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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
Member Since
Real Name
Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Not much from me today...
Hehe, every time I say that, I still have huge posts...XP
But I really don't have much to announce, nothing really interesting has happened or is going to happen soon, to my knowledge. Then again, something could come up out of the blue as soon as I get offline, but then I guess I'll post about that later. I won't be on tomorrow probably since I'm going over to Jade's house for the entire day. We're going to hole up in her room and play video games, watch anime, and read manga. I love going over to her house, because that's usually all I really ever want to do, but she has a lot more resources to work Xbox, a PS2, a laptop, and cable and a DVD player in her room...she's also got a ton of manga...I have more anime than she does, but she's seen all of my anime already ^^
I'm a little disappointed, I really wanted to go to an anime convention this summer, but I just checked all the summer conventions posted so far, and there are none remotely near us...the closest is in Connecticut, but I don't think Jade's mom would be willing to drive that far, even if my mom let me go...which she probably wouldn't...hopefully, there will be one near us in early August? That would be the IDEAL birthday present (My birthday is August 10)
Well, maybe onii-chan and Lytjuh-san will tell me what the anime-con was like so I can pretend I was there XP
Okay, comments and a question, then I'm going to visit sites and comment on some fanart and articles...maybe e-cards...I need to get more comments on my profile XP
Onii-chan - Yeah, I don't understand it either...Well, have fun with your friend, onii-chan, and thanks for being there at the funeral...sort of ^^
Magnus-san - Oh, yes, please feel free to say whatever you like about me, much worse names were running through my mind...^.^' I really have no idea what they're doing...yeah, I aced my standardized test in math, but I failed the test that would determine where I am in the math class in my HS. I really hope there was some mistake...
J - I don't even remember what comment it was ^.^' Yeah, the challenge test determines what math course I'll be taking, and I landed in "Math 1". I'm gonna e-mail Mr. Witty and ask him to talk to them, and see if he can talk them into at least letting me be in Algebra 1 again...I know my mathematics, but I'm willing to re-take Algebra 1...but not MATH! Oh, yeah, I know it's hard! Even though I'm in Phase 5, the lowest class in unacceptable to me, I won't allow myself to do that badly. Phase 5 is honors, but it's a very low course....
Okay, question...
I'll do a few, to make things interesting, and to make you all have to comment more XP Sorry, don't kill me >->'
1 - Who is your favorite anime character of all time? (Whoa, where are these questions coming from?)
2 - Do you have a lucky number? If so, what is it?
3 - (Magnus-san, I will love you forever if you let me borrow this question ^.^') If you didn't know what age I am, what age would you guess I am from having talked to me and read my posts, etc?
4 - How do you feel about me having this many questions every day?
1 - Well, I'm obsessing over Alucard-sama right now, so I'd say him *glomps Alucard-sama* X3
2 - Yeah, I think 19 is my lucky number...
3 - Eheh, I can't really answer this, now can I?
4 - I don't have a problem posting this many, if you guys don't have a problem answering them!
Well, take care, everyone!
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