^^ After that, we watched "Meet the Fockers" which was funny, but not as good as I expected...but still, it was fun. We watched Meet the Fockers until about 2:30 AM, then got her dad to turn off the projector and everything, because we didn't know how, then we went to sleep on her porch...(It's covered, haha, we didn't sleep outside...I don't think I could have ^^') It was really cold, and I had to share a blanket with one of my other friends becuase I forgot mine...we stayed up until about 4:30 AM, just talking...yeah, we're skilled like that ^^' Eventually, everyone drifted off to sleep except for me, my best friend (who I was sharing the blanket with), and one or two others, who just stayed quiet and listened to my friend and I ranting on and on ^^'
We eventually fell asleep to MCR (a metal/alternative band) - haha, again, we're talented like that...
This morning, after everyone changed and got ready, we were out on her deck and around the pool with her dogs (they can't come inside), and one of my friends has little chains on her pants...I sat down on the deck so the little dog could crawl into my lap, and my friend followed...haha...when she tried to get up, she discovered the chains were stuck inbetween the boards...she had to disattach them from her pants, because otherwise, she couldn't stand up, and we had to break the chains, because they wouldn't come out...I hooked them onto her zipper on her jacket afterwards...It was hilarious!
Wow, the post is getting long again...
I don't know how many of you saw me make comments about hating dresses....I think it was just Yami's Pharaohess, I could be wrong...anyway...
My semi-formal is June 10th, this upcoming Saturday, and I was still without an my mom and I went shopping for a shirt to go with my black slacks after she picked me up from the party...she kept telling me I'd be the only girl in pants, and I said I didn't care...but after searching the entire store and not finding a single shirt that would work well with them, I stumbled upon a black dress...well, I looked at it, and it wasn't that bad...then my mom found another one, a long, flowing, almost powder-blue dress...both fit nicely and, surprisingly, I liked them...we decided the blue one would be best for formal...but then my mom whispers "Every woman needs a little black dress" After flushing a shade of red that would've made an apple jealous, I agreed that I would like to have both, so we got them both...luckily, they were much, much cheaper than we expected, because we honestly don't have much of a budget...
And I know I've already lost all the guys who are reading this, because you probably couldn't care less...^^' Well, I'm just hoping I didn't bore the girls to death, too...>_>'
I finished the Cowboy Bebop movie Friday evening, and it was better than I expected! I loved it! All I need to watch now is Final Fantasy (yes, the same one I've had since Spring Break) and Saiyuki...but I need to get the case back from my friend...Those are the last 2 DVDs of my collection that I have not watched yet...and I need to get Hellsing back from Currine...I miss it! T-T I know, I'm pitiful XP
I've only got one thing that I'm not happy about...another friend of mine is very upset...her mother passed away let us all offer our sympathies to Angel-chan, a very good friend of mine.
Alright, just comments on comments and the question...I may not even do a question...but that's the only thing keeping everyone commenting, isn't it? -_-'
Alright, I got a grand total of 7 comments on my last post, which may be a record...X3 Thank you, everyone!
Sorry, I need to go off-track for a minute -
How on EARTH did I make Senior Otaku if Eagle-san, Magnus-san, and Evilguys-san didn't? I think they messed something up...
Okay -
Yami's Pharaohess - Riding your skateboard camp...? Isn't that redundant? (Sorry, I love that word! ^^) Glad you like the new theme, though, I do too...but I'd like it better if it was KUZE!! T-T
EvilGuysAreHot - EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP APOLOGIZING FOR NOT COMMENTING!! As long as everyone's safe and sound, I'm happy! As you could tell from the beginning of this post, we weren't in bed at that time XP
Eagle-san - Yeah, labels can be annoying sometimes, and when it gets down to it, the people that you care about are really what matters most, as well as their opinions...Do I really come across as preppy? And thanks for the help on the text boxes...^.^' It's such a shame, I used to know how to do it, too...*fallen* ^^'
FlowerKiss - I completely understand your feelings about GITS...I used to have such a hard time staying up for it, and when all they did was talk about boring and complicated stuff, I couldn't help myself...v.v' I'm such a bad fan...
Haha, I share the crazy nerd label, too, but EVERYONE knows me as that...although some of my friends know that I can be cool when I want to be...but usually, I'm just the crazy geek X3'
Magnus Lensherr - Haha, I love "Borrowing" parents' and friends' DVDs XD Yeah, I love being online early in the morning, because the few people that are on are probably as tired as you, and you can just rant endlessly to each other ^^' Or maybe that's just me...^^'
Question...*stretches* Aw, man, I'm so tired, but I hate taking naps in the middle of the day, becaue I feel like it's wasting the day...but I missed out on at least 4 hours of sleep, and I didn't get much sleep during the week, either...I need to figure out a questiioooon....I'm rantiiiiinnnnggg.....I'm slurring my wooooorrdss....
