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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
Member Since
Real Name
Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Sunday, June 11, 2006
*hugs everyone*
*tears* Aww, that was the most comments I've EVER gotten! Thank you all for your support and warm wishes! The formal was SO much fun...even though I didn't have a date, I ended up dancing with the guy I walked in was sort of embarassing when we walked in, because our theme was midnight in New York, so they had a red carpet and "paparazzi" (which were our teachers with cameras ^^'), and he and I just happened to walk in together, and they were getting pictures of everyone that walked in, but putting them in pairs...apparently, they thought we were dates, because they were like "Get close together, like you actually like each other!" and then my teacher put his arm around me ^///^
But anyway, he's a nice guy, so I didn't mind...hehe, Reno, I want to answer your comment right now: ^////^ Don't worry, I like you better! *hugs* X3 Yeah, I wish you could've been my date, too! Haha, and from now on, you shall also be onii-chan, since you requested it! ^^
I got a lot of compliments from people I don't even know about my dress, I was so happy! This girl I never talk to, and sort of don't like just came up to me out of nowhere when I was getting a straw and says "I'm sorry Tina, but I just wanted to tell you your dress is FABULOUS!" I kinda stood there in shock for a minute or so, then said "Uh, thanks, yours is really pretty, too!" That was nice, but a little strange! ^^
A lot of people said I looked like Cinderella, especially because I had the transparent shoes and the blue dress ^///^'
Oh, the highlight of the night was seeing everyone in dresses and tuxes doing the chicken dance!! XD It was hilarious ^^
Well, I went to see my grandfather yesterday, and I did end up crying, I walked out of the room with my cousin to cry for a minute, but then I felt better...I'm going to see him again today, so I don't have much time, but if I don't get to everyone's sites now, I will when I get back home, okay? Assuming my mom isn't working...
Well, thank you everyone, here's comments on comments -
Pharaohess-san - Haha, yes, Noah's ark would be useful now ^^' Hurray for always having ponytails!
Demon Dragon - DEMON-SAN!! YOU'RE BACK!! *hugs you* I've been worried to death about you!
That sucks about the separate schools thing...Well, hope you do get that social!
Onii-chan (Reno) - Haha, this is going to be confusing, with you and Eagle-san being onii-chan...I'm going to have to label you now... ^^
*blush* Don't worry, I didn't go out with anyone ^////^
EvilGuys - I'm one of your favorite people?? AWW!! *hugs you* Thanks for the consolation...yeah, sometimes it just takes a little time to adjust, and thank you!
Onii-chan (Eagle) - I hope you don't mind Reno-san being my onii-chan, too? I did have lotsa-lotsa-lotsa fun ^^ and we are his only family, even though we're not related...but our bond is deeper than blood
Magnus - Yeah...I'm thinking at the funeral I'll be a mess...thank you all for your consolation and support, it means a lot to me!
I have to go now, we're about to head out!
Take care, everyone! *hugs you all*
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