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myOtaku.com: setosgrl19

Sunday, July 9, 2006

   *stretches, yawns* I am SO ready for today...*falls asleep*
Hehe, I made the mistake of staying up late last night - all the way until 2:30 AM. However, I don't regret it, since I would have missed Inuyasha otherwise...I can't believe they moved it all the way to 2 AM!!! THE VERY END!! I'm surprised I was able to stay up for so long, normally I can barely stay awake through Ghost in the Shell, which is almost 2 hrs before that...but ah well ^-^ It was good, I just hope they take Futurama off Saturday nights...I've got nothing against the show, but it's not anime, and Saturday night's always been anime night. But I've got a hunch they're keeping it there, maybe not at that time slot, but on Saturday nights, since they showed the first episode...Aww...and they moved IGPX...I actually like that show, and it's harder for me to catch shows on Friday night, so I don't know what I'm gonna do...my mom doesn't even like me staying up until midnight on Saturdays, but she just doesn't know about it, because I'm downstairs...Hmm...well, if worse comes to worst, I'll just record it every week...oh, crap, I can't, my mom's VCR is the only one that can record, and she's always watching TV...T-T I have to figure something out....*lost in thought*

Oh, yeah....
I did end up going to Clove's party, it was a lot of fun. She even got me into the pool...lucky for me, it was only 4 ft (Did I mention that I can't swim?) But it was FREEZING! It took us about 10 minutes to get fully in the pool, because we couldn't believe how cold it was...
Well, other than being in the pool, we watched Howl's Moving Castle (It was my first time seeing it), and I loved it!! Everyone was right, Howl is hot ^///^ I actually think I prefer him with the black hair, though...but he looked funny with the red hair...kinda like Reno from Final Fantasy XP
The version Clove had was one that was recorded straight from its showing in a theater in Japan, so it was in Japanese (with subtitles), but it was hilarious, because you could see silhouettes of people's heads when they got up and moved...we were laughing for half the movie, because we kept seeing people's heads....XD

Well, other than that, nothing really to report...no plans...I'm going to be alllll aloooone for most of this week...T-T

Grr...my birthday's next month...August 10th...and I'm not entirely sure of all I want...
I know a few things:
iTunes gift cards
The Hellsing OVA (which comes out a couple of weeks after my birthday, and will undoubtedly be extremely expensive...T-T)
More Loveless anime
Hellsing manga
and these are things I KNOW I won't get, but hey, I got an iPod for Christmas from my grandmother, because when she asked what I want for Christmas, I said jokingly "an iPod?" and she got me the newest one on the market XP

PS2 or Nintendo DS? =3

Okay, comments ^-^

Pharaohess-san - Hehe, you missed a question, but that's okay ^-^ I'm flattered that you think my theme is cool and fancy X3 Yours is cool, I want to figure out how to make mine move, too...is it just to put a .Gif image as the bg? Somehow, I think there's something more to it...^.^'

hottceresmaiden - Welcome to my site! ^-^ I love the Loveless opening theme, too! Aw, there's another to my list *scribbles hastily on a long sheet of paper* =3 I dunno if that counts as HTML, but it certainly counts for something...I can't seem to do it on mine...*tries* It's CTRL+3, right? Grrr...it's not doing anything...
Nope, you haven't made a fool of yourself, trust me, I've done worse before, and besides, here, we're all friends, so nothing you do will be counted against you ^-^

EvilGuys-san - Aw, you almost had it!! I love Mr. Brightside, too, but I've never heard Phantom of the Opera songs, so....^.^'

Onii-chan - Aww, it's hard to read? If I bolded it, would that help any? Let me know, so I know to do it. And I don't think I can tell even you onii-chan....Like I said, it's a secret! ^.~

Okay, I only have time for one question right now, because my mom wants to get online, but I'll be back on to visit everyone, okay?


What is your favorite quote? Is there any specific philosophy or saying you live by?


My favorite quote is....hmm...there are a lot I can't remember the exact words to, but I remember the one I live by: "What does not kill us makes us stronger" I cling to that, and I believe it with all my heart - I've gone through a lot of hard times, and I've become all the stronger for it! ^-^

Take care everyone!

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