Ah...An easy one, because I'm lazy...
1 - What is/are your favorite color(s)? (Please don't beat me up, I'm too tired to defend myself! *yawns*)
2 - How old are you? Is this different from the age you act?
1 - I like silver...and gray, when I can't have silver...or maybe purple...or black...but mostly silver...*falls asleep*
2 - I am 13, but I like to think I act older than that...I'm usually mature, so...what do you guys think? (HAHA!! A hidden one!)
Well, that's all, I'm going to try to stay awake...*falls over* CAFFIENE!! MUST...HAVE...SODA...SINCE...I...DON'T LIKE...COFFEE!! *collapses*
Take care, my friends!
Comments (2) |
Saturday, June 3, 2006
It is 12:07 AM on Saturday...I'm posting this to say that I just finished the new theme...I still need to work on the font color...I'm using yellow, which I am only doing because it SHOULD stand out...I don't really like the color yellow but if it makes things easier to, I really need to learn how to put text boxes in like Lytjuh-san has...-_-' Who knows, it may not even be yellow, I have to see how it looks...but anyway...
Just read the last post...I'll be going to the party this afternoon, so...yeah, hope to talk to you all Sunday...who knows, I might be on later today...haha, this feels so weird, because technically it's Saturday, but...ah, well, I love the extremely early morning hours like these...for some reason, I find them peaceful, and...I just love them ^^
Well, there's a rant for everyone!
Read the last post!
Take care, everyone!
Comments (4) |
Friday, June 2, 2006
I feel oddly happy right now...I'm not sure why, but...^^
Well, I'm sorry for not posting since Tuesday, I've been very busy, and I'll probably be busy for most of tomorrow, too, since I'm going to my friend's birthday party/sleepover tomorrow. I'll have to record anime night again...*looks hopefully at JD Person* I'm assuming that was the last episode of Ghost in the Shell, but if it wasn't...could you fill me in? ^^
Well, thankfully I haven't had much HW this week...actually, I don't think I've had any...hmm...but anyway...
The rally was a success!! There were TONS of people there...the bill was passed! All it needs to do now is pass through appropriations and then through the governor...the governor may be a problem, because she's against our cause....-_- However, we're probably going to rally again in the summertime to convince her...besides the fact that it was SCORCHINGLY hot, I had a lot of fun...I was amazed to find that I actually had school spirit...^^' We even made the front page of the newspaper, and a few of my friends were interviewed, and they ended up on the news! It was great!
*takes a few deep breaths* Wow, I'm getting pretty excited about this...I hope I don't come across as preppy...? *scared* Oh, no...O-O
Well, it was just storming really bad over here, with really bright lightning and thunder that shook my entire house...but luckily the worst of it is over, and I didn't even lose power, which is a very good thing because it's really hot...*fans self with piece of paper*
I visited everyone who updated today or recently, which was almost everyone...I feel pretty good about that! ^^
Alright, can anyone find a picture of Kuze? I looked ALL OVER and I couldn't find ANYTHING!! T-T I'll just have to go with a basic Ghost in the Shell theme for now, but I'd really like a picture of Kuze...
Alright, I took off my music on Tuesday so my site doesn't take as long to load...right?
Speaking of music, I know I told you I'd stop, but I have a nwe band I like, and I love one of their songs...I listened to it for half an hour straight last night (I had it on repeat) It's called Il Tengo Della Signora Francesco Di Bartolommeo Di Zanobi del Giocondo...I think it's Italian, but I'm not sure what it means, if it means's by Forgive Durden, and I wanted to throw out some of my favorite lyrics from the song...
"I feel your heartbeat, your pasty hands shake...I'll be every breath your trembling lips taste...
I was born to do this dance, so follow my every step...I'll lead your careening hips, and slaughter your innocence...
I bite her neck, she begs "What's in your heart?"
Urges, I spill my thoughts, and volunteer nothing but liquid
I have got centuries of teachers before me
I can do anything
But I can't really do anything
You've been our guest tonight, but I dine alone...This can never be a home..."
That was pretty much the entire song...I left out a few lines, but...I love that song so much!!
Alright, well...
Comment on comment, then question, then I'm leaving...I'll probably just post tomorrow telling you guys to read this one, since no one will read this since I'm posting it at 11:30 PM...oh, crap, it's long again, isn't it? ^.^' Sorry...
FlowerKiss - Kuze-kun is Kuze from Ghost in the Shell...he DIED!! *sniffle*
For those of you that are still in school, what is your label? (Prep, punk, goth, nerd, etc?) Or do you have one? Are you a mizture? For those that aren't in school anymore, what were you? Or do you have a label in the workplace? Do you label yourself?
