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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
Member Since
Real Name
Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wow, I seem to be posting quite a few with that icon recently....
Ooh, long title ^^ Anyway, I know that not many of you will read this, since it's late Friday night, so I'll keep it relatively short *yeah right*...or at least try to.
First of all, I haven't been on recently because of HW and lack of time...but yesterday, I did buy Franz Ferdinand's "The Fallen" from iTunes - I love them, but I don't have the patience to buy the album off iTunes or the money to buy the actual CD online. I also ordered the Saiyuki Vol. 1 DVD off Amazon last night, so it should get here...Monday? Hopefully sooner, never know with this cheap shipping ^^' My friend got Volume 2 earlier, and we both watched it, and we were so impressed, we decided one of us had to buy the first volume - since she's been buying manga like crazy and letting me borrow them, and since she got Volume 2, I decided I'd treat us ^^ Luckily, I have quite a bit of money from grades and other various things...I had about $84 before I started buying things, and I think I have about $50 or so left - sorry, I can't translate that into Euros and everything else, I've no idea about the currencies...a vague idea about yen, but I don't think that'll be useful now ^^'
Hmm, well, about half of our filming was done today, but we kept forgetting our lines and cracking up on camera, and a few times our cell phones would go off during shooting, and we'd all just fall on the floor one point...*rubs back of head* I was trying to dodge the marker (this was on camera) my friend was drawing on my face with - she had to draw a mustache on me, long story...and so, as part of the script, I just keep talking, and she can't draw it properly, and she tells me to shut my mouth, and I stick my tongue out at her (that was improv...^^ I love improv(isation) so much X3) and so she draws a long line down the side of my face - I'm trying to pull away, and I'm sitting on a coffee table...ehehe...I fell off the coffee table, landed on my head, and rolled over, dying of friend tried so hard to pull the scene together, but she couldn't, everyone was cracking really hurt afterwards, was worth it, because we have it all on film...first you see my face, then you see my feet sticking up in the air...^^ Hilarious...haha
Well, lyric of the day will be from - you guessed it, Franz Ferdinand's "The Fallen"
"So they say, a troubled boy, just because he likes to destroy...all the things that bring the idiots joy, well...what's wrong with a little destruction?"
My friend and I love that line, we walked around school singing it for a week or more ^^ Yes, I'm just as random at school as I am here ^^
Hmm...well, no comments on comments, simply becuase I'm too lazy to bring the comments page up...sorry...
Question - about...ah, I know! How many of you have been involved in a (romantic) relationship. By this I mean going out, dating, etc. If you have, and you don't mind saying, how many?
For me, I've only been in one relationship like that, last year, and it hardly lasted a week, so...I don't really consider it a serious one, haha...
Well, that's all from me, I'll see if I can't post tomorrow - On Sunday, I don't know if I'll get the chance, since it's Mother's Day, and I'm taking my mummy out to breakfast...I wanna see if I can't sneak her a card and/or flowers, too, but I have no way of getting anywhere to buy one...hmm...I'll have to find a way! ^^
Take care, everyone!
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