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myOtaku.com: setosgrl19

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

   Hi again!
I'm so sorry everyone, but I probably won't be able to visit anyone until Friday night! I'm so sorry! *bows* I only have 20 minutes on here to post, and I don't even know that I'll be able to comment on comments, but I promise I'll get to them soon, maybe next post - just one thing - Welcome back, Ruler of Destiny! I haven't seen you in a while, but I'm certainly glad to hear from you again! ^.^

All right, just a note - I don't know how many of you have noticed, but the PMing's started to work again! I got 2 PMs today (I was reading them in school X3') and I replied to them, and I got one response back tonight, so I know it's working...at least for me!
Well, let me make a suggestion - my friend from school, Clove, is new to theO, and I'm helping her out with her site, so it kinda sucks right now, because I had 15 mins in school to try to fix it up, and I can't do much with the school computers, so...pay her a visit, if you wouldn't mind? Her sn is innuLOVER, and I'm going to fix up her site soon...oh, and I'd be more than happy to help out the other person that asked me...I can't remember her sn right now, I'm sorry, but she knows who she is :)

Oh, just a random thing - I was standing outside my bus on Monday, and I heard a guy in my grade walk by, and he and his friend were talking about formal, and I heard him whisper to his friend, "Oh yeah, and she was hot, too..." as they walked past...^///^ That's definitely a first for me...I don't know if he was kidding and trying to make me hear him, because he's sort of a friend of mine...but still, it was a change for me...

Graduation is tomorrow night, so as of then, I will be a freshman! But it's going to me so sad and nostalgic...Friday's my last day of school, and I'll be saying goodbye to everyone...I'll probably post before then, because I have about an hour between when I get home and when I have to leave for graduation, so...Again, I can't seem to cry right now, but I know I will at graduation, and probably tomorrow during the day, too...we're not doing anything, we get a free field trip to the park all day tomorrow, just to mess around and goof off...no dress code, no work...X3 So happy...and Thurday, we have a field trip to Dorney Park...I want to go on Hydra, my friends and I were watching the POV video, and it looks so great!! I can't go on hardly any water rides, though, because a lot of them say you have to be able to swim to go on them, and...I can't...*tear* My friend said she'll jump in and save me...or maybe there will be a good-looking lifeguard...? X3 Just kidding!

I'm going a bit off-topic...(Since when do I ever stay on-subject? ^^) But I just wanted to tell you all how much I value you...no, really! I'm going to have to say goodbye to a lot of people very dear to me very soon, and I'm realizing how much all my friends and our friendship means to me...and my onii-chans, too! *hugs Eagle-san and Reno-san* A lot of you are like family to me, because I hear from you so often, and I really appreciate everyone visiting me and talking to me. So thank you all...for everything. *hugs everyone*

Take care!

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