And...what label do I strike you guys as?
I personally think that I'm a bit of a nerd...I like to think I'm also somewhat emo, but...there are times when I am, and times when I'm not...I can also be the class clown sometimes ^^' On our social ladder at school (It differs by grades, and my grade dosen't usually see one group as higher than the other, but it's sort of an understanding) I'm in the middle...I'm best friends with someone who's rather high, and someone else who's at the same level as I am...I've got younger friends, and friends that are labeled as "Uncool" In other words, I'm friends with the losers and the popular ones...I pretty much am friends with whoever doesn't make fun of me ^^' And even some that do...^^'
Well, that's all for now, I'm going to change my theme and get an interesting avatar...
Take care, everyone!
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
This is what Currine said my face looked like when I found out Kuze died... ^^'
Long title...almost as long as my posts, ne? ^^'
Well, as you could probably tell from the title, I'm over here at Currine's now, and I will be every Tuesday from now until about August, so...
Thanks, JD Person, for telling me about Kuze-kun's death...I was almost in tears, ask Currine - *points to Currine, who nods*
Poor Kuze-kun...I'm going to change my theme to honor him, like I did Ed...I already kind of figured out that he was the guy with the origami cranes earlier on in the series...I don't remember how I knew it, but something just told me....anyway...
I'm not going to make this a very long post *hears collective sigh of relief from readers* -_-' since I'm with Currine, and there is time better spent riding 4-wheelers and such...or trying to, rather ^.^'
Just comments on comments, then I'm done - that's right, no question! I won't visit today, but I'll try tomorrow....yeah, just a reminder, tomorrow's the rally I told you all about earlier, and then after that, I have one last drama practice before our play on Friday...let me say that we are DOOMED!!
Well -
JD Person - I pretty much dedicated most of my post to your comment, so...thanks again for telling me...and the poor TATCHICOMAS!! (I know I probably spelled that wrong, but I'm grieving, so let me be! ^^)
Lytjuh-san - Glad to have you back, I've been wondering where you've been...but I see it's been that starving monster eating up your time, ne? ^^
Onii-chan (Eagle-san) - Right...the head...we should have figured that out, having watched all of Hellsing the previous night, but... ^^' Hurray for AIM!! ^^
Take care, everyone!
Comments (1) |
Monday, May 29, 2006
Again with that icon...
I am sunburnt again, folks!! It's not as bad as it could have been, though, which is a good thing...I forgot to put sunscreen on my neck, so that's where I burned the's not that bad, except for when I crane my neck to see something -_-'
Well, I was walking for 5 straight hours yesterday, but that and the sunburn was worth it, because we had a great time. We visited a few stores, I bought a T-shirt, and I spent $10 at the 3 arcades my friend and I went to. She bought our snack (Beach fries and beach lemonade, yummy X3) and I payed for the arcade. We also went to one of the theme parks on the boardwalk, with all the rides and everything, since she already had $100 worth of tickets from the last time she came, so we had fun there, too...Although we had to try 3 times to go on the bumper cars...the first time, one of the cars was smoking, which wasn't a good thing...then we got on, and they made us get off because they said there were too many cars active at once...then we finally got on and smashed into random people ^^ It was fun...
Although, at the arcade, we learned that we were both HORRIBLE shots...we played two shooting games, one of them was something about a government agency, kinda boring...the other was House of the Dead...they were both those covered ones with the speakers in the seats, where you have to shoot outide the game to friend couldn't figure it out, so she was freaking out because she couldn't shoot anything...I finally told her how to reload and she just laughed...she was cocking her gun sideways and trying to shoot still, but it wasn't working, so...
The House of the Dead game scared us to death, everything just kept popping up out of nowhere, and you had to shoot them like 4 times to kill them! In the end, we were just screaming and shooting pretty much anything that moved ^^'
We also did some motion simulator game, which was fun, because the seats moved and it felt like you were actually there, but the bottom half of the screen wasn't working properly, so we could only see half of what was happening...I think it was because it wasn't covered enough, so the sun damaged it. Oh, well, it was fun anyway.
I am also proud to announce that I think I've made another anime fan! I brought Hellsing over and we watched the entire thing on Saturday...and she loved it! I kept saying how awesome Alurcard was, and she just kept saying "You're so crazy, Tina..." heheh...In the beginning, she was like "He's okay" By the middle, she was saying "He's cool" By the 12th (second-to-last) episode, she goes "He is so awesome!" I gave her an evil grin, because I knew I'd converted her ^^ I let her borrow it, because she liked it so much...hopefully she'll give it back by the end of the week...she really got into it, she kept screaming and jumping, it was hilarious. In return, she had me watch Van Hellsing on the way to the was better than I expected, but there were some parts that were kinda predictable, and some of the dialogue was corny, but overall, it was pretty good.
