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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
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Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hellsing and Voice Actors!!
I'm going to do an actual rant today!! XP
But first, I want to thank everyone for commenting...8 COMMENTS!! and 65 GB signatures...*sniffle* I feel so loved!!
I'm going to try to put the formal pics up ASAP, but this site is giving me a problem...-_-
Okay, JD Person, I know you're always talking about Crispin Freeman, and I never knew who he was until I was watching my Hellsing DVD last night, and I was looking over the credits...he's Alucard-sama's VA!! So now I adore him, too! ^^ I don't know what other work he does, but I'm certainly going to look into it...
Another one of my favorite English VA's is Eric Stuart, the voice of Seto Kaiba in YGO, and Brock and James in Pokemon. His voice is just so cool!! X3 And I like how he can distort it a bit to sound completely different, but still cool!! Hurray for great VA's, am I right, everyone? ^^ Without them, all anime would sound like the Escaflowne movie!! ^.^ I love the movie, the music and artwork is great, and it's got pretty much everything a good anime needs, but...the English VA's SUCK on there...hardly any feeling at all, especially Hitomi...-_- Paul Dobson is the only thing saving it from sucking extraordinarily badly...he plays Folken-sama, and I don't think they could have cast a better role...he seems to do well with evil guys - he dose Naraku-sama on Inuyasha, as well...his voice just seems to suit evil guys better, but it's still awesome!! *sees EvilGuys-san drooling at the mention of hot evil guys* ^^' Paul Dobson's brother is also in Escaflowne, but he plays a minor role, so...their voices sounds quite different...but they're both very deep
Okay, onto the Hellsing part of this rant...
In the very first scene in the very first episode, something has me confused...the first episode, the third episode, and the last episode are my favorites...oh, and when Walter becomes the "Angel of..." Well, for those that haven't seen it, I won't ruin it for you.
Okay, like I was saying...
Who is the vampire there? I understand that the woman is, because she turned to dust when Alucard-sama shoots her, and he aims for her, because he shoots her in the middle of the head, but...the guy...something doesn't seem right...he ran away as soon as Alucard-sama mentioned ghouls and such, and he mutters "Vampire" when he sees the woman turned to dust....but how would he know about ghouls or vampires unless he was a vampire himself? Most people outside of Hellsing think of vampires as fairy tales, and very few know their characteristics...and those that do are members of the Vatican or other specialized would some random guy know that a vamipre turns to dust when shot with a silver bullet? And his eyes are pink...that's one of the vampiric colors...Alucard-sama's are orange, Seras' are red, the Valentine Bros. are is obviously somewhere in the middle there...
And did anyone notice that in the first episode, Alucard-sama is left-handed, but in the rest, he's right-handed? In the first episode, he uses his right arm to steady his left hand, which is firing the gun...but in the next episode, he fires with his right hand...what's going on? Maybe he can use both...?
Hmm...well, okay, that rant just proved that I have way too much time on my hands and I read way too much into things sometimes ^.^'
Eheh, I know this post is long, but it's about to double in size because of all these comments I have to comment on...but I don't mind writing it, as long as you guys don't mind reading it! ^^
I want to thank all of you for your warm wishes and comforting words, reading these comments always makes me feel a lot better, no matter what the situation is...I'm very happy, because I know I have good friends here that care about me! *hugs all of you* X3
Magnus-san - Yeah, health-related things seem to be my specialty this week...except for the donuts X3 Thanks for trying to sort out the picture thing, but everyone beat you to the punch, it seems XP
SKF-san - *glomps you* You're back!! I was worried you were angry with me or something...And yeah, I understand that mini-rant about not getting sleep for classes...*sigh* I've had to do it, too...*shakes head* Thanks for the help, I think I'll use imageshack, since my Parental Controls won't let me on photobucket T-T
Pharaohess-san - Hurray for donuts!! Donut-buddies!! X3 Yeah, that's what it's called, the grandfather's in there now
JD Person-san - I'm really sorry to hear about your dog, I hope it wasn't too hard for you
Onii-chan - Yeah. no babysitting yesterday!! Hurray!! ^^ Yeah, I had a dentist like that once....except, he didn't know what he was doing and he was kinda cruel...I had him when I was really young, though...
*hugs you* Aww, don't be sad, onii-chan!! I'll see if I can catch you on AIM, I haven't talked to you in RealTime in forever!! ^^
EvilGuys-san - No, no, my mom isn't pushing me into anything, she always makes it perfectly clear that if I don't want to go, I don't have to, but I want to be there to help her out....I don't think she can do it alone...last time I went to the hospital with her, she thanked me a lot for staying with her, because I could've gone to the family waiting room, but I stayed there with her...It feels good to help her out, even when it's nothing really major...I think I can handle it, but I know she can't if she's on her see, she was much closer to him than I was
FlowerKiss-san - Yeah, I read that in your post today, that your brother kicked you out of your room...stupid meanie brothers :P I'm sorry about your grandfather...compared to everyone else, my little problem seems trivial here...I'm sorry, please don't be upset.
Lytjuh-san - Hi there! Haven't heard from you in a while! You got the first comment, hurray! X3 We can try to keep each other awake, since we're both exhausted...hehe, yeah, I just woke up, and after about 10 mins, I turned on the CPU and got online XP Hurray for having no life! ^.^'
Well, here's a question for everyone -
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or neither? I know that Lytjuh-san has a thing for fishies ^^
I personally love's just a thing I have...I love dogs, too, because they tend to be more affectionate, but cats are usually quieter, and I do believe that MOST of them are smarter...yes, believe me, I've seen a few stupid cats before XP But I usually prefer male cats, because they're less moody and much more affectionate than female cats...I currently have my grumpy FEMALE cat...-_-
Oh, and one more thing - I don't know how many of you have tried it, but can everyone try to visit InnuLOVER? She's a good friend of mine, and a good person...I think you'd all like her if you got to know her ^^
Take care!
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