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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
Member Since
Real Name
Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
This post shouldn't be too long, since I am EXTREMELY BUSY!! I've created a new e-mail, and I need to delete the one I have now as soon as I finish moving everything around...and I have to fix up J's site...I have another friend on here, SweetNNasty, she's also new, but she seems to be doing well for herself, so....if you'd visit her, I'd appreciate it....yeah, I know, you're all already visiting InnuLOVER, and I REALLY appreciate it *hugs all of you* If you have time, check her out! Thanks!
Alright, I sent an e-mail to onii-chan, but I don't know if it went through, so here's my new IM - baratatsu - please, if any of you want to add me, feel free to!
I already got blood drawn this morning...I'm such a wimp, I kept shivering through the whole thing and for about 10 minutes afterward, too....>->' It hurts to move my arm now...T-T
Gahh, I hate being this overwhelmed with stuff all the's better than having nothing to do, but all the same...Sometimes I try to balance too much and I screw up, so.....
Well, I'm glad that I have possibly persuaded onii-chan and Lytjuh-san to get me, you guys would not regret it, it's an amazing series...the animation gets a little shady towards the middle, but overall, it's worth every penny ^^
Comments -
Onii-chan - I wish I could catch you on IM, but you never seem to be on when I am anymore!! Yeah, I know, that could've been my longest post yet! And here, let me persuade you....*stares at you* .......GO BUY HELLSING FOR YOU AND LYJUH-SAN!!! ......*smile*
Ruler Of Destiny-san - That's it, I'm visiting you, beacuse you're always commenting on my posts, but I can never catch yours!! Grr!! And thanks for telling me what else he does, I'll have to check it out....
Lytjuh-san - Don't worry about long comments, I like reading them ^.^ Np about subbed, I watch a lot of that too....
FlowerKiss-san - haha, well then, I'm guessing you wouldn't know about Escaflowne's VA's, having fallen asleep XP
No question today, I've gotta hurry and get off....
Talk to you all later!
Take care!
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