Well, this post is certainly long...I'll only make it a bit longer, then I'll leave, I promise ^^'
I only got to watch part of anime night - I missed IGPX, Inuyasha, half of FMA, and anything after Eureka 7. However, I taped Zatch Bell and Naruto, so I'll watch them tonight...I really wanted to know what happened in Ghost in the Shell...Kuze and the Major, trapped under rubble together, what could be better? *sigh* I'll have to ask my friend if she saw it...I hope so...
If any of you know what happened, I'd love to hear it!
Okay, comments time!
I'll ask again, because I only got 2 responses, and neither answered the question in my second post - Is anyone on here a good graphic artist that is willing to help me make a quiz? - it will be on Escaflowne, in response to Evilguysarehot's question.
Okay -
Magnus - We did have fun, as you read ^.^ When I'm next to paper, I'm usually paler ^^'
Evilguysarehot - Don't worry about it, I'm glad to have you back again! Like I said above, I want it to be on Escaflowne - "Who is your Escaflowne guy?" I already have it up on quizilla, but I can make a few improvements and put it on theO if I have a graphic artist helping...*hint, hint* ^^'
Okay, just the question, then I'm leaving, I swear!
What to ask...I know! More than one, but at least they're simple -
1. Do any of you have pets? If so, how many and what kind?
2. Do any of you have siblings? If so, how many and what gender?
1 - I have a fat lazy female kitty named Jasmine, that's it ^^'
2 - I had a step-sister, but not anymore.
That's all now, so you can rest your eyes!
Take care!
Comments (2) |
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sorry about this...
I just wanted to ask if there were any good graphic artists that visit my site? Would any of you be willing to help me make a quiz? I've already figured out most of the quesions and everything, and I was going to start one today, but it said to needed to be a good graphic artist, and well...I'm not ^.^'
So if anyone would be willing to help me out? I would put in somewhere that you were entirely responsible for the result images.
Just wanted to know, thanks everyone!
Take care!
Comments (1) |
Hi again!
I need to come up with better titles, these are boring...
Well, I discovered that my plans have changed, because Currine (you all remember Currine, right? She posted on here for me once) called me late last night, so I'm spending about half the weekend with her, she invited me to go the beach with her, so I will not be able to get online...we'll be on the boardwalk, and she's planning on putting an inch-thick layer of suntan lotion on me...*shakes head* It won't work, all I might get is sunburn XP...It's been proven that it is impossible for me to tan...I have what my mom calls "Fair" skin...I say what's fair about it? I am pale, now and forever! Well, it's not that bad...^^
I might miss anime night, unless Currine lets me watch it in her room tonight...
Well, I visited everyone, and I'll have to keep this somewhat short (Yeah, right, it's already getting pretty lengthy!) because I need to shower, change, pack, etc...hehe, I was up until past 1 AM last night finishing up the tiny bit of HW I have, so I didn't have any time to do that stuff...If any of you have noticed, I've been procrastinating less...Don't get me wrong, I still do it, but I'm getting better at avoiding it. I'm so proud of myself, which doesn't happen very often!
Okay, comments time -
I'm going to combine the 3 comments from my last post and the one from the previous post.
Eagle-san - Thanks for commenting on boring posts ^^ And I'm just as happy that testing's over! The DVD story's pretty funny...I know that another one of my friends has done the same thing before...I laughed ^^
JD Person - Welcome back! I haven't seen you on here in a while, and I've missed you! Haha, well, I tried to get through my DVDs, but I could only manage to finish Ah! My Goddess :P I'll get to them SOME time or another! ^^'
FlowerKiss - 4 days...that's kinda cool, that we joined 4 days apart! Well, I plan on THOROUGHLY enjoying my 3-day weekend! ^^ You have a good time, too!
Okay, now for the question...
It's similar to a question I asked before, but it's different enough to work!
Are any of you attached? I already know Eagle-san and Lytjuh-san are, so they don't have to answer this. By attached, I mean involved in a romantic relationship.
I currently am single. I wish I could say I'm loving every minute of it, but that would be a lie, and I don't like to lie to people, haha....sure, being single has its perks, but sometimes it can be lonely. But I'm glad I have my friends and my onii-chans, they always make me feel better! ^^ Well, that's enough for now, I'll stop before I start ranting! ^^
Take care, everyone, and if I get on tomorrow at all, it will probably be very late, so accept my apologies in advance!
Take care, everyone